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Everything posted by Legalbeagle421

  1. I’m rooting for everybody but Jemmye because she talked way too much. Shut up, Jemmye. I started watching the challenge on the season where Coral got taken out by a spider during a final (Inferno 1 maybe?) so I don’t recall Teck, Yes, or Laterrian. Teck was hilarious though. He can stay. 😂 I liked this. This was fun to watch. Can’t wait for more!
  2. That was a roller coaster of an episode. Marge and Jen both came out looking bad (and are still going at it on Twitter if anyone’s bored 😂). Marge goes too low and her comments make no sense because Jennifer seems to be in a loving, stable marriage. However, Jennifer needs to stop being so naive. Marge never said she slept with her boss for funnies. The way J brings that up and makes light of it as if Marge laid out an open invitation bugs me. Teresa’s nonapologies were hilarious and only came second to her taking pictures of Jackie and Evan on the boat 😂 I’m one of the few people who loves Melissa so I took great pleasure in watching her awkwardly fight with Teresa and then apologize for spilling the cheese. 😂
  3. I was not a D'Andra fan in previous seasons but I am LOVING her. Call it what it is, girl. A racist video. And loved her comment that her mentioning it is not worse than Brandi making it. Go off, girl! Brandi is a professional victim. I don't want to see someone forced to a mental health breakdown or bullied, but she needs to recognize that there DOES need to be some accountability. Brandi, please go find Teddi Mellencamp and become accountabilibuddies off of Bravo. Please and thanks!
  4. I agree with you 100% regarding the Marge/Jennifer situation. Jackie even called Jennifer irresponsible for her comments on Twitter last night. I think Michelle is actually a “friend of” and I think Marge is just trying to set up Lexi for more appearances so Lexi can get that check.
  5. This episode dragged on and it was boring as hell. Jackie was super annoying. Ok, I get it. Your husband was unfairly maligned. Move on now. No one in the group except Teresa believes it. I don’t believe it because I don’t give a damn 😂 but if you keep protesting, other viewers might. Margaret’s life was definitely very “out there” but I’ve always liked her. I preordered her book and I’m excited to read it. Jennifer sounded very judgey in that moment. Margaret is not the first and won’t be the last in that situation where men in power put pressure on young women. Marge’s story very well may help someone. I agree with everyone saying Dolores is the best part of the show. Though, I don’t completely get her request for David to call and check on her daughter when Dolores herself is on the phone with David. It would have made more sense if she wanted him to stop by to check on the daughter, bur whatever. This is nitpicky of me anyway 😂. Teresa will always Teresa lol. I get why she didn’t defend her brother because she probably thinks he owes the money 😂 Someone on Reddit said Michelle looked like an evil realtor from a Lifetime movie and I can’t unsee it 😂. Boring episode. Let’s move away from this dumbass rumor.
  6. My question is, if Brandi finds Tiffany to be so boring, what is so interesting about Stephanie or Kameron or red-haired Jen? We already know Kary is her drinking buddy and D’Andra has thousands of stories about her wild days lol. But why is Tiffany any less interesting than Stephanie? At least Tiffany’s husband isn’t an ass.
  7. During a game on WWHL, Andy asked D’Andra what part of her (D’Andra’s) life is Kary jealous of and D’Andra said her marriage. And Kary agreed. Idk what situation/relationship/pre-nup/etc. Kary and Eduardo have but it doesn’t sound very good, unfortunately.
  8. I hate to double post but I don’t think anyone else watched but me, so here I go 😂. This episode really pissed me off. Brandi is a real trip. She lacks complete self-awareness and I can’t believe she read that letter. The other women should be ashamed for not speaking up though D’Andra somewhat did in a very very soft manner. Can we all agree to stop jumping in lakes when we have a group member who cannot swim? Kary was so annoying in her scene with Tiffany. “It was so rude to not tell anyone you’re leaving.” Ugh! She does not owe any of these women anything. Enough.
  9. Brandi is so ridiculous. Her husband was spot on and gave very kind advice. She’s trying to place her ignorance and discomfort onto Tiffany and then has the nerve to call Tiffany boring. She can get off my screen at any time.
  10. Agreed on this one. I mean, unless someone’s a vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian, all the animals we inevitably eat are in a barn or outside in somewhat dirty conditions, I’m sure. I wouldn’t want to see them in their natural habitat (because ewww) but I love me some steak/chicken/pork/etc etc lol.
  11. I thought I read somewhere that she "didn't know she was pregnant." Which I've never been pregnant, but I would think by 3 or so months, you'd have some inclination, right? lol. It makes the scene in the season preview showing her throw herself down the stairs at one of their events seem even more odd. I'm not sure what's going on with that. I thought Kary was pouring drinks into people's mouths out of a tequila bottle on multiple occasions and Brandi was a part of this. Stephanie has also said it was a "surprise pregnancy" but I guess that doesn't indicate when Brandi found out about it. She announced it in October because I remember her posting a picture with pumpkins on Instagram.
  12. You don't watch NJ, Princelina?? It's so good, I highly recommend! I like your approach to thinking maybe the other women may surprise us next week, but I'm not very optimistic. There seems to be a lot of shying around the issue to appease Brandi, which is too much. It wasn't a "mistake", Stephanie. She made a racist video.
  13. I’m still very shook that we just had someone pretty much openly admit their shtick and “authentic self” is racism. It’s also disturbing that this means the others have been laughing along at that for years (I'm especially looking at you, Stephanie). What a mess. Thinking back to the last reunion where they all went around and said how racist LeeAnne is didn’t age well for these ladies, even though LeeAnne was dead wrong for her behavior, also.
  14. THIS! “I can’t be my authentic self around Tiffany.” Thanks for letting us know that authentic you means racist and offensive, Brandi. What a mess.
  15. I find Brandi’s comment so annoying. “Ooh, I can’t say that in front of Tiffany.” Brandi, if your comment is too offensive or racist to say in front of Tiffany, then it’s not silly or funny and you shouldn’t be saying it to anybody. Good lord, it’s not hard. 🙄
  16. You guys, this is episode 8 and we’re still celebrating Kary’s birthday. 🙄
  17. I did not watch this season at all. I'm only watching the reunion now because it was on my tv this morning when I turned it on and I'm lazy lol. The only comment I have is lol at Capt. Lee having his damn book propped up on full display during the reunion. 😂 He said if I gotta be here, I'm getting some promotion.
  18. Robert Sr. is low key-high key giving off Chris Samuels at the Potomac reunion energy right now. 😂
  19. I oddly enjoyed the conversation between Frank and David. I thought it was kind of cute. I appreciated what Gia said to her mom on the phone. She had common sense. Otherwise, kind of boring episode lol.
  20. I found Kate’s daughter so unbelievably annoying. Clearly I didn’t have enough angst in my teen years. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Overall, I really enjoyed the show. I laughed, I cried. It was pretty good.
  21. Gia posted on social media that she is now suffering “consequences” for Jackie’s analogy while Jackie’s marriage is “happy and intact”. I still don’t think Jackie should have brought Gia up but Gia and co are all annoying. I was watching the episode where Teresa took her prom dress shopping and Gia has quite a lot to say about everything and everyone herself, so I only have partial sympathies for any “consequences”.
  22. I feel a sense of protectiveness over Mary because I feel like making fun of her is low hanging fruit. Her life is just so weird that she's an easy target. I, however, cannot get behind her doublespeak about black men and her preference for white or light men (which is fine but it sounded like she was saying there was something with dark-skinned black people, which is not it). I think a lot has happened to Mary that we are not privy to and I think she holds onto some deep-seated insecurities about herself, her race and her life. Thus, I feel sorry for her and root for her to have a really good second season (if she's asked back) where she better explains herself and shows us more of her life (beyond material things). I know people were turned off by the Chanel bag breakdown but I think her intention was to say that Robert Sr. takes really good care of her and no one else in her life has.
  23. Yeah, Jackie was a real estate attorney. It's hard as hell because people are assholes but you would surprised how cool you can remain when you know your check is on the line lol. Jackie did transactional, so she didn't have to worry about this. She was pushing paperwork around. She also doesn't do it anymore, which more power to her. It's not for the faint of heart lol.
  24. Lord, "Whitney and Heather, Bad Weather." I almost fell off my couch. 😂
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