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Everything posted by kacesq

  1. was anyone in need of an update from Patrick and Myriam? I'm not.
  2. Good Lord this Live Show is painful. I would've turned it off but my elderly mom is obsessed...but I am lmao that the big payoff to the Live Show is Danielle... also, I can't believe the Teen Mom ripoff got a second season...which I know thanks the the very heavy promotion of it...although it is a break from the Duggars (surprise! Next season...babies!) and that other multiples show with the cutesy "pray for us" mom....
  3. What did Antonio say? It seemed like they muted a lot of what he said?
  4. I am in denial that Robin is leaving but yay! for winning Veteran of the YEARl Well-deserved.
  5. I think it's because the FBI had arrested Ezra and he was supposed to help them take down Maddie but instead he double-crossed them. I'm so glad this show is back, I missed it! I'm glad that we saw a bit of Richard's background in this episode, he's my favorite, and we didn't get much of his backstory last year.
  6. Dr. Legit on level 3 of the parking garage TYVM. I stumbled onto this show a few weeks ago and I love it. While every week isn't perfect, most of the time I find myself laughing throughout the episode. I do think Parking Lot B was the high point so far. I loved Don Johnson as the owner; I don't think I've seen him do comedy before. If the show lasts, I hope he's recurring. Awesome homage to Miami Vice at the end when he pops out of the cabinets in the back of the plane. On a shallow note, he's really aged nicely. Speaking of actors doing comedy, Dylan McDermott is killing it. I was skeptical when I saw the ads for this show, I didn't think he could do it. But he makes me laugh more than any other character.
  7. I think this is by far my favorite ID show. I used to think I was a true crime aficionado but this series has exposed me to lots of crimes I'd never heard of...The two that stay with me the most are the guy who blew up a plane just to kill his mother - fiendish - and the woman who killed her boyfriend's wife and then escaped from jail in Mexico and lived out the rest of her life outside of prison (I'm presuming she's still alive.) I felt so bad for that cop who retired without ever seeing her truly get punished.
  8. Lord, just when I thought you couldn't find a crop of more desperate people than the Americans in 90 Day Fiance...along comes this trainwreck. I have questions, so many questions... Johnna is unstable. Any man who calls you a bitch and walks out and your immediate thought is "he hasn't proposed yet!" WTF? She bought a house for him to come home to? And the Mormon lady with Lamar - I am blanking on her name - I don't understand anything about her story. Her husband has been out of the picture for years but the youngest kid is what? 6? She's all demure and religious but is rather proud imo of telling people Lamar is a Crip. I thought it was exceptionally cruel of her to make that comment about her friend being a 40-year-old virgin if she doesn't find a man. And she's always having a breakdown or hyperventilating about something. The older white dude who sent his lady $20k? She's in prison - where does he send the money? Does she need that much for the commissary? Also, love all the steamy pics she had posted - where they taken in prison or before? Is prison now just posing for selfies in hopes of finding a dupe...err, love interest?
  9. There were two separate incidents of "cheating" that have been discussed on the show - the first one was during Nicole's first (!) season on 90 Days, when she went to Morocco and she and Azan discussed that she had cheated on him when they were in their online relationship but before the engagement. From what I recall, that was actual physical cheating, if you can cheat on someone you've never actually met but have only talked to online. The second incident is the one from this season where as you stated, she went out with some friends, left her engagement ring off, and there was a guy there. I think Nicole enjoys the drama of it all. She thinks she's living this amazing soap opera life with the foreign hottie fiance, and yet being pursued here in America...
  10. Yep. Tomorrow night, 8-11 pm "Our Journey So Far"
  11. I lost all the respect i briefly had for Molly when we found out she invited him back. She's so desperate and for no good reason. I don't believe for a second Chris is going to cut off Penguin but wow, did you see Annie's stank expression when he said that? The Nicole / Azan special tomorrow is three. hours. long. I can't sit thru three hours of that. I'll be under the table with May... Ive gone from disliking Andrei to totally loving him!
  12. Did Molly's dad just drive over with a drink? Annie is starting to annoy me, all the wide eyed innocent talking heads. Her drive to better her situation must be very strong to put up with that obnoxious little man.
  13. during the show TLC tweeted that David's groomsmen were from Spain, Mexico, the Netherlands and the US. I kept wondering how he met them all.
  14. That ending reveal of Molly having already married Luis is why I watch train wreck reality shows...but it seemed to me like the producers were really pissed at that revelation. No wonder why Luis had that grin the entire show...he knew he was golden and Molly had no leverage over him.
  15. Aika's brows distracted me during the scene with Josh's mom. Raise your hand if you were shocked that Nicole has had May call at least one other guy "daddy."
  16. I am sad that next week is the finale but I shall console myself with speculating which couples will show up on Happily Ever After... Did May push Azan away from her at the airport? Sad to see that in the previews she's again with the tablet and headphones. Josh showed a scary side when Aika said she'd try another man. I thought Aika's comment was tacky, but Josh immediately raged at her.
  17. Maybe Josh and Aika could have had this important serious discussion about children and how to have them before they applied for the visa? Damn, all these couples who skip over the stuff that really matters to live in the fantasy.
  18. An admittedly shallow thought...when Libby and her coven were leaving for Miami, I wanted someone to hide their flat irons...every single one of them with the long straight middle part hair.... I don't like Azan. Nicole is an idiot but Azan toys with her imo. He's not sincere and I think he's still figuring out if he wants to come to the US.
  19. Hah! that's exactly what I was thinking! Come to Ridgewood, Evelyn!
  20. I think Elizabeth is enjoying the tug of war between the Coven (thank you for that!) and Andrrrei. She could shut down her sisters but she doesn't. Nicole is an abuser. No excuses whatsoever for attacking Azan. I feel so bad for Annie, but my God did Antonio enjoy his TV debut or what? Not that he said anything untrue.
  21. I saw a side of Azan last night that I didn't like - not that I was completely enamored of him before but...I have no use for Nicole. As a single mom myself, I am probably a bit harder on single moms on this show than others - but when Nicole was trying to choke down the sheeps head - Azan was really delighting in pushing it on her. This is the woman you allegedly love, want to marry - and you (Azan) got off on how uncomfortable she was with the sheep's head. No bueno... Not much more can be said of Princess Devilyn. Two cakes for the wedding. What's the catering? Nice food for her and McDonald's for everyone else? I fear that these two will get married and then join Happily Ever After... I like Aika. And if you had told me that when I first watched the season previews, I would've said you were crazy. I think she's straightforward and honest about herself and her expectations.
  22. I'm watching the David / Mikayla scene again and David Spain is a jerk. Mikayla was perfectly decent when she showed up and David started with the "I heard you don't like me." And smug witch Evelyn "if you don't like David you're disrespecting me." Get the bleep over yourselves, both of you.
  23. I finally made it thru this episode, sans Patrick & Myriam because I am over both of them. Patrick's an ass, but Myriam lost me with the "You are playing with my feelings, it's not kind" complete with dramatic walk away. I think they both wanted to be on TV and they both enjoyed the attention... So Chris has a "partner"???? I guess he and his partner have an arrangement where he gets to go to the DR for six months and play scabies with Abby...I go back and forth on Abby and Sean. Sean's a complete idiot, Abby doesn't care for him a bit, she's using him and when she gets whatever she needs/wants from him, she'll get rid of him. So that would normally make me feel bad for Sean, but he sat there with his schmoopy face and believed idiot Shaun "look how her face lights up!" Yeah. Sure. I have nothing to add to the Darcey/Jesse conversation but he's a complete pompous jerk to her. She looked better, she doesn't need this crap. He also gave me the creeps with standing over her and yelling at her and then next scene caressing her neck. Out of all these couples, I think Jenny and Larry will actually make it. Not because Jenny is in love with him, most of the time she seems to barely tolerate him, but she's willing to deal with him in order to come to the US and Larry's ok with that. It's not love, but it's a bargain they're making and I think Jenny will keep her end of the bargain... Oh I forgot about Corney and Antonio. I completely believe that Antonio is staying faithful to the woman he couldn't bother to see off at the airport, who he told he needed his space. Yep, that's quite the relationship, Corney! You go girl!
  24. Luis lost me when he told Molly's little girl (Kinsley?) that she had to sleep in her room because he'd be sleeping with Mom now. Within what? An hour of knowing the little girl? And even if the little girl had been staying in Mom's room, maybe that's for Molly to discuss with her, Luis, not you. I feel bad for poor Olivia. As others have stated, she's stuck driving around Molly, now she has another new guy she's moved in and it's on camera. I'd stay in the basement as much as possible, too.
  25. Why can't Molly drive her own ass to the airport?
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