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Kayz Opinion

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Everything posted by Kayz Opinion

  1. Surely it will be something more to his family. Religious, recognized, and binding. What other reason would there be for "requiring" another wedding before their child can be baptized in her father's religion?
  2. And furniture? And decor? And wardrobe? And snacks or lack thereof? I'm going to check out YouTube videos on "Girding One's Loins," so I'll be able to watch Big Ed without having a collection of barf bags at my side.
  3. And I have an opposite feeling. I'm happy for them to ask challenging questions, but calling him out wouldn't be my agenda. I'm interested in what he has to say and every word in his book. If testifying was the end-all and be-all, why didn't the Repubs subpoena him?
  4. I WISH she'd started out with "not even being sure," but she was DEFINITE for quite awhile. She did NOT want to have children. She might have started saying she was "unsure" when she knew she was pregnant--and then had a miscarriage. She was even kind of mean the times her "bestie" (Abby) was pregnant.
  5. Me too. Married to one for MANY years. I questioned him only once and he said, "Are you calling me a LIAR?" Why did I feel guilty??? Too bad we didn't have videos running 24/7. (He was an excellent liar/conman)
  6. Her Visa expires in SIX MONTHS and she wants to stay in the USA. She has probably tried every avenue to get it extended...and Colt is just one more cul de sac.
  7. First, I take EXCEPTION to Meghan's comment that she has "waited" thirty-five years to have a baby. We cannot count the number of times she has said (on The View alone) that, "I don't want kids." We never had any question...Meghan doesn't want to have children. We were all relieved; we didn't want her to have children either because we saw how she treated other humans. Now she's so upset because she doesn't want US to know that she can call the highest-end baby store in the nation...in the world...and ask if they can please open it for a private showing some late night when no one's around and things are "safe," virus-wise. She can look at and touch every bleenkin' item in the store. She can go through their catalogs at her leisure--OR could she and her "people" not come up with that one?
  8. Oh, Whaaaaah, whaaah, whaaah. She doesn't know if they're insurrrred! She'll never be able to afford diamond earrings againnnn. What's a millionairess to do? Mommy! Don't worry, Mommy will search the ocean floor; no problem.
  9. She's THIRTY-FIVE! I'm sure her family and friends have tried, given up--tried again, given up innumerable times. No one wants to be the victim of her ire.
  10. He was part of the entertainment at her resort. She was a virgin intent on giving it away there--why not that cute "star"? He was pretty cute and innocent when he was excited to dance at the airport. He was probably truly happy and content on his island* and Kalani et al have browbeaten him into a broken guy. Does he worry about his future life every waking moment? I would. RELEASE ASUELU!! *Where he knew the customs and the rules for men and women.
  11. To be eligible for bariatric surgery, you must be between 16 and 70 years of age (with some exceptions) and morbidly obese (weighing at least 100 pounds over your ideal body weight and having a BMI of 40). I don't know Brittani's height or FORMER weight, so I guessed: Height: 5 feet, 4 inches Weight: 245 pounds Your BMI is 42, indicating your weight is in the Obese category for adults of your height. For your height, a normal weight range would be from 108 to 145 pounds.
  12. She would need accomplices: Someone to plan the kills. Someone to drive her. Someone to do it all because she "just can't." Someone to duct tape her mouth so she doesn't tell Mommy. She wasn't merely a "fat kid." She has a birth defect...a syndrome that causes of problems with early puberty, excessive growth/weight, and (probably) psychological difficulties. Because she was such an odd BIG girl by age seven, classmates bullied her and were always cruel. If the surgery helped her lose 100 pounds, one would think she had been "fat enough." For me, there are MANY acceptable excuses for Brittani's outlook, personality, and childlike behavior. For her mother? I can't think of one.
  13. Have to subscribe to NYTimes online to read this ?
  14. He led us to believe the jeweler suggested CZ. The jeweler WE saw certainly seemed surprised at David's suggestion. As for the ring, for $50 he could have had something much nicer.
  15. Best quote of the month! Isn't there some "enterprising reporter" interested enough to dig up some sand on David the Millionaire. Enquiring Minds want to know! Find his family; interview the lot of 'em. Can you imagine how irritated he gets when Lana's keepers explain what is required of him under the IMBRA umbralla? And pissed when he explains to US that the poverty-stricken girl gets no money for the hours she spends every day/night with the American stooges? Surely, they're mostly American.
  16. You've "met" her mother. 'Nuf said. 😨
  17. Someone who has figured out that's the only graduation her daughter will ever have? I think she dropped out of high school because of illness and bullying (or am I writing their scripts?). YEAH! I know your girlfriend is beautiful (although we have not seen her without make-up and her mother), but you can do better. RUN FOR THE HILLS and keep going until you're in another state.
  18. Speedo? Wasn't that just belly fat flopping over a regular suit? Personally, I enjoyed that brief surprised reaction when the new GF saw it all. I'm with ya, SeaCliffSal!
  19. I will always like Asuelu. I think he should be examined/tested by a psychiatrist or psychologist. I'm not sure that he will ever be the functioning and responsible adult Kalani and family expect. He seems like a sensitive, sweet, innocent person and expecting too much of him will break him. I'm sorry he was enticed away from his ideal island.
  20. and libby deserves the wedding of her his dreams. It doesn't seem like Libby's dad supported his other daughters/husbands/children AFTER their weddings. He DID support Libby and Andrei for a long time (perhaps still is) after theirs. Doesn't Andrei take that cost into consideration? NO! Because he's A MAN...a MANLY MAN who must instruct his American father-in-law on tradition.
  21. Yes, TLC. If we cared about steenkin' celebrities, we'd be watching THEIR channels. Get a clue; care about your audience. OH! And stop producing "NEW" programs that are rehash-rehash-rehash of exactly what we've watched before. You have enough material that you don't have to treat us like we're the people who signed up to BE on the show!
  22. It's IMBRA. How did that pathetic loser become a MILLIONAIRE? And has he lost all his money yet...along with his marbles? He has no idea what he's "yapping about." Here's a small explanation from Miss Google--which took 13-14 seconds to find: "The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA) requires that the U.S. Government provide foreign fiancé(e)s and spouses immigrating to the United States information about their legal rights as well as criminal or domestic violence histories of their U.S. citizen fiancé(e)s and spouses." So, we can all chat with as many Ukranian women on a paid website and help them to earn a living (although Lana is the only woman in Ukraine to NOT get paid in this lucrative profession). Then, if we want to and they want to, we can have private contact over the Internet. FREE! No one is a fiance(e). No one is a spouse.
  23. I thought Dr. Dubrow was the one who started the continual comments (jokes?) about Dr. Nassif and younger women. Joked about his car. Joked about his nose job(s). I felt he ridiculed him (in the guise of jokes) on every show...and Nassif just took it. I don't remember any bragging (but I'm OLD).
  24. I'm not so sure she's "too" kind and polite. I agree that she does have those qualities, but she seems DESPERATE to be in showbiz...to be an "A" list celebrity, so.... She knows what's she's doing and has a plan. That little upstart is not going to derail her.
  25. "What's his name" is right...in my family. My parents got married in 1938. "Gone With the Wind," the novel came out in 1936. The movie in 1939. My father was "Red Butler. My mother's mother (grandmother) thought THAT was the name of the character in GWTW--instead of RHETT Butler.
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