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Everything posted by Ucross

  1. My sister-in-law still calls her son "the baby," and he's 22.
  2. I thought I was hearing things! This girl is not all there.
  3. This couple is fake. First, No person who managed to have FOUR children on his or her own would be so wimpy with germs and such. Second, that winery pic, the Mexican gent was clearly photoshopped in.
  4. I had a face lift and tummy tuck in LA, and my bill was about that. I did stay in a recovery hotel (Serenity Aftercare in Santa Monica) both times (it was delightful) but my hotel bill and medical transport was extra. The room was $800/night and included truly great meals, RNs, meds, and help bathing and dressing as I was A) stoned to oblivion and B) not very mobile. When in the medical transport, I was far less "with it" than Larissa, so I think they actually would release her to the caretaker in that condition. As for breast surgery, unless it's reconstructive or you're *really* flat-chested, I can't imagine doing it as the scars are not exactly romance-inducing if the ladies at my gym are any indication.
  5. Raw meat is very common in US Ethiopian restaurants; I've had it several times and the way it's prepared (and its condiments) is delicious. Many Americans enjoy these dishes at scores of restaurants in larger US cities. https://www.latimes.com/food/la-fo-raw-meat-20110714-story.html
  6. She did not figure out there are not a lot of homes with yards in South Korea? There actually are. Just not in Seoul. There is a lot more to South Korea.
  7. Who is Jan? I am really behind on episodes, I guess. Jan from which country?
  8. No. I'm hoping the kid might end up adopted by an intelligent person or couple. This girl seems like something is not quite right.
  9. I am assuming Bini just wants to have sex, gets married to continue doing so, and when the girl gets fed up and goes home, it would be difficult to charge him to support the kid from USA. He's probably got quite the hero reputation among his friends as these girls are so dumb.
  10. I really missed something. WHo is "Cindy Lou" and what country or episode? I do not recall anyone named that. Obviously these gals were trying to trap men into supporting them. They just made some bizarre choices.
  11. Jenny's daughter already cut her off, so I guess she'll have to figure it out alone this time. Moron.
  12. Please just go home Kenny. Armando deserves way better than your bigoted, judgmental bony ass.
  13. How did Ari and Beni meet in the first place? Did she think Ethiopia was going to be like her annual European vacation? Beni seems a very nice man who is trying, but I'm sure there's only so much he can do and housing there must be very different from the US. And Avery! OMG what was she thinking? Thank goodness her mother came with her. Furthermore, why is "lying" such a popular word on this show?? It doesn't seem like there's much lying going on, just fairy-tale-addled Americans trying to trap third-world residents into suddenly morphing into Saudi royalty. I do love the two gents in Mexico though! Whoever thought up Pillow Talk and the show where the subjects talk back to social media is a genius. Those are entertaining shows and the 90-dayers are being good sports about it.
  14. Who is "cheesestick?" Apparently dating someone from Colombia (not sure whether male or female). Maybe we get a different version here. I don't remember anyone from Colombia.
  15. Cause, now she has to cab it all the way home -- a long way. Huh?
  16. Oh, no, that is not Jenny at all. That was some weird dowager in NC. Jenny is in CA and a bit younger.
  17. Snarkers have mentioned Rose's "monotone." I agree that it's abrasive, but my distant understanding of Asian languages is they are based on up and down inflections, and that it's quite musical in that regard. That could account for what westerners perceive as a monotone. And her English is excellent. Can't say I speak any Asian language!
  18. I really like Erika and she was a wonderful host. Her appearance went downhill fast from the stress. I hope she can get rid of Stephanie and reclaim her soul soon. Also like Varya and hope she can block Geoffrey. People thought her hair color was artificial, but she has the same coloring as "black Irish" with raven hair and blue eyes, plus no sign of roots throughout the filming. I think she really is an Elizabeth Taylor. And I keep going back to BGL's "unprotected sex". I'd be terrified of disease were I Usman. Furthermore, why can't anyone get pronouns grammatically correct?
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