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Everything posted by lamadeleine

  1. Yeah...I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case- particularly the Kodster. A quick look-see at Jackwagon's Twitter feed and all the stuff he's retweeting seems to back this theory up. -100% this. By late 2020 as the holidays approached, so much of the messaging was about the size of gatherings. Weirdly, that doesn't seem to be mentioned once by Lord Covid Protocol. But, as you say- the rules, whether they made sense or not, were really more about control and neither side was willing to compromise. And who knows how much of this Covid Fambly Disaster is being stoked by TLC producers...it is a whole lot more interesting to watch than endless episodes about dividing land plots and planning where to bury a water tank. -In a situation like this, I think it's kind of shitty and very telling that Kody makes Janelle and Christine do all the heavy lifting in terms of communicating with their kids regarding the rules (and the ladies are willing participants, so that's on them). I would have told him to get out his precious phone, call the kids himself, arrange a socially distanced outdoor meeting, etc. and make his case as opposed to sending his edicts through messengers. He's so distanced and so removed from their lives; no discussion of loving and missing any of them...
  2. You bring up some really interesting points here. I think it's "yes, and" for me. I totally agree that Robyn is working (rilly, rilly hard) to maintain an image and control the family/personal narrative; this fantasy she's constructed where she is the one who rilly tried to be the family savior and peacemaker, and all the other wives are to blame for the crumbling fambly culture. I guess, for me, that is ultimately about needing/wanting power, but I don't think Robyn would ever characterize her actions as such- like you say, she's fully bought into the lies she tells herself about herself. I think she truly believes she's a victim and good person (cue the manipulative tears and passive-aggression).
  3. Yeah, it was weird. I kept wondering (ok, I'm still wondering)....what exactly happens when Robyn "isn't okay" with Meri?? It sounds so ominous. Jumping off what you said about Robyn's investment in her relationship with Meri- I think you're on to something when you say it's about power. Meri was the top dog when Robyn came into the picture. Christine and Janelle were never in that position and so, not ultimately worth sucking up to. Robyn quickly realized what she was bringing to the table (besides more kids and considerable debt)- she was now the youngest, prettiest*, and definitely ready to procreate and populate Planet Kody with even more children. Meri couldn't offer any of those things, had already exhausted the fambly with her difficult personality, and quickly went from Queen to Lady in Waiting/Robyn's favorite whipping dog. Meri is the way that Robyn can constantly build herself up by keeping others down because Meri actually cares about having a relationship with her- if for no other reason, to keep herself in proximity to Ari/Sol/Kody. I don't sense Janelle or Christine have any personal need to be friends with Robyn...she's someone to be negotiated at this point. *subjective opinion, I know.
  4. Yes. Robyn was on her so fast that Meri didn't have time to start proclaiming that "her walls were up". I thought it was fascinating when Meri said, in reference to Robyn, "I'm glad that she's okay with me...cuz I don't like it when she's not." This statement needs some serious unpacking.
  5. I agree. Given that they couldn't be bothered to share their 10-page Covid Manifesto with the rest of the family until 6 months after the fact speaks to this. Other takeaways: I distinctly remember a moment during the episode a few back where they all hung out at Prairie Plague Pond- Kody very politely and deferentially asked her if she thought Sol and Ari could attend the planned family gathering on the property to which she initially hemmed and hawed. Robyn was clearly in control of that situation, but then turns around and claims she's "just following Kody's rules". I am no fan of Meri's but I felt genuinely bad for her during this episode. You could just see the pain and doubt in her eyes as Robyn attempted and failed to successfully lie and excuse her way out of why Meri wasn't allowed/invited to come around. These wives act like they're just polite acquaintances as opposed to women who have spiritually bonded their lives together. I think there is a real bond between Janelle and Christine, and I think there was at one time a bond between Robyn and Meri, but there's no connection or love in the way they talk about each other.
  6. Hell yeah. We don't live by family and we are part of the world who doesn't know the sweet, sweet ambrosia that is plural marriage (LOL), but we have a community of friends who would drop everything, Covid or not, to support us in any way possible if we needed it, as we'd do with them. As if we needed any more proof, but this situation just lays utter waste to the fantasy this family has tried to weave...particularly Sobyn. You know what actual love and support looks like, Robyn? It DOESN'T look like you dry-crying during a TH segment about how much you'd love to surround Ysabel and Christine with love (or whatever the hell she said)...it's about actually doing that. It's about offering help. It's about offering a sympathetic ear or an offer to cook meals- all which can be done during Covid if you put a little thought into it. It's just about just showing up and saying you fucking care, as opposed to sitting there making polite conversation about Ysabel's scar with a shitty scowl on your face and then quickly scooting back to your McMansion. Ugh. Off the soapbox now.
  7. Yes!!! I was trying to think back to Sept of 2020 (which feels simultaneously like yesterday and 100 years ago). My family had to make an essential trip during that time to a neighboring state for an aging family member, and I do remember how fraught and scary that trip was- and that was just driving as opposed to air travel. Even if RamenHeadJackWagon managed to convince himself or let himself be convinced that this trip was not essential/safe enough for him to go, he should have done his part as a father and moved heaven and earth to make Ysabel's recovery period back in Flag easier for Ysabel and Christine. It speaks to the disconnect in this family that out of the four "parents", Janelle was the only one who actually put herself out there and proposed doing something concrete to assist Christine. The rest of them just wrung their hands and spouted empty platitudes in their TH segments about "how hard it was" and wanting to "be there" for Christine/Ysabel. Other observations: When Janelle talked about keeping in contact with the other wives and how she could be better about reaching out to Meri, Robyn's name wasn't even mentioned in that conversation..very telling. Meri-.just pathetic. It's not surprising that she has a connection to the two youngest fambly members- they're the only ones who don't have memories of Meri being...Meri. Robyn- well, congratulations, m'dear. You wanted to be Queen of the Kingdom and it looks like you are...a kingdom of shit.
  8. LOL. I love how the show stuck a remote mountain pass in the middle of the 35 minute commute (without traffic) between Seattle and Tacoma. The most remote location you could end up on that drive would be in the Wild Waves water-park parking lot. Other thoughts: I've been really disappointed in how isolated Meredith has been from the rest of the Grey Sloane world for the past two seasons, so this episode was a small step in the right direction for me, although not enough to completely right the ship. I keep wondering if the writers are experimenting with what this show looks like without EP, because between Covid Beach and Minnesota, she's been largely absent from the rest of the story lines. I like Hayes. I'm glad the show actually gave him something to do. I think he and Meredith have real chemistry and I'm hoping maybe they will circle back around and at least give this pairing a chance. Nick is fine, but there is something about he and Mer that just feels off to me- I'm not sure what. There's no spark/tension/humor/drama between them. It feels like the world demanded these two be together after SS's guest-star turn last season, so the writers gave it a shot, only to not know what to do with them once they became a couple. Jo all of a sudden realizing she has a massive crush on Linc is so contrived- even for this show.
  9. Sol strikes me as a sweet, quiet, sensitive boy who is either uncomfortable around the cameras, uncomfortable around his dad, or some combination of both. I can only imagine how confusing it must be for him to be isolated from other family members, such as Truely, but at the same time have all these production people underfoot, filming every damn thing this boring family does. Nice sense of priorities, Brown Klowns.
  10. This. It makes me think a little bit differently about Christine's "basement wife" lament and how she expressed regret at not being a more aggressive advocate for herself and her children over the years. I know a lot of that discussion was framed around a time that was mostly pre-Robyn (at least as far as I can remember?), but Robyn, love her or hate her, has been really successful at putting not only her own needs but her kid's needs at the forefront of every fambly decision. Christine, by her own admission, has struggled with that and it has definitely come home to roost with Ysabel. I'm so glad she left.
  11. Unless....her long con is to actually get rid of all the current wives, wait for the dust to settle, then start bringing in a crop of new wives with Robyn clearly and officially sitting on the First Wife throne. Think about it...the chance to finally have the Fambly Culture she's been so unfairly denied this time around...? I'm sort of kidding here, but it also wouldn't surprise me in the least...
  12. It's really hard to watch. Meri seems to be trying a new tactic this season in regards to how Jackwagon treats her- she's trying to look like she's in on the joke..maybe something akin to: "When you laugh at yourself first, others laugh with you, not at you." Of course, it's all just a pathetic ruse because I think she's actually genuinely excited for the few table scraps of attention he deigns to throw her way every now and then. Other Takeaways: Robyn clutching her pearls over Janelle's heavy metal concert gear. Robyn, maybe you should stop worrying about other people's "heavy make-up", and worry more about your own. Her eye shadow in the TH segments looked horrendous. Blending is your friend, hon... While we're on the subject of TH segment fashion and make-up- is the lighting just terrible or is Meri desperately trying to contour her nose?? Maybe her God forbids blending as well as leaving her dead marriage. I was surprised to hear Meri say that she didn't need her own fire-pit- I thought she'd not only demand one for herself, but require a portable wet bar as well.
  13. I agree with this. I didn't necessarily interpret the comment to mean that Sol is learning to read for the first time ever...I guess I heard it as Sol is working on his reading. I don't think that Kody knows, understands, or cares about where his kids are in their educational development at any given time..just my opinion.
  14. Mid-life crisis with a side order of roid rage? I'm kidding, but only kind of....
  15. If Dayton was the cameraman for that scene (and the Ysobel/Kody/Christine debacle, and the Janelle/Kody "raging romance" cringe-fest).....well, he did a great job first off, but secondly- that's taking awkward family meetings to whole other level. 😬
  16. Oh, the train wreck that is this fambly. Takeaways: 1. Kody is a repugnant piece of shit, but the fambly culture these clowns have Frankensteined together has does nothing but enable his narcissism. Case in point: Kody's suggestion that 16 year old Ysobel fly across the country by herself in the middle of a pandemic to get a major surgery. He admitted it was more about his need to be included in the event. He said something about being able to provide Ysobel with the strength and support she'd need..implying that Christine wouldn't be capable of doing that. Never mind that he's been an absentee father at best and one that has barely and only grudgingly supported Ysobel with her ongoing medical issues. Kody's constant centering of himself in every situation is ingrained and supported by these women, and it's completely and totally gross. 2. That all being said about Kody and his fuckery....I can see his point in regards to COVID and the lack of consistent protocol in the family. I too was frustrated with Janelle and Christine's attitudes....just because Hunter rilly wants to see his family and Gwen rilly wants to go out of town after graduation doesn't make it a good idea, ladies. 3. Robin was weirdly silent throughout this episode, although her perpetual stink-face was worth a thousand words. I cannot not see her weird neck issues now... 4. Kody making a sarcastic remark about his and Janelle's "raging romance" having to wait while they quarantine....just cruel and unnecessary. 5. Hahaha...this was the first thing I thought of. Meri's logic was really hard to track, but my takeaway was: "Your personal feelings don't matter here. I didn't leave, so you don't get to either...plus, we need your TLC paycheck." 6. Yes, but I have a question about this. There seemed to be large segments of the show (not the TH parts) that were professionally filmed, most notably, all the Coyote Poop Pass summit meetings. When Meri took Christine aside, it seemed that someone with a camera was following them in order to capture that private conversation..am I crazy?
  17. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that that conversation had Janelle giving her well-rehearsed spiel about communication styles, only to be met with a constipated silence by Meri. In Meri's accompanying TH, we hear her say some version of:"My walls were up/I din't fill safe/I was just takin' it all in."
  18. Yeah- this family is incapable of the simplest of group decisions, so watching them try to figure this one out is maddening. Takeaways: 1. "You're arguing with a four year old, who has the words of a 10 year old, and the logic of an idiot!"....Kody talking about Ari, but actually describing himself. 2. Robyn dry-crying about her spirit children.....oh holy hell, STFU. Robyn using her 'belief system' to justify an incredibly selfish idea. 3. Kody talking about how much he loves the "little ones" because they're so sweet. Yeah, until they grow up and develop personalities and opinions...then he can't be bothered. He's like one of those awful people who love puppies, but give the dog away as soon as it gets older. 4. Even if Kristine and Kody are having problems, Kristine's birthday date was a HUGE upgrade from the sad roadside debacle that was Kody/Meri's anniversary. 5. No participation by Meri in the great communication breakdown summit meetings of 2020...even if this a totally contrived plot line, I'd still liked to have seen Janelle attempt to have a one-on-one with Meri...or at least mention whether or not an attempt was made.
  19. Because up to that point he'd been pulling his punches with her? The whole conversation from the moment she got in the car was variations on the theme: "Every time I see you I throw up in my mouth a little bit". I remember that admission in the TH and not understanding the tactic...but it is Kody and why would I expect him to make any decisions that make any rational sense..
  20. Ugh. This. Kody's attempt to come off as some wise life-coach/teacher in this moment and provide Meri with some kind of "guidance" is really fucked up. Kody's religious beliefs/personal code of ethics only come into play when he wants to justify his own cowardly behavior and save his precious ego and bank account. A decent human being with real strength and moral purpose would make the tough call to end this relationship, cuz it's clearly done. It takes two people to create a dynamic, (or in this case, five), and Meri absolutely needs to own her part in all this, but I found Kody's cruelty hard to watch. Other takeaways: The short scene with just the Janine kids sitting on the patio talking about their dad...not only do Garrison and Gabe seem completely disgusted by their dad, but they seem completely over the filming of their lives. Savannah- I feel so badly for her. Janine and Kody's reunion- I actually sensed real filling there as they hugged...we're not talking epic passion for the ages/Jack and Rose on the Titanic, mind you, but why wouldn't Kody be relieved to be back at the house where the wife doesn't ask anything of him...the kids, however? Totally different story...Gabe couldn't even look at his dad. Kody + Meri's non-anniversary picnic: why didn't they go to their precious Coyote Poop Pass rather than what seemed to be a strip of scrubby dirt off the highway? It seems like their lil' piece o' magic has been quickly forgotten...or purposely avoided.
  21. Yes, it certainly didn't scream "I went to some extra effort for your birthday", but I think I'd choose a low-key gathering around a bowl of Hamburger Helper than what Breanna got. Robyn insisted on making an effort, which was nice and all, but when the rest of her family didn't join her bemoaning how tragic it was that the "whole fambly" couldn't be there, she just turned the whole thing into a guilt-laden pity party. Gross.
  22. I actually like beef stroganoff as well as a once-in-awhile comfort food treat....but the slop on Janelle's table did not look remotely appetizing to me (but who knows? It might be the birthday boy's favorite dish, right?).
  23. It looks like a beef stroganoff/hamburger helper thing. I sure wouldn't want that for my birthday dinner, but there is no accounting for taste, right? I am very confused by the rando social distancing decisions put forth by this family, but it seems on brand with their "we all just make our decisions and then complain about how unorganized we are as a family" way of doing things. To be fair- there was a lot of confusion at the time this episode supposedly takes place about what you could/couldn't do, who you could do it with, and masks were still considered unnecessary- at least where I was during the early lock down days. But from what I can tell: -Christine, I assume, does the shopping and has also made the decision that she and her family can go and stand on porches and visit the other households that way. Kody is allowed in. -Robyn does the shopping, apparently, but I've yet to see a kid from that household make it out past the front door. Kody is living there allowed in. -Janelle does the shopping, apparently, and her two boys are working/socializing outside of the home. Savannah is at home for the most part. They spend a lot of time together in their yard. Kody isn't allowed over and apparently can't/won't do a socially distanced visit outside. -Meri is totally doing her own thing by herself (save Mariah/Audrey/Bonnie) and one time Kody came over and sat in her driveway. According to Meri, no one checks in on her and she doesn't speak to anyone. Am I forgetting any wrinkles in this?
  24. Yes...and initially there was a lot of theory being bandied about that people in the 20's and younger were essentially safe, or at least safer, from the disease than older folks. His attitude seemed consistent with the thinking of the time. Here were my takeaways from the episode: Kody's "psycho-cam" talking head in Robyn's garage. Dude, take it down notch or 10...what am I saying? It's Kody. I cannot think of a worse person to have to ride out a pandemic with- especially in those early days. Kody never referring to any of the kids as 'his' kids. I was struck by the reactions of all the kids who were given the amazing, glorious news that they were no longer felons. Even Brianna and Aurora, who are usually OTT about everything, were just kind of subdued and polite about it. It seemed rilly clear that while the kids see how important this is for the adults, it's just not the center of their identity (re: Christine). The whole dog conversation encapsulated for me the mystery wrapped in a crunchy haired enigma that is Kody Brown. He insists on not getting a dog solely because of the perceived stress it will put on his lifestyle- how great it might be for the kids never enters his reptilian brain. He doesn't want to take care of it and he doesn't want dog hair on his fashion collection. So, his counter-offer is... A HORSE???? An animal that is a bazillion times more expensive and completely unrealistic given the circumstances. Even if the horse offer was made maybe somewhat in jest, it just again shows that Kody's default is his own comfort and needs, regardless of practicality and expense.
  25. Oh, that's who that was. I saw the picture and initially thought, "Why is there a portrait of Kenny Loggins in Christine's house?"
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