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Good Queen Jane

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  1. Ken, I love you, but please stop making JIT a word!
  2. It was jarring to see Drew B in this episode after five straight episodes of Ardianna and Isaac in the same podium positions. Every time they showed Drew, I was expecting to see Neilish.
  3. 1/5. i was like Isaac on three FJs. I knew what they were asking about, just not the name. If only you got credit for descriptions!
  4. Well, I have to say, that’s how you do a cliffhanger! When does next season start?
  5. 2/5, no *. I started off hot, but lost it in the last three days. And I miss Drew ( Goins, that is.) 😪
  6. 1/5 with 1*. And none of the contestants I was rooting for moved on. Grrr!
  7. 2/5 with 1* Back from Wichita and the skating and finished going through the archives. Missed you all and the food selections.
  8. 2/5 with 1 *. I’m off to Wichita for the US Figure Skating Championships so I will be late in reporting my scores next week. As always, I will wave at you from the stands if you are watching the competition.
  9. 0/5. Obviously I need a Third Chance.
  10. 3/5 with 1*. i knew Thursday’s FJ was moons of a planet but I thought the planet was Saturn, not Jupiter. Those Roman gods!
  11. 3/5 with no *. Saturday Night Fever came easily after a month of commercials of John Travolta recreating his walk as Santa.
  12. Jimmy et al are psychologists, not psychiatrists. No medical degrees. Tia’s death happened two years ago. Immediately afterwards Louis was consumed with guilt and self loathing. As stated above, he didn’t think he deserved happiness so he broke up with his fiancée. He then served his prison sentence of 10 months and started to rebuild his life. He started to believe he could be happy again with friends and then his past actions came up again and destroyed that. Dashed hope can become despair so quickly. I’m glad for both Louis and Jimmy that Jimmy could reach out to him in time. Next season should be really interesting.
  13. 2/5 with 1*. I was happy to get the law question. RICO is one of my favorite named laws even though I didn’t know it was deliberately named that. So cannolis for everyone!
  14. Jimmy didn’t break down because of Alice. Jimmy broke down because he never really dealt with the death of his wife. He covered it up with women and alcohol at first and then by “jimmying” his patients. But, as Paul said, that wouldn’t be enough until Jimmy finally admitted he wasn’t okay. The final scene brought me to tears. I never thought I would say that about Jason Segel.
  15. 3/5 with 1 *. I would have been excommunicated from my family if I missed Friday’s FJ as “Thanks for all the fish” is our standard farewell to each other.
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