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Kayz Opinion

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Everything posted by Kayz Opinion

  1. I agree, Scarlett45, but I think his "first" family might consider him morally corrupt. He's at least morally suspect. He did a lot of shady things--probably cost a lot of people a lot of money until he hooked up with TLC ... and for awhile thereafter. I think Annie is a fabulous human, but I would never trust (or hang out) with David.
  2. I don't think the actual word should matter; the cause should be more important. People can choose what bothers them and what they can let go--and why let four little letters control any feelings? Of course, we KNOW when someone is trying to hurt or insult us; rise above it. "Stick and stones," should work for us, no matter how "horrific" someone thinks a particular word is. These days most of us are using rude slang with abandon--words we would NEVER have uttered thirty years ago.
  3. Sounded like she STILL IS the cutest girl...at least in that entire beach town. I never "got" Evilyn from the beginning, although there were some pretty good photos of her standing on various cliffs/rocks when Cory was first visiting. She just wants to stay on Televisión ecuatoriana.
  4. I've been considering that too. Rachel and Someone Other Guy's Baby should just move to England to be with John. Oh, wait! There would be no more television appearances--no more TLC income--no more (probably) free travel to England.
  5. Depends on one's point of view. Jenna WANTED Adam and she was relentless ... to the point of being a crazy person. She was annoying to watch and I hope she's NOT invited back for another season. Adam? I don't care. Just let him cook. Neither one of them is a prize.
  6. ...and which box will be safest for the baby to sleep in--on the floor.
  7. There were no drugs found. The search was amateurish under unprofessional circumstances.
  8. Did anyone really examine that "Gold Bond Powder"?
  9. She talks on TV and if she loses that job, how does she suffer? Embarrassment...and she'll make excuses about that. That's it! She has never known the feeling of deciding to pay the light bill or get groceries...and all those other stories hand-to-mouth people live all their lives.
  10. We can't start judging the slang of other countries. We probably have many words that bother those in foreign places. The "C" and "T" words are commonly used in UK and I stopped feeling insulted years ago. YEARS!
  11. Every ship is different. Every captain is different Every "superior" is different. Jenna was definitely DIFFERENT. I don't think anyone could please her...not even Adam.
  12. The only "direction" I noticed was criticism when they weren't doing things the way Jenna wanted them done...but she hadn't given specific enough directions/ instructions/guidance. WHY isn't there a manual? Maybe things will get cleared up on the reunion (Tell-All) show.
  13. It's feasible. Medical professionals are trying to find time to go back and look at hospital records. Others are looking into autopsies...even exhumations.
  14. ...and lip "enhancements"--pitiful lip deformities.
  15. Is she really a "crackpot," or just a free spirit who appears to be smart and entertaining?
  16. If Ashley isn't smart enough to check about Mauritania+passports, maybe she'll stumble upon your comment. Of course Ash (no prize) should check into Ashley's background and health also. What a couple.
  17. I think she knows asparagus is "related" to bamboo.
  18. This isn't a fair assessment; I was hoping for more Ciara support here. People in my area (Phoenix AZ) die of heatstroke every year. It comes on abruptly...even to those accustomed to working in the sun/heat. On the ocean, it's magnified. I didn't see her crying and whining. She said she felt ill. Awful? Didn't get that at all. I am surprised that a pale redhead (as I am) even considers working on the ocean. Skin Cancer here she comes!
  19. I either missed this scene...or saw a different episode. Did Glen REALLY tell Jenna that Madison said anything? Anything?
  20. I hope this is true. Does anyone know if she has another job? Does anyone know when the "TELL ALL" (aka Reunion) will be?
  21. But she gets full props for pulling off a "romantic" date in a sweat suit. Ahhh...the better to get more nice clothes/things/money from him, my dear. She needs to reinforce her story that she's poverty-stricken and has so little to wear. This millionaire-former-pro-bowler will believe ANYTHING Lana says (via a Translate app)!
  22. And now, Ladies and Gents...for his claim that he's a millionaire.
  23. For me, that hotel toilet looked much cleaner (MUCH!) than the bathroom "facilities" Usman showed BabyGirl at his place--probably more sanitary than anything the family has at home. The toilet was spotless, and I doubt if Queen Lisa would have agreed had it been otherwise. My assumption is that it's easier to wash one's feet in a toilet and one's face and hands in a sink.
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