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Everything posted by natyxg

  1. Yep. Then there was the lost opportunity, like someone posted above, of Nick half tied to the bed trying to escape from the dude next to his bed.
  2. Yes, that's what I was thinking. Hospitals would be a huge mess and from then the caos should start fast. but not just hospitals: nursing homes, random house with random families.... I also thought it was OTT that it seemed liked the government wasn't telling people anything at all. They could show the family dynamics in the middle of the chaos. In fact, showing the family dynamics then would be even more powerful and reveal the characters even more, imo. I don't think an hour an a half was necessary to show me their ordinary lives. If it's really a slow burn, color me disappointed. It's a zombie show. I want zombies and running around and surviving. I should have known what to expect, I guess, given how the Walking Dead has been in the last few seasons.
  3. Exactly. I figured the first half hour or so would be family drama, then on to the walkers. But it went on and on and on. I also have a hard time with how slow everything is going in terms of the walkers. Everyone turns when they die, how many people die a day? I would have thought it would go faster.
  4. Eh. i thought it was just okay. I thought they spent too much time showing us the family dynamics and the drug addict son, like this was Lifetime movie. I guess it was supposed to be suspenseful, that we know what's going on and they don't or whatever. But overall I found it annoying. I can't believe it took an hour and a half for them to get to the second zombie. I hope it picks up next week.
  5. I preferred that one cause it seemed more sincere, even admitting to the porn thing. I imagine the family has to be very, VERY angry with Josh. Specially Jessa (whose thunder was stolen again) and of course JB and Michelle. I don't know if Anna has a temper, but if I was in her position I would be heartbroken and exhausted by this point. The molestation thing they knew and had dealt with, so they could blame it all on the evil media bringing up the past to hurt them. But this is all Josh. You could feel the anger in that matter-of-factly introduction to Josh's apology. As for Anna staying with Josh, imo she totally will. They are living in like the 50s and husbands sleeping around and the wives staying even though they knew wasn't so unheard of then. She has the added public humiliation, though, but I doubt that would change anything.
  6. Yeah, I doubt he got any online. AM sounds very dodgy and I don't think he was smooth enough to reel women in online. But I wouldn't rule out an old fashioned infidelity with no internet involved, frankly.
  7. Yes, and talk about porn like some powerful demon who stole his will, and blame it all on that. As if he wasn't the one turning on the computer himself.
  8. Still, poor Anna, specially because I doubt she will leave him and will keep popping out kids for this guy. I doubt their life together will keep getting better after this, if only it will be the opposite.
  9. I had been meaning to post here to say that I bet the next leak would be his online porn usage, and lo and behold he outed himself. It's not surprising, I guess. He's a young man with a repressed childhood that later found himself head of a household and able to do whatever he wanted, and surrounded by the mainstream society full of us heathens and sexy commercials on tv and shit. So it was pretty much to be expected and oh so cliché.
  10. The trailer didn't make me too excited either. I did like Alexandria because it brought more palpable conflict and I found it entertaining, but I thought that after the finale the focus would be on outside threats and the people there hardening. More internal struggles and more of "but Rick is going too faaaaar!" stuff seems like a snoozefest to me.
  11. Exactly. And if they did a show with Jill and Jessa only the other kids would obviously make appearances, visiting them and doing crafts and visiting the zoo and all the other ordinary thing they used to do anyway. Plus, babies, babies, babies.
  12. I liked the cliffhangers and I'm bummed that the show got cancelled. I was specially looking forward to Ingrid's storyline. She's a cutie and I like pregnancy stories. I think the one cliffhanger I wasn't too excited by was the Dash-Killian switch. I hate those storylines where someone is fooling everyone and pitting them against the other and stuff. I would've found very annoying all the scenes of Killian trying to get people to believe him and Dash convincing everyone that he's crazy and blabla. I actually thought it was very well done. They have been telegraphing his being bad since season one. There was one episode, don't know which, where someone reads Freya's cards (Wendy, I think) and tells her that one of the bothers is her soulmate and the other her destroyer. We obviously know who the soulmate is now. Plus the King told us all about Dash being bad in a previous life. Plus we SAW him being bad in a previous life (in the 70s). I think his was a case of being someone who wasn't as nice as they told themselves they were. When push came to shove, he showed his true colors and surprised even himself. It was all downhill since he left Killian to die. Him switching places with Killian made total sense to me. The one thing that bothered me about that, though, was that it seemed to imply a continued interest in Freya (he could've switched with someone else), which seemed to contradict Dash's interest in Ingrid this season. I had even started to wonder if he and Ingrid were connected the way Freya and Killian are, if maybe he was his grandpa in a previous life, that cult guy Ingrid had that intense affair with. The king also mentioned him being connected to Ingrid in Asgard. It seems to me like this is like the issue there was with the brothers' nonsensical various lives deal: the writers just don't make up their mind. In this case, either Dash is forever connected with the Freya/Killian/Dash love triangle, or he is connected to Ingrid. It can't be all at once, imo. I think it was the cop and she is a witch hunter. Her behaviour with Dash was just weird and off from the get go, nothing like a real cop would do. She targeted him even before the dead guy floated. And they showed female shoes when we saw Frederick's body. She probably took the books, too, but didn't enter them into evidence since they weren't mentioned. This was the first thing I thought about. Jejeee. I was just thinking something along these lines as I was watching the season. That while they are attempting to tell a story with Dash, Killian is just Freya's love interest and is basically just hanging around and floundering aimless as a character. Regarding the two deaths, I think obviously Wendy was never meant to stay dead if the show came back, but I think Frederick is toast. The show is about witches , and a warlock in the middle of the family of witches just doesn't fit right. They already got rid of Victor, too, for that same reason, I imagine. Wendy is like the best part of the show, she can't die for real! So, sad that the show was cancelled and we got these cliffhangers. They should pull it together one last time to make a movie or two, at least, like what happened with Bomb Girls.
  13. I honestly think the documentary is gonna be some sort of attempt to transition 19 kids to something else, maybe something with Jessa and Jill, with the others (not Josh and Anna) as guest stars. They are saving face, but if it took so long to cancel the show it is because they were trying to figure out how to keep the train going, imo. I don’t trust TLC or The Duggars, tbh.
  14. I was quite confused by this episode, tbh. Confused as in "what is the point? What were they thinking?". Who cares about what happened 160 years ago when the freaking King is back? It felt like filling, and a boring filling at that. Present day Joanna and Co sitting around talking about what happened 160 years ago was just lazy and boring. I like this show. I'm two episodes away from finishing it on Netflix and I'm sad that Lifetime didn't renew. It's entertaining. Plus it's female driven and I'm a sucker for those shows. Plus, witches! And I like the characters/actors (crushing on Ingrid!), so I tend to overlook the more forced stuff that kind of doesn't make sense sometimes, like how come their spells are in Latin when they're from another freaking dimension and should have their own spell language. But THIS I can't ignore and it's bothering me a lot. Killian and Dash are warlocks and are supposed to be from Asgard, too. We know that Warlocks and witches live for centuries. That's the case with Frederick, Joanna, Victor, those incest twins, etc, and they are obviously tough to kill/die. Freya and Ingrid are the exception because they are cursed. So, Killian and Dash should be like everyone else. They should live for centuries and whatever, and if they die they should stay dead, like everyone else. Yet, they have mixed everything up in order to tell conflicting stories. They want to do a "soulmates through many lifetimes" story, in which case it makes more sense that Killian and Dash are human. But they are warlocks now, and have been in other lifetimes (at least Dash). So, did they just luck into being warlocks those times? They just happened to be a witch's children this time, and next time they may just be human? But Frederick mentioned that killian was in Asgard, and Ingrid said they're from there too. So... they came, died and their souls joined the human reincarnation system? What? Huh? Or are their souls tied to Freya's and Ingrid's, so they keep dying too so they can be reunited again, sometimes reincarnating as humans and other times as warlocks? Is Dash that cult guy Ingrid was in love with (his own grandfather)? What is going on? It would be different if this whole thing was an actual issue in the show that seems like they will address at some point, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems like just a major, HUGE plothole. Again, it seems like they have mixed up two possible story directions: the brothers being warlocks from Asgard too and Killian/Freya's doomed romance through many lifetimes and reincarnations. And it just makes no. fucking. sense.
  15. FINALLY a trailer that looks good! Looking forward to it now!
  16. I agree that Neos have been on top of everything from the start. But that doesn't mean having their own monitors on everyone, because they infiltrated Dyad. They wouldn't really need extra monitors because they can just access the Dyad info. I can believe that the Neos threw in some new spies when things got more interesting with the Seestras. I can imagine Scott being recruited at some point (I hope not), for example. But Art, Mrs. S, Felix, Aynsley all being being monitors too seems like too much, even for this show. She said that Neolution was pop science, or something like that, and he said that wherever she thought the science was at, she was wrong, meaning that they are much more advanced that she thinks, like we saw with Rachel's eye and his wtf worm.
  17. I don't think there were two monitors for them. But I do think it's possible that there is something in Felix's past. Even Mrs. S's freaking mom was connected to all of this, yet we know nothing about Felix. I'm bracing myself for something. I'm no longer sure that he was just a random kid who just happened to be there.
  18. The number was 324b21, which is Cosimas clone tag. The message was to prove to Cosima that she was okay with Cosima telling Shay everything. And Donnie was recruited AFTER he was already dating Allison in college, or so he said.
  19. I got another one! I want more Sarah/Cosima scenes. I loved them together, I missed their sisterly vibe in season 3.
  20. Yeah, please do! No idea on the subtitle, tho. Another one for my wishlist: *Allison actually interacting with her kids in a loving motherly way. Kyra is the special snowflake child everyone goes gaga over. Charlotte may have her moments with Rachel next season. But Gemma and... what's the boy's name? Anyway, they feel like props that are part of Allison's suburbia shtick , but neither her or Donnie seem too connected to them and that's just off.
  21. I got some spec that I wanted to share. I think it's very possible that we will get another set of clones before the series is over, made by the Neolutionists. Here's why I think so: 1. The Leda Greek Myth. I think there are clues there, which is why the Ledas were sort of Castors mother, with Kendall being the Leda original AND the Castor original. In the myth, Leda is Castor's mother. Well, as as I understand it, in the myth Castor has a twin called Pollux. Castor's father was a mortal man, the King of Sparta. Spartans were very hard core... military people. And Pollux was fathered by Zeus. So, there could be a new set of clones made by the Neolutionists, who are being "god" in a way, who want to manipulate genetics and play god. 2. Every faction has had a clone so far. The military had Castors. Dyad had Leda. The Proleatheans led by the dude who impregnated Helena had their own little clone who died. So it makes sense that the Neos would have their own. Hell, they are the ones more likely to have their own. They are really into genetic engineering. A lot of them are scientists. They have with them Susan Duncan, who helped make the first batch of clones. Their goal would probably be to make a modified human, you know, self directed evolution and all that. 3. The Castors died out, which I thought was really weird. They didn't just stop being a threat, they died (except Mark). Maybe it was to make space for new clones later. If I am right, I hope they at least make the new clones females, though. Maybe they will be kids at this point, or maybe they will be right about to be implanted in women, or born.
  22. Mine *Rachel playing mom to Charlotte. That would be interesting to see. *Getting to know Cosima more. I feel like I don't know anything about her. *Clearing up some stuff from the beginning, like what happened with Beth's body (did her family ever know), how did Katja know everything, what was the deal with Maggie Chan (how did Beth know about her, I mean, and was she someone important?).... I think there's still stuff in the air. *Donnie and Allison being incorporated into the main plot, PLEASE. They can have their occasional suburbia little one episode contained plot, but no more having entire season arcs that amount to nothing and makes it feel like they're in another show. *Rachel not going all evil, please. *Definitely more clone interactions. *Someone please tell me whether Helena's "babies" are okay. Doesn't someone have to change the container or something? *Helena and kids. *Krystal in clone club! But please, don't kill any Leda to make space for her. *The Neolutionists as antagonists, but only them. No more overtly convoluted stuff, please. Yeess! Hell, Mrs S and/or any other of the seestras.
  23. I'm still gonna watch it cause I like zombie shows, but the teasers are NOT making me excited about it AT ALL.
  24. Spec for the season finale! Bases on my impressions and promos! 1. Allison and Donnie get in trouble for Helena's murders. There was a camera recording at the door of the drug dealers. In one of the promos we see a SWAT team approaching what seems like a school, so I'm gonna bet that Allison hears she won but is arrested before she can even say her speech. ooops. 2. Shay is shady, as we've been suspecting all along. But she's not working with Castor. Instead, she's working with the new mysterious faction. We will see her insisting to Cosima that she's got nothing to hide, then we'll get the reveal of who she is really. 3. Rachel has been taken by said new faction. In the promos we can see her being held somewhere with cameras all around her while she shouts "who's keeping me here?!", which is the classic set up for a big reveal at the end. I imagine we will see the mysterious woman again, but his time we will see her face... which is somewhat burned. Rachel will say "hello, Mother". 4. Delphine will figure out that Rachel is not the one in the coma. She will confront Nealand, who will be vague (as villains tend to be and stuff), there will be a struggle and she will kill him. 5. Maybe there will be a hint that the new faction has their own sets of clones, too? I mean. Castor had a twin called Pollux, didn't he? And the Castors seem to be dying out more or less.
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