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Someone may have mentioned this already, but I feel like Olajuwon is trying and failing for the Woody-Amani storyline - former player meets woman of his dreams and is instantly transformed into committed, true love monogamy guy. It’s all role playing. He keeps showing his immaturity and gross “pride of conquest” true colors, but thinks these grand, rehearsed declarations of commitment to Katina are fooling everyone. We’re all supposed to hold our hands over our hearts and “awwwwwww” at how she has already made him a better man. She might be buying it for now, but I’m sure not.
Re: Bao and the lack of showering priority, and based on the editing in the “next time on…” and Bai’s past tense use, my guess is she was referring to a larger piece of a story when they either worked together in college or when she was a counselor at that camp she said was so awful for her with her fear of snoring that she didn’t sleep. Not convinced it’s a current situation. Subject change: As someone who has suffered a lifetime of allergies and chronic stuffy nose that nothing truly helps (I’ve tried it all, I promise) snoring is a part of my life and I understood her insecurity and being teased about it. It’s perceived as “unfeminine” and can really do a number in self confidence with an intimate partner. I do also see the other side in that it’s a sleep disrupter and can be a deal breaker for some couples and that pressure adds to the insecurity. Thank god my husband also snores and we can tease each other equally about it.
Was Clara wearing a wig at the reunion? Something was off with her hair - it was definitely thicker but I don't think extensions would make her hairline look so odd.
I've noticed this too, and the shape/angle of her jaw makes it look like chewing is painful because of the way she has to maneuver her mouth and teeth. I legit hope an oral surgeon will reach out to her and offer to help.
Any doubt (to me) that Olivia wanted to just check the married box was erased when she said in one of her talking heads “I got a husband to do things with me like travel.” I got a husband? Replace husband with “purse” or “dog” and it means the same thing to her. Bleh.
I’m confused about the scene in the hospital where Jonathan was comforting his young patient. Was that what Grace was picturing him doing in that moment or was that real? It was shot in such a gauzy way, and a blurry shadow appeared in the background so I am not 100% sure. I feel like we might be in for more “was that real time, a memory or an assumption” scenes like this.
Every time Henry says Christina is “impatient” I can’t help but think he’s too kind to say what he really means...”total bitch.” To me, couching it in “impatient” downplays her truly unpleasant personality.
With multiple camera angles no less.
I feel alone, but I actually like Jessa’s videos. Having read the various Duggar threads since the TWOP days, and over the years reading people’s first-hand accounts of being raised similarly (hi Churchy - I’ve learned the most from your thoughtful and truly educational posts) I’m watching them with her horrifyingly stunted upbringing in mind. That she’s trying, however awkwardly, to stretch out even a little, makes me happy for her. She has a nice conversational tone, and says more than once she’s not an expert and that others know far more than she does. I’m not watching with any expectation that I would learn anything, but feel glad that SHE seems to be learning. From my perspective she’s not making these videos for “us.” She’s nowhere near that secular, but she’s trying something and that’s...something.
I'm in LA and will actually be near that area on Sunday. I might try to do a fly-by and report back! ETA: Did her appearance get cancelled? I thought I saw she'd be there on Sunday, 12/8, but I don't see it on their instagram page anymore...
Well, I suppose now is the time I sheepishly confess to using the Rodan + Fields Lash Boost like a crack addict. It really works on my thin/sparse lashes which (humblebrag) are now long enough that I rarely use mascara, but whenever I do people ask if my lashes are real. Downside - if you stop using it (or any other lash blaster like Latisse), your lashes go back to their original form within a short few months. I'm surprised Jill is trying her hand at selling this line - she's never struck me as one who put much thought into skincare or the like. Although what do I know, aside from this lash nonsense, I'm a "slap some Curel lotion on my face and call it a day" kind of skincare gal.
It makes me crazy how Amber gets so nervous when she talks to Matt. Her voice gets shaky, she talks really fast, and the constant nervous laugh/chortle makes my head hurt. I am no fan of Matt's for all the reasons stated here, but I felt terrible for him when they were at his childhood home and she nervously laughed and giggled through what was obviously a painful memory of his sister's fat-shaming bullying. "Hahaha I love it! Hahahahah!" Amber didn't hear a damn word he said. She was so stupidly excited they were having an actual conversation that she didn't even listen to what he was saying or how shitty he was feeling. Her response was immature and inappropriate. Matt's "what the fuck" look on his face after she said that was sad.
You’re right. She said as much to her own mom, who then gave her the sort-of “get over your virginal self” chat. She has lived with the fantasy that her future husband would be forever blinded by gratitude that she’s saved herself for him and she could hold that over him forever more. Not so much. She’s not taking it well that the virginal carrot she’s dangled her entire adult life is actually a burden - she has no idea what to do with this reality.
This is a really perceptive take on Amber and it makes a ton of sense to me. I can’t remember if her twin is married, but if she did find her own yin to her yang it must feel imbalanced to Amber not to have the same kind of supportive relationship in a partner or spouse.
At the risk of sounding stalkerish, do we know if they're living in Studio City? There seem to be a lot of photos taken in that area. Why did I think it was Sun Valley, or is that just where their megachurch is? Curious, because I live super-duper close to Studio City and need to prepare myself mentally and emotionally (lol) in case I run into them unexpectedly.