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Kayz Opinion

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Everything posted by Kayz Opinion

  1. WOW! You people are tough. I can't see Lana's teeth as "jacked-up" in any way. The only correction I'd suggest is some whitening.
  2. YEAH! And if he IS a millionaire, couldn't he afford a better fake? This is $47.50 on QVC...of course there's S&H.
  3. Yes but none of that is an excuse for how he treated a younger than his daughter, empoverished single mother. I hope my comment didn't read as an excuse. He's a broken person who doesn't know how to treat anyone. It's obvious that he was cruel to "Rose." Word on the street is that he has been begging to be in showbiz forever and pulling various antics. Finally, TLC bit.
  4. Ohhhh! Was he supposed to notice anything about her in person? He remembers only those long/beautiful/MANICURED nails she posted on the various websites. He simply imagined they were hers when he (finally) looked into her eyes.
  5. The "on TV" stuff is probably new to her, but I think this guy is a lifelong clown. He was probably bullied all his life, but can't learn the best ways to present himself. He also seems to have an "I know best" attitude about everything. Can't wait to see him on the "Tell All." JERK!
  6. Now that you mention it...I don't think you mean't "physically" unattractive, but if we watch their "growth," each started out as a cute guy--and neither still is. Guess we need spines to keep us lookin' good.
  7. Apparently Dr. Dubrow's most recent cosmetic surgeon isn't a fan. His face...EGAD! But wait! That mug is beginning to match his cruel/bullying/unfunny personality. His worst shtick yet was his imitation of an Asian martial arts character.
  8. I agree. For some reason there's a requirement to insult the viewers in the name of edutainment. 100% The doctors need some focus groups to learn what parts of their show are so distasteful. Nassif seems so nice and professional--very appealing. I don't understand how he can stand to be in this partnership. Dubrow is the only person who thinks he's funny. He's so desperate, he's getting creepier. I'll post the next thing Dubrow comment separately.
  9. Awww....I don't see that at all. I think he's a sweet guy with some severe anger problems (so...not really safe). I also don't see him as bright enough to pull off a caper.
  10. And of course her wimpy weasel of a husband didn't give her a warning or even a suggestion that she "might" want to bring a friend/sister/mother/bodyguard.
  11. That woman has BALLS! It's only going to be worse when she's "back home." Too bad the Nigerians aren't a suspicious people. I'd love to hear a private investigator's report into Baby Girl's background. I crack up (silently) every time the camera has a close-up of her "flirty" ways with Usman. Close to creepy. I'm embarrassed for her lack of self-awareness. And while I'm being snotty: THAT HAIR !!! AND...does she have any money or property? Debts?
  12. Which "two unrelated people"? The two women who work together in tight quarters? Remember: the scenes of their sewing masks--and are probably more "together" than most of the couples on this show. Or do you mean the two who have the bet, "loser dyes his/her hair pink/purple"? Since they've never been socially distant, the practice wouldn't help them either. IMHO
  13. Because she has a mother whose antics have already caused an older child to live with her father? Because Lucy gets no attention at home from a whiny "poor me" crybaby whose main J-O-B seems to be bringing her Karaoke Buddy to America? A kid has to resort so SOMETHING to get attention. And what do we think will happen if "Daddy" and Mom have HIS baby (sorely wanted by his family)? Who get the attention then?
  14. I read it. Poor guy. Didn't seem to have any other life or accomplishments except for "caring for" this relative and that relative, and this relative. At least those who wrote on his obituary page said nice things...called him a legend. RIP, Joseph.
  15. Not literally...but there may have been times during those years she wanted to get pregnant. She had "feminine" difficulties that caused her to see a specialist who told her she probably could NOT get pregnant. Was there a tantrum in New Mexico when she had to leave THOSE toys behind? Maybe there's an easy way to explain her "lucky" situation.
  16. There's not enough time in the world...especially after watching all the recent iterations of 90Day. And...of course, I probably don't care enough. THANKS!
  17. I just can't. I try to get through at least 20min of this show but I just can't. I come here first and comments intrigue me, so I try to watch...say, like this about Sunny. Couldn't bear to wade through the dreck. Pitiful.
  18. Thanks, MamaDrama. I had no clue. Guess I need to spend more time on this TLC stuff.
  19. I think that's her hair ... and her personality is fun for me. Betsey Johnson's hairstyles have probably helped...rather than hurt. .
  20. OY! I agree about Drunk Darcey, Famewhore Jesse...but I must have missed Tom's pretense. What was that?
  21. And I enjoy hearing Anny because she's 100% genuine/honest. I loved how she handled Bryson's invading grandmother.
  22. I wish most of them (I exclude Joy) had better interview skills.
  23. Exactly, and to pronounce there were "no drugs" because the captain didn't find them is simply naive. I didn't even think of it from your angle, MaryMary. Pretty pretty good!
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