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Posts posted by LetsStartTalking

  1. 7 hours ago, UpTooLate said:

    At first I thought they were taking the extra time to wait for Sharon to step away, but then I realized she is a combative personality who will never step away voluntarily. I think @LetsStartTalking is correct, that they are negotiating an exit strategy for Sharon.

    Funny that it's The View that is always in the headlines for the co-hosts being at odds, and now we read all this awful stuff, including racial and homophobic slurs, at The Talk.


    The difference with 'The View' is that they are genuine, and for that reason they always rebound quickly. They have their arguments, they have their shouting matches, but they come back to the table with respect for one another. All their former hosts have been back to the show as guests, no hard feelings to past hosts (something former hosts of 'The Talk' haven't done.)  After 24 seasons, the show has never gone on a week 'hiatus' to 'investigate' the behavior of their hosts. I've never heard Rosie O'Donnell accuse her former colleagues of making disparaging comments against her sexual preference, I've never heard any of their women of color complain that their white colleagues were racist, I've never heard Lisa Ling accuse any colleague on the show of calling her 'wonton' or 'slanty eyes'. 

    The hosts at The Talk and their relationships are not genuine - anyone can see through the veil that they're all 'besties' and have each other's backs. They can laugh and air-kiss on another all they want in their seats, but it's been obvious for a long time it's very toxic behind the scenes.


    At this point, I wonder if the show will return at all. It's no secret that it has nose-dived in the ratings, and is the least-watched show in daytime television for 2020-21.  It may not cost CBS much money to produce, but with their low ratings, it's not making CBS much money either. At this point, they should put it out of it's misery and throw something else up there. They should take a lesson from ABC, which canceled 'Strahan, Sara and KeKe' a year ago, and quickly turned ratings around with 'What You Need to Know' which has been an improvement in the ratings.


    Here's the latest on 'The Talk', which is looking uglier every day:


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  2. So more accusations of racist comments against Chen from Osbourne, and now the show is on 'hiatus' until the 23rd, while CBS 'investigates' further ?

    I say there is no investigation, but a 'negotiation' . The top brass is most likely negotiating an exit strategy to get rid of Osbourne with her lawyers, and a settlement to go with it.  They thought they could negotiate her exit over the weekend, but they announced Sunday afternoon it would take till Tuesday (today). Negotiations failed, so they need more time.

    If the show comes back, I doubt Osbourne will be a part of it. She will use the excuse she's 'wanting to spend more time with her family and work on other projects'. If they can't work out a reasonable negotiation with her, then they cancel the show - and no payments to the cast (they're now all unemployed).

    • Love 8
  3. 14 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

    I think Joy was talking about the next gubernatorial election if a Republican were to win.

    That's what I thought at first, but she clearly said "appointed" a few times. She never said "voted in".  There's a big difference between the two. Again, I'm surprised no one - especially Hostin - didn't correct her on how the system actually works.

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  4. AN interesting show today...

    First, Joy epressed her concern about if Cuomo resigns and a Republican will be appointed to take his place. Appointed by whom?

    If Cuomo was to resign, his Lt. Governor Hochul (a well-liked Democrat) would take his place. How come no one corrected Joy on this one - not even Sunny ?


    Yes, I picked up Whoopi throwing shade at Sharon when she commented that Sen Ron Johnson doesn't hide his racism. Kudos to Whoopie!

    No, Don Lemon is not Catholic so I don't know why Meganutz asked him about the Pope blessing a gay marriage. I remember when Whitney Houston died, he covered the funeral for CNN, which was held at a Baptist church. Lemon was a great host, and as he said - he's Baptist so he was able to explain the ceremony to the audience. (However, maybe his partner is Catholic?)

    Lastly, at the end of 'View Your Deal', maybe Gretta and Sara can do the viewing audience a favor and close with a 'half price deal' from Legal Zoom so viewers can declare bankruptcy after they buy all that crap they peddled today.  At this point, that would be the BEST deal for VIEWers. 

    • LOL 2
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  5. 13 hours ago, Axie said:

    From the posts on Instagram, Ana and Don Lemon are great friends.  Too bad she won’t be there.

    Joy Behar is great friends with Lemon as well. Before the pandemic, they did a lot of socializing according to both of them (she used to have him over for dinner frequently).

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  6. This is the best thing that could've happened to the show in 11 seasons, while they sit at the very bottom of the ratings. People are actually 'discussing' them and the media is actually 'reporting' on any them. Too bad SNL wasn't live this weekend - maybe they would've done a segment on them.  However, if this doesn't draw in more permanent viewers and lift them out of the ratings basement, nothing can save this God-awful show.

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  7. On 3/10/2021 at 6:45 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes-

    First (2021)-

    $123,000 Lego Mini-figure Dispute?!-Plaintiff Casey Millerick suing LEGO seller Beth Jones,  for the LEGO parts she sold him.   Plaintiff said plastic storage container was supposed to be 200 lbs. of LEGO parts, for $800,  but only weighted 70 lbs.  Defendant says that plaintiff tried to sell the parts online for more than their value ($123,000).  Plaintiff collects the little LEGO figures that come in the LEGO sets, one or two per Lego set.  Plaintiff bought the Lego pieces from defendant, and the litigants carried it to his car.    Then plaintiff weighed the box, and texted the defendant about the missing 130 lbs.  Plaintiff had every chance to weight them at defendant's house, or could have picked out the figures out of the LEGO box, because he didn't want the LEGO pieces, just the little mini-figures.  

    Plaintiff paid $800 for the LEGO tub.   Plaintiff has had the LEGO set for over a month, so as JJ says, who knows if he picked out what he wanted to keep?  Plaintiff said defendant failed to offer a refund, or anything else.  Plaintiff also didn't try to get a better deal from defendant, by bargaining the price down. 

    Then the bombshell from defendant, that plaintiff has been trying to sell the LEGO figures on Ebay for $123,000, and plaintiff confirms some came from the box he bought from defendant.

    JJ says $300 to plaintiff would be fair.  However, JJ also says it was up to plaintiff to weigh the box.

    Plaintiff case dismissed. 


    Since when is the onus on the buyer to make sure the product weight is correct ?

    If I buy a gallon of milk at the store for $3.99 (as the sign says in their refrigerator) and when I get home - before opening the secured lid - I realize it's not a full gallon, but a little more than half a gallon when I weigh it ,  it's my fault for not weighing this at the supermarket before purchasing? From now on, should we have every cashier at the market weigh every product before ringing us up to make sure it matches what's on the container ?

    The woman sold 200 pounds of Legos for $800. That's $4 per pound. It came out to 70 pounds which equals $280. She owes him $520. Its' that simple. It doesn't matter what he did with the product afterwards - whether he melted it all down or sold each piece for six figures - the deal was $800 for 200 pounds, end of story.  She sold it BY THE POUND, not by 'the container' nor 'the collection'. She's at fault.

    Shout out to cute Casey Millerick - he can play with my legos at any time!



    While the Car Owner is Away (2021)- Plaintiff  Jasmine Farr suing defendant Troy Blake for racking up tickets on her car when she was out of state, and defendants were using her car.  Defendant says two of plaintiff's friends were also driving the car, and had tickets too.   Plaintiff leased car to friend and pay expenses (insurance, etc) for $330 a month for friend, and another friend (this turns out to be Troy, the defendant) would be the only drivers.   Friend of friend wanted defendant to take over the payments on the car, which went from month-to-month, to week-by-week.    When plaintiff got back in August, (contract with defendant is dated 4 April), she discovered that there were a lot of tickets on the car.  From 4 April to 4 May there were tickets by defendant$249    However all of the tickets, plus late fees, add up to $1269.  After 4 May car went to $75 a week through August, when plaintiff returned.    April to May there were 4 tickets, May to August there were 3 tickets.   

    JJ tells defendant that he can sue the witness (one of the other drivers), for her portion of the tickets (However, the ticket money comes out of the award pool, so defendant isn't out any money).    Defendant witness keeps chiming in, and yelling in court.   Witness claims he saw Britney (plaintiff's witness, and another driver of the car) driving in July.  

    $630 to plaintiff.   JJ tells plaintiff to sue Brittany for the other $630.

    Another cute 'bad boy' on Judge Judy. I love these guys with such undeserved arrogance.

    • Love 2
  8. 20 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

    Has the talk ever gotten this much attention? The ladies are everywhere on the internet and on television. The execs behind the scenes must be happy because ratings and attention translates to money. Sadly in our society that is all that matters..

    The answer to your question is NEVER.  After 11 seasons, this show has hardly made a blip on any pop culture radar, since no one ever paid attention to it. This is the most coverage they've ever received, for better or for worse. Let's see if it does anything for their ratings (they are currently the least-watched daytime television show for 2020-21).

    • Love 4
  9. 16 hours ago, deirdra said:

    In the 1970s when I read about her or saw her on talk shows, she was slightly older than me, but I'm 66 now and she claims to be 65.  It is possible that she added a couple of years and got a fake ID when she was young and is actually 65 now; but if she is really 67, she cheated herself out of 2 years of Medicare!

    Whoopi wasn't around doing interviews or appearing on talk shows in the 1970s.

    She didn't start her career as a comic until 1983 when she starred in her one-woman comedy show in small venues across the country in 1983-84, when she was in her late 20s. That's when director Mike Nichols discovered her, and brought her one-woman show to Broadway a year later, from October 1984 - March 1985. That's when Goldberg started gaining traction with the press, and caught the eye of Speilberg who was beginning production on 'The Color Purple'. She had a red-hot movie career from 1985-1990.

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  10. 2 hours ago, bannana said:

    Meanwhile, in other MeAgain idiocy today, she cited a poll that shows that 41% of Repubs say they would not get vaccinated.


    Considering Republicans only make up 25% of the American voters, this 41% she's quoting only makes up 10.25% of American voters. Why even bring this up ?  10.25% is a rather insignificant number when you look at the whole.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

    Did anyone else notice what SO was wearing yesterday?  Baggy jeans & blazer ... as if she went to work but didn't intend to stay.  The first time she read off the teleprompter was like it was new to her & she blew it (like she hadn't seen the text before)!!  Just sayin'!!!


    Yesterday's show was one of the most awkward on television in recent history. Sharon should've taken the day off, and next week, too. The white-knuckle tension between her, Sheryl and Elaine was more than evident while they tried to keep smiles plastered on their faces.

    • Love 5
  12. I am so glad this week is over. I couldn't take any more of Sara,  Sunny and Whoopi's guffawing and cackling at everything Arsenio, Eddie Murphy and Wesley Snipes said. Not to mention their faux praise of their disaster of a movie 'Coming 2 America'. The way they praised this film this week has me wondering if they saw the same movie I - and the rest of the world - did. From all the reviews I've read from critics and viewers alike, no one esle has shared their enthusiasm for this movie.

    • Love 8
  13. Another week of 'eh' guests. Wonder how McCain will react to Don Lemon's appearance ?


    Of course the best news is 'View Your Deal' on Monday....more toiletries, more recycled straws, more reading glasses and sunglasses...

    • LOL 5
  14. 2 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    Well I don’t like Sharon and I don’t personally know if she is actually racist but she did have some good points after viewing the last two shows. I don’t remember,  but was anyone attacking Jodie Foster for being racist  or anti Semitic  when she steadfastly stood by her friend Mel Gibson years ago?


    I'm not sure about Jodie Foster, but they were viciously attacking Whoopi Goldberg for standing by Gibson (including her cohosts on 'The View' years after it happened).  Goldberg got over it.

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  15. I'm pretty positive that they did this distant 'floor shot' (birds-eye-view) so the cameras moved away from Osbourne, as we would be able to read her lips even though they bleeped her cursing out.  Remember - this show (like most live shows) are on a seven-second delay, so that way the producers can 'bleep' out curse words and change camera angles before the viewing audience catches it.


    As for Kloots, I understand what everyone is saying about her wanting to 'de-escalate' the situation, but it really wasn't her job or Elaine's.  Sheryl and Sharon needed to have that argument and finish their thoughts / defense. I'd love to know what was said during the commercial breaks.

    Speaking of the commercial breaks - they were extra long yesterday. I counted the first break between the two segments (when Sheryl and Sharon were crying) there was a six minute block of commercials, and the second break was a six minute block. There was another seven minute block at the end before Underwood signed off - and no sign of the other cast members, which means Osbourne must've left as soon as the Vanderpunp  interview was over. She wasn't sticking around.

  16. That episode didn't go as 'Mrs. O' planned. I doubt she'll be returning to the show tomorrow or any time soon. She just may pull a Rosie.

    I loved how she seethed when Elaine said "I don't think you are a racist" with 100% doubt in her voice and the emphasis on 'think'. I was hoping she would finish with 'but I know you are a racist'.

    If that Kloots idiot just shut up instead of interjecting about being 'a royalist', we would certainly have seen this escalate even further between the other three.

    One thing is for certain - Underwood and Elaine best be looking for new jobs if Osborne finishes out this season. Otherwise they will get Marie Osmonded.

    • Love 4
  17. 6 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

    I'm sure the Firm had a paternity test done on Harry as soon as the rumors started way back in the 80s. And I'm disappointed in Joy for even bringing it up.  

    Perhaps, but it doesn't mean they were made public - I'm glad Joy brought this up.

    • Love 8
  18. 2 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Oh God, Joy, don’t bring up those stupid rumors about Harry’s paternity. It’s just so insulting on so many levels.

    Joy has voiced what I have believed all along.

    • Love 7
  19. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    Why are they talking about Dr Seuss again?  Between this and the Meghan Markle talk I feel like it’s Groundhog Day. 

    Honestly, it's been a nice reprieve from COVID / MASKS/ VACCINATIONS / DR FAUCI / ETC. which we've been listening to for the past year.

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  20. 4 hours ago, ForumLou said:

    Was this on one of MM out days?  For once i would have welcomed her line of questioning.  Unless she's a fan.  Don't know which side she would fall on

    No, they were promoting 'FlavorTown Kitchens' and had him as a guest on Friday. MM had nothing but praise for his food as she stuffed her face, and even held up the bag which the food was delivered in for everyone to see. She, too, went on and on about what a great service this is and how delicious the food was which got delivered to her before the show aired.  All five hosts were praising him and his business.

    Now I'm sure they are all well aware of the criticism he has received from the small restaurant owners in each city he's opening in - stealing their livelihood during a pandemic. Definitely taking advantage of the situation, and definitely a quick 'cash grab' on his end, not caring about which restaurants fail.  I hope viewers of the show do their research before they buy into this shady deal.

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  21. Not only is there deserved criticism of his 'money grab' in every city (and putting small restaurant owners out of business) but the reviews of his pop-up kitchens have been horrible. Most people complain the prices are high, and the quality and presentation of food is horrible.  I'm sure what you get delivered to your door is quite different than what we saw the ladies eat on 'The View'.

    • Love 3
  22. 17 hours ago, deirdra said:

    And Wesley Snipes on a third day of The View devoted to the movie. Is it as cringeworthy as the first Coming 2 America?

    Wow - I completely missed Snipes from the schedule this week. The movie is drowning in bad reviews, so it's going to be rather interesting to watch these three - on three different days - try to save this disaster. If anything, they should have been scheduled for last week - before the movie and bad reviews came out.  (The only bright spot in the movie was comedian / actor Jermaine Fowler, who is absolutely adorable and sexy).

    I just watched the 1988 original a few weeks ago. It was never my favorite movie (not by a long shot) but it was indeed a fun comedy that had a plenty of laughs. What made it so entertaining was the humor came naturally, and unexpectedly.  Not with the sequel - the humor is forced, and the laughs are sparse.

    That said, I can't wait for Whoopi, Sunny and Sara to fawn all over these three and praise this movie. Joy will smirk, and MeAgain will keep her frozen face and we can sit back and enjoy.

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