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Everything posted by andipandi

  1. ray and wills movie should have been princess bride, yes!
  2. I Didn't think it was the old lady, because there was a mysterious uni officer outside the door we'd never seen before, and I didn't think they had that much staff.
  3. I assumed from Mary Pat's interrogation that she told the agent the girls killed him, chopped him up, and she only hid the body in the freezer? I know it doesn't make sense. Also those kids are picking up on more than they think, spelling MACHETE isn't helping. Also, the side conversation about how good Beth's hair is looking... either she's stepped up her beauty regime for Rio, or since she seemed surprised by the compliment, perhaps some natural chemical hormones are kicking in. How long has it been since the "bathroom break"? Are they going to toss a pregnancy at us? Cuz Weeds did that. Nancy was a much better boss bitch than Beth.
  4. Sure, he is not as fit as he was on 2 guys a girl and a pizza place, of course, no one is 20 forever. I think he is much fitter than he was on the middle seasons of Castle, when I was actually concerned for him. Right now he's a pretty good depiction of a guy formerly with an active career (construction) being strong but maybe not used to running. 😉
  5. also I totally thought they were being called "Boo."
  6. Why would a temporary foster sibling count as family on Bishop's application? They weren't adopted by the same family, don't have the same name, and didn't keep in touch. I have friends who are closer, who I consider "family" but I wouldn't put them down on a form as next of kin. Unless the attention to semantics counts more than the relationship.
  7. I wondered that also. They didn't finish the walls until day 2 so I wonder if other things were meant to be painted and ran out of time. The plain bed? The boxes? Although plain wood does have a rustic feel so maybe that was intentional. Perhaps balky homeowner slowed the work down. The headboard clashed with the wall pattern. I actually did like the walls, but the room needed more of that orange to break up green. Agreed. I loved the dark blue, and in such a small room painting the ceiling can make the room seem bigger, I think, so there's more flow. However, putting plywood halfway up said ceiling just negated that. The cool murals should have been on the wall in white black and silver, the hat boxes should have been on black laquered wood.
  8. What I heard from that is that the original design called for the green to bisect the door, making it two colors. Hildi's compromise was to move the grey over so the door would be one color. I never expected the door to stay white, and it looked much better blended in the grey. I do wonder if the couch was also intended to be bisected because it crosses a color line but doesn't switch... or maybe moving the lines messed with the plan. For a hildi room, I didn't hate it. Would have been better as a living room or bonus room. Laurie's room was nice but boring. No way that artwork behind the bed had any resemblance to a ferris wheel- it was a sunburst. Not very inspired by the fair at all. Thanks for the link above with homeowner interview... nice to know that Hildi isn't evil! And the homeowners knew what they got into and were cool with it.
  9. what did emma give ray? I had to unplug my dvr briefly.
  10. No no, we can't escape from these traffickers because we don't have the correct FDA-approved 5-pt harness carseats for everybody! Rear-facing, natch! (although yes I did wince with Jai holding the baby in the front seat 1) worst place for a baby, 2) he didn't look confident holding him, 3) was he even buckled himself... )
  11. josh doesn't want to be alone and had a eureka moment. Also, a little bit of "hey, I wasn't done with that!" toddler sharing.
  12. Because HE is a gentleman. Also wicker is hard to clean.
  13. There were too many sconces for a normal room. I loved Doug's fabric, but the bedspread was boringly just hemmed and thrown on, and not even made into a cushy duvet cover. The chair looked nice. With a slightly lighter green, or a sponge effect (yeah) to lighten the green walls, this would be nice. Maybe keep the silver leaf frames on either side of the bed and that's it. He spent all his money on fabric and silver leaf. I liked Frank's blue room. It didn't scream Beyonce at me, not enough bling, but looked comfortable and cozy.
  14. The characters have potential but they keep forcing it - teamwork, attraction, romance. Also if they use up all the spy tropes in the first season what are they ever going to do next year? Assuming of course...
  15. so bored by every scene Hannah was in. Did not buy the love or anything about the story. Glad she's done!
  16. Salmon for 60 isn't so odd if it was a Banquet not a potluck. But yes kids aren't eating that. I think that choice a) made it hard for Paula to make herself and b) easy for Greg. As for why newly well-paid Paula didn't just hire a caterer in the first place... mom guilt is a thing. This weekend I walked right past the cookies at the grocery store to get sugar to make cookies for a school party. I didn't have time, the party had plenty of cookies, but it seemed important that I actually make the things myself. That said, moms these days use signupgenius.com to make these lists, so no camping out required! plates and cups do go fast though. 😉
  17. I think Weird Al made the price magically $50 to be convenient. Or maybe they were running a Groupon.
  18. All we need is Frankie, or even better for gender-swap, Will, confessing to Susan, "I feel... itchy." Regarding Steed and Peele... I don't know, I always had the feeling they were platonic but bonded by friendship.
  19. This is sitting on my dvr and I am avoiding it.
  20. After putting Vanya in the box, they should have talked to her, via notes if nothing else. Assured her of their love etc. No one offered her the drug option. They definitely should have said: "By being out of control and killing people, you are just proving Dad right, that this power was too dangerous."
  21. agreed, the bar is set knee high. Josh: man-baby Nathaniel: better dressed professional man-baby Greg: emotionally stunted control freak man-baby So, Prince Not-A-Man-Baby walks in...
  22. nathaniel might have been endgame at one point but really, her only interest is that they suddenly all are interested in her. I am fully expecting Prince Charming to walk through the doors of the season finale and say, "hey, want to hop on my motorcycle and tour the nation's waffle huts?" and she walks out.
  23. I remember the original episode as moving and suspenseful. This was neither. I fell asleep. Perhaps there was something more tragic about being alone, rather than making lame jokes about taking off your pants. (pretty sure juliet should have known how to make a pant float, doesn't take a navy seal, I learned that when I was 12). If they are going to borrow the classic plotlines, the least they could do is not provide weak sauce.
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