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Posts posted by LetsStartTalking

  1. 12 hours ago, Kromm said:

    I wonder if tomorrow in the show we will hear about "Q-on" and the perils of pretending you've never heard of what everyone (including yourself) has been talking about for months?

    Or as Whoopie likes to call it : "Kwan".

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  2. 21 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I didn't understand what Ana was talking about when she said 'bubbles'. My Canadian radio station played a half hour interview with Cicely Tyson a few days before she died on the show 'q, and then played excerpts from it for the three days following her death and the host, a white guy called Tom Powers, seemed pretty broken up over her death. I couldn't understand how someone could not know about her, but maybe it's about which bubble you're in after all. 

    As I said a few times earlier - she was trying to stir up racism when it just wasn't there. At least not with Tyson's book release and death. There's plenty of racism out there for her to use as an example during her interview that day - this wasn't one of them.

    I'm sure if it was Hasslebeck or McCain saying what she did, they would've caught hell for it. They wouldn't be excused believing it was 'her experience'.

    If anything, the most disturbing part of her 'bubble' was that for someone who has been pushing to shop neighborhood businesses, and avoid on-line retailers since the pandemic started, why did she shop for the book 'on-line' first and later turn to her neighborhood bookstore ?


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  3. 1 hour ago, After7Only said:


    Her point was that we can't end racism if we stay in our parallel bubbles.  A lot of racism is based on ignorance.    She used Ms. Tyson's death as an example.   Cicely Tyson is a legend for a variety of reasons different from Cloris Leachman or Dustin Diamond (shudder... that his name is even in this discussion).   Those reasons go beyond her just being Black.   Not being aware of those reasons is an example of the bubble Anna referred to.   

    Where exactly is the ignorance in Ms Tyson's death that she's referring to ? From the fact that she was reading tributes only from her black friends and black celebrities ? From the 'white and Hispanic neighborhood' not buying out her book ? From the fact that the cashier and her errand girl were not aware of the reason(s) the book was suddenly selling so fast ? Those were the three (rather lame) points she brought up.

    As I said, we don't have to look too far to see racism in this world. Trying to make something out of Tyson's death was not one of them (IMO).

    BTW, Cloris Leachman is a legend for a variety of reasons different from Tyson. No one has brought her up yet. (And I agree about Diamond, but he did have his fans among the show's demographics - I'm sure Sara is one of the SBTB fans).

    Also, the well-respected legend Hal Holbrook died a few weeks ago, and his death was publicized yesterday. Not a word from the panel. I guess Leachman's and Holbrook's death were 'less important' than Tyson's.

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  4. 11 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

    I think what Ana was trying to say is that we live in two different worlds in this country if you are talking about the Black/White dynamic. Cicely Tyson's death is not going to have the same resonance for the dominant culture as she would in the Black community.  We live in a country where the default is White and straight to the exclusion of others.  Ana was not saying that people are racists she was saying that if you are not part of the dominant culture you are not seen like Cicely Tyson a Black actress and an icon who just died. It is why the cashier at the bookstore in the White neighborhood was baffled on why people wanted to buy Cicely Tyson's book.  

    I wish she was trying to say that, but it didn't come across that way at all.  Her last question was 'How do we fight racism?' She tied everything in concerning Tyson's book with racism. It was appalling.

  5. 11 hours ago, Axie said:

    Did they ever mention Cloris Leachman?  I can understand Hal Holbrook because that just happened and Dustin Diamond wasn't exactly in the same league as the other three, but did they ever mention Cloris Leachman?

    I don't mean for this to sound like Dustin Diamond's life didn't matter, just that he wasn't the huge star the others were.

    As I said in my post above - no, they have not. And she is tied with Julia Louis Dreyfuss as winning the most Emmys, and has won an Oscar. She's been on Broadway, as well. And not a mention of her - all the attention has been on Tyson for some reason.

    And as I mentioned above - no, Diamond is not in the league of award winning actors. However, the fact that he was part of the 90s culture, a fan favorite of SBTB, and died so quickly and so young certainly deserves some kind of recognition.

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  6. I guess I'm the odd one out, because I didn't like Ana's topic on Cisley Tyson at all. I watched the Ana / Dr. Kendi question at least a dozen times, and still can't understand why she was making this a case of racism:


     She said she was following the tributes to Cicely Tyson (upon Tyson's death last week), but the beautiful tributes were all from black people - celebrities and friends - on Twitter. She claimed 'very few' were from 'non-black' people.  

    Stop right there - did she count all the tributes to Oscar and multi-Emmy winner actress Cloris Leachman that same week ? Did she count the number of 'non-white' friends and celebrities who paid tribute to her ?  Dis she notice they were mostly from white people ?

    Because of this she decided she had to buy her autobiography - which was released just 48 hours before her death (Ana doesn't mention this part).  The first place she goes to buy the book is on-line, and the book is sold out everywhere on-line. Isn't she one of the hosts who - for the past year - has been pushing to shop small businesses during the pandemic ? As a matter of fact she is, and she came to the realization that there's a bookstore in her town of mostly 'white and Hispanic', so she called her local bookstore and "sure enough they had it". 

    Stop right there -  what exactly is she implying that the bookstore in a predominantly white and Hispanic neighborhood 'sure enough' had the book in stock ?  That white and Hispanic people weren't buying the book ? (This is exactly what she's suggesting). Can it be maybe all her white and Hispanic neighbors bought the book on-line before she did, and that's why it's sold out everywhere ? Maybe an on-line purchase was their option as much as it was hers, and therefore the local small-business bookstore had it in stock ?  Who is she suggesting is the on-line customer who is buying out Amazon and other on-line retailers ?

    So she sends someone to the bookstore to pick up the book for her, and the cashier asked "What the hell is going on with this book that everyone's calling up wanting this book?" so Ana's errand girl turned around and asked Ana the same question. 

    Perhaps neither one of them heard the news that the author of that book had died within 48 hours of the book, within 48-72 hours of her last live interviews (which is publicity in itself) and therefore the circumstances led to the spike in interest which in fact led to the spike in sales. That's rather feasible and very logical.

    No, Ana didn't see it that way. Logic and feasibility escaped her. But racism didn't...


    She asked Dr, Kendi:

    "It struck me that we live in parallel universes sometimes, and we don't even realize we live in parallel universes. So if that's the case, how do we cross over so that we can fight racism?" 


    Yes, Ana jumped to the conclusion that because Tyson had few tributes from her 'non-white friends and celebrities' on Twitter, because Tyson's book was sold out on Amazon and other on-line retailers but not at the local bookstore (being crushed by on-line retailers) , the fact that the cashier and her errand girl were surprised by the uptick in sales of the book are all facts of RACISM ? 

    Sorry Ana - there are (unfortunately) millions of cases in this country you can use as examples of racism, and discuss with Dr. Kindi. It's everywhere, and more prevalent than ever over the past four years. Your trying to make Tyson's tributes and level of 'in-stock books' in a white neighborhood bookstore is not one of them, so don't try to make it one.


    Speaking of Tyson, they have done quite a beautiful job on the show the past two days of memorializing her.  So why no mention of Cloris Leachman, who won an Oscar and ties with Julia Louis Dreyfuss for most Emmy wins by an actress, and died two days before Tyson? Why no mention of 95 year old actor Hal Holbrook, who's death on January 23 was announced this morning ? Doesn't his Oscar nod and numerous Emmy Awards qualify for a mention ?  And then there's actor Dustin Diamond, who passed yesterday at the young age of 44 from stage 4 lung cancer which he was diagnosed with two weeks ago. No mention of him ?


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  7. 1 hour ago, ifionlyknew said:

    Maybe I'm wrong but I don't ever recall a senator complaining about a vice president giving  an interview to a media outlet in their home state without telling them first.   This is a Joe Manchin problem not a Kamala Harris problem.  And frankly I'm disappointed in Joy for not seeing that.

    We have no idea what has transpired between state senators and VPs in the past when this has occurred. For all we know, there could have been very good communication between the VP and Senator, and this was not an issue.  Who knows ?

    All we know for sure is that in this case, there was no communication between the two, and the Senator was upset. I don't blame him. Harris didn't need 'his permission' by any means, but a courtesy call to his office to let them know what was scheduled would've been respectful.

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  8. DIgesting today...

    Within minutes of starting 'Hot Topics', my local ABC station decided to cut in with a 'weather alert' to let us know we're getting a major snow storm (thanks, we all must've missed the past100 alerts on every TV station since Saturday night) and told us the preparations a neighboring state - not our state ! - is taking during the storm. Again, this is what they pre-empted the first ten minutes of the show with (why couldn't they save this for the Anthony Anderson interview, which I FF on my DVR anyway ?).  When they returned to the show, they did the Tyson memorial which kicked off Black History Month, as I called it this weekend.

    I skipped the AA interview, since they never ever bring up HIS past (especially with the #MeToo movement, but that's getting off-topic so Google it) and then we came to Kamala Harris and the WV Senator, I have to agree with both McCain and Joy - they're right. It doesn't matter 'who's boss', it's a matter of mutual respect, which goes both ways. He should have at least gotten a heads up from Harris on what she was planning on doing. Courtesy goes a long way - and as Joy and MM said, the dems need him.

    So then it was the moment I was waiting for all weekend - Oprah's View Your Deal ! I can buy more readers and fake glasses (because the ones from last week they pedaled are out of style, I guess) and I can buy exotic teas and form-fitting tees!!!

    BTW, if Adam Glassman has any more Botox and chemical peels done to his face, he will be all set for the high school prom !

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  9. I hope she has to issue an apology to Eric S. on Monday (2/1) and explain her deleted tweet, too. Both are TOO BIG to ignore. Imagine if someone targeted her beloved dad as 'sleeping with a spy' when in actuality, he was 'targeted' and never had relations with the spy ? She'd sue everyone involved.

    • Love 13
  10. Here's what I've been saying for weeks now, since Meghan returned:


    A spokesperson for ABC told us McCain has nothing to worry about now that Goldston’s out. “This is ridiculous. This combo of co-hosts has ‘The View’ delivering our best numbers in seven years,” they said, “Meghan is a valued member of the team and no one is talking about any changes to the table.”

    And here is what is happening to GMA since Sara and the others left the show:

    “GMA3: What You Need to Know”    

    ABC’s “GMA3: What You Need to Know” averaged 1.830 million Total Viewers, 286,000 Women 25-54 and 208,000 Women 18-49, during the week of Jan 11, 2021, based on Live + Same Day Data from Nielsen Media Research. 

    “GMA3: What You Need to Know” posted double-digit gains in the time-slot year to year in Total Viewers (+18% - 1.830 million vs. 1.548 million), Women 25-54 (+13% - 286,000 vs, 254,000) and Women 18-49 (+11% - 208,000 vs, 187,000).

    Season to date, “GMA3: What You Need to Know” is improving its time slot compared to the same point last season in Total Viewers (+17% - 1.730 million vs. 1.474 million), Women 25-54 (+8% - 288,000 vs. 266,000) and Women 18-49 (+7% - 203,000 vs. 190,000).

  11. On 1/30/2021 at 9:49 AM, Cementhead said:


    This is some serious bullshit right here!!  So, let me get this straight, the dear woman dies on Thursday and the very next day, Ana wasn't 'allowed' to speak of it because Miss TGIF who takes every Friday off wasn't there and only *she* is allowed to speak of it?  On Monday?  4 days later?  This is fucked up and it's the little things like this that tell me ALL I need to know about Whoopi Goldberg. 

    Oh, and Ana doesn't even work on Mondays, so that was her only chance to say something about it!  GRRR

    The only thing I can think of is that a memorial to Tyson by Goldberg on Monday, Feb 1, will kick off their annual 'Black History Month' celebration. I'm assuming they must've had a meeting Thursday after the news of Tyson, and Whoopi (or someone else) may have said to revamp their kick-off on Monday, and do a special tribute to Tyson (let's count the times Whoopi uses the word 'amazing' to describe Tyson: 'an amazing woman', and 'amazing actress', and 'amazing American', etc.). 


    The others will share their thoughts about Tyson:  Sunny will say she knew her personally - she was very good friends with 'Miss Tyson'. Joy will then mention 'Sounder' and 'Roots', Meghan will bring up Daddy McCain, and Sarah will tell us she has a gay brother.

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  12. Ana made a big mistake as the show was closing today, and she wanted to pay tribute to Cicley Tyson who passed away yesterday. As soon as she cut in with it, Joy quickly shut her up to say 'We're going to save that for Monday with Whoopi'. I guess Ana didn't get the memo ? I knew something was up when they didn't mention it in the beginning (though they didn't mention Cloris Leachman's passing yesterday on the show).


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  13. And we're off to the races within the first five minutes of the show ! MeAgain is certainly a delight. (Though she did make the most sense).

    In a wise move, they gave Sara a soft-ball question about 'what's happening in the Republican Party ?' instead of going back to the GameStop / stock market topic, probably knowing she'd be a completely out of her league trying to answer that.

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  14. Digesting today's show, which I watched on my DVR:

    1. I celebrated two birthdays during MeAgain's rant in the opening Hot Topic about coal and clean energy.

    2. Whoopi still can't pronounce Q-Anon. She insists on calling it Kwan-in.

    3. Between MeAgain, Wendy Williams and Bevy Smith on our TVs this week, one can only guess Greta Monahan has a special 'Feel Good Friday View Your Deal' for XXL big-breasted women. Between Wendy and Bevy, this show should have gotten a stern 'MA' rating on this week's episodes - 'for mature audiences only'.

    4. Sara Haines and her little pink top with little lace collar was brought to us today by Hallmark Cards.

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  15. 23 minutes ago, Axie said:

    Count me in, too.  I didn't understand why Naval people in NY were special to her, but, whatever.

    WOW ! With every post,  I feel even less stoopid ! Keep it coming, View-ers ! 😄

    • LOL 1
  16. On 1/23/2021 at 8:28 PM, RealHousewife said:

    Nicole's awesome! I wasn't able to watch The View as consistently when she was on, but I am a big fan of hers on MSNBC. She is definitely too talented and classy to be on a show with so much petty drama, thanks to you know who.

    When Wallace was on, she was sitting with Whoopi, Rosie Perez and Rosie O'Donnell. Everyone thought there would be tension between Rosie O and Wallace, but the real tension was between Whoopi and Rosie. Wallace and Perez just sat there, most of the time, watching the volleyball game. Neither one of them fit in, and neither one of them seemed to care,  so it was no surprise to see them cut from the show. (It only got worse when O'Donnell left mid-season, and Raven took over for Rosie).

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  17. On 1/26/2021 at 7:00 AM, Haleth said:

    I haven't seen much of Mike Schmitt on Nicolle's show lately so I was wondering if they broke up.  Probably not a good idea to date someone you work with professionally.  However I would make an exception for Nick Confessore and his dreamy blue eyes.

    I hadn't realized until recently Wallace divorced her husband, whom she used to talk about (in a good way) on 'The View'.


    As far as Confessore - eww. He looks like Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller.

  18. 1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

    Me, too. LOL I was like, "Naval NY?" It must be a thing.

    Thank God it's not just me ! LOL !

    As far as MeAgain wallowing over the discarded masks, maybe she can set up a Senator and Presidential Nominee John McCain Mask Foundation and take in mask collections to balance out all the masks she had to toss because of Dr. Fauci ?



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  19. 11 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

    When I saw her shirt, I knew that there would be problems with the fraternity.  She is not a Q Dog and she wore their colors and symbol.  As a Black woman she should have known better and I am surprised that Sunny did not tell her to not wear it . Isn't Sunny a Delta?  I am surprised Sunny did not defend her bros.. 

    I had no idea what the controversy was until I Googled it yesterday, shortly after Whoopi opened the show with it. I had no idea what was on her sweater, what the symbols meant. All I knew was that I thought Whoopi looked pretty well-dressed for a change when she wore the sweater on Tuesday.

    As for MeAgain, I forgot all about Navalny. I thought she was showing her patriotism (once again) and had a shirt that said NAVAL NY - saluting the navy in some way. 🤣  Overall, I'm glad the cohosts ignored it. It must have really shaken her tree to be ignored.

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  20. 4 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    This was the case with both Abby and Sara (the first time she left). Neither needed this show and didn't have to put up with it, so jumped ship. Sara came back after ABC's attempt to extend GMA a third hour failed.

    I'm not sure where you're getting this info about Sara.

    When she was interviewed late last summer about her return to the show, she had said she never wanted to leave the show in the first place. She said she loved being part of the show, and never wanted to leave. She had to leave because ABC assigned her to 'GMA 3' and she had no choice in the matter (being an ABC employee). In the interview she seemed to be rather happy that GMA3 failed, because ABC put her back on 'The View'.

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