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Everything posted by kacesq

  1. Oh forum...as if I didn't already love you for the excellent 90DF snark...but to find out you all hold Sgt. Baker in the same esteem I do....sigh..true love....I will marry you and move to your country...but I won't live with your mom... btw do none of these people talk about living arrangements before they commit? live in moms, daughters splitting rent...why is it always a surprise?
  2. don't leave me Kashara! i'm all teary over hers and Lacey's little goodbye package in the episode...anyhow, my 3 are Kashara, Lauren and Lacey.
  3. My 10 year old just said he feels Larissa "will be pushy." Don't judge me, this show is family viewing in our house lp
  4. I can't take that headband. Someone make her take it off please!
  5. I didn't think it was physically possible for an 8 year old to have sex...never mind the disgusting and criminal aspect of it.
  6. So Lita is rich, a teacher, a model, a med school graduate and she wants Eric????? Oh show.....
  7. Me too! It's glorious... what did Kalani say her background was? I missed it, only caught the part where she said her dad wanted her to date white guys...
  8. Jonathan is such a douche I'm totally on board with Fernanda making him miserable.
  9. Fernanda is very pretty but I hate instagram brows...and yes, totally...get married because you can't date long distance....
  10. So what Jonathan is saying is he was attracted to Fernanda's soul....
  11. Sigh, no man has ever bought me boobs. What am I doing wrong? Also much love to my fellow snarkers in this thread. you make my Sunday nights and never give me a trauma...
  12. Colt is an idiot. I feel pretty comfortable saying that now I'm the first 15 minutes lol.
  13. Well said. Also, I hate when people on a show say "you didn't see all that happened." No, obviously not. But this is what we are given so we're going to have opinions on it. Are we supposed to sit on said couch, watch a TCC gain 15 pounds and go "gee, I wonder what really happened." Please. Judy, this is season 13...this phenomenon of viewers having opinions can't be new to you.
  14. kacesq

    S13 E12: Time's Up

    That there weren't enough uniforms for her this year, it's been a cumulative thing, we see you on this team, come back next year.
  15. I'm sorry I keep looking at VK's gut and am shocked she stayed this long. And Kelli justifying it.. Kelli your favoritism and double standards have never been so blatant.
  16. kacesq

    S13 E12: Time's Up

    Hallelujah! VK is finally cut. Took you long enough, Kelli.
  17. I could've sworn it was his criminal convictions....
  18. I thought it was established after the last season that Paul was denied for the K1 visa?
  19. Can someone tell me what triggered the Rachel/Angela throwdown? It seemed like they were answering questions and then boom! Angela went into Hulk Mode...that being said, I wanted to smack Rachel's smugness off her face. You could tell she thought she was better than the other losers, in that she is actually *married* and didn't meet SimpleJon on a dating site...but yeah, he's still a felon with no job and imo, clear anger issues so congrats, Rachel! We are all so jealous of your fairy tale...
  20. Rachel is a class act. She and Jon may be well-matched after all.
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