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Everything posted by kacesq

  1. Yes, Leida...in addition to your maids and cooks you also had hair and makeup people...and you're giving that all up for that lump? I totally believe you. And how dare Eric's daughters stop speaking to her? She's been so nice and kind to them..
  2. Is this the season finale before the Tell Nothing? Cause these people are exhausting me.
  3. Kalani really doesn't handle life well, does she?
  4. Oh Lord Kalani....don't you know how to prevent pregnancy by now???
  5. "Being an American citizen gives you more opportunities in life " says the unemployed loser couch surfing with his grandparents...
  6. Do we have think cheapie Coltee bought Larissa a real diamond?
  7. Why does Ashley's friend care so much? Let her make mistake #3, friend... I'm not in the mood to watch Leida tonight. Sick of her.
  8. I really need to never hear a Leida again say that Eric needs to provide for her and Aless. Girl, get off your ass and make a better life for you and your son instead of expecting some pathetic schlub to do it for you....and do you not have any money or your own? You have such a wealthy family..no trust fund for you?
  9. Steven went to the store. I guess Olga should genuflect to him.
  10. Is that Return to Amish show as trashy as the commercials make it out to be?
  11. Kalani really loves being the center of her codependent family, doesn't she?
  12. Did y'all notice that Leida's pix of her royal wedding were both in the same room? Way to prove your expensive, huge wedding Leida...
  13. Steven is really feeling sorry for himself. And what are you doing for her Steven? And I do not believe Leida's family spent $300k on her first wedding.
  14. I see the bridal store also has no tissues...
  15. Jonathan's mom is a nasty piece of work and having caught the sneak preview, I hate Fernanda's taste in wedding dresses.
  16. Jonathan's a grown ass man and needs mummy's approval? lmao
  17. I'm amazed that everyone in Kalani's family is an expert in child care yet none of them have kids...so maybe they learned by being around Oliver? same way Aseulo will? and what parenting exam did Kalani pass before she birthed the kid? I hate how they treat Aseulo like he needs to earn his fatherhood. he's the father. period.
  18. Gee Kalani...maybe if you have such reservations of Aseulo as a dad you could have...not reproduced with him? and Aseulo is happy his son is white? wow. this whole situation is screwed up.
  19. the rent, the cable, electric...wow Leida you really snagged a great guy! a man dependent on his teen daughter to make the rent...
  20. Wow...that preview of The Little Couple's house...go move there Tasha, they have plenty of room! Eric is an ass and Leida is horrible. So he can treat his daughter like crap for her son?
  21. Gag at this totally natural, completely authentic "workout" scene with Fernanda...ooh...squeee....groan....grunt....
  22. Is it me or has the Long Island Medium's jiffy pop hair do grown over the years???
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