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Everything posted by Legalbeagle421

  1. I nearly fell over laughing when Teresa said “I’m gonna teach my kids this is what happens when you hang with the wrong people!” And the screen change to danielle’s facial expression. Pure comedy. The time capsule thing at the end was super weird, especially since Jackie put freakin donuts in the thing. Yuck! Ants and other bugs crawling around in there in 10 years.
  2. I agree. I think she definitely could have taken the goodie bag items out of the box, but I don’t see the big deal that she didn’t. It’s a birthday party that they won’t remember in 10 years. I don’t remember if or what my gift bags were at my past birthday parties and certainly don’t remember from someone else’s party. I was the kid who was just happy to get candy and free stuff. Hell, I’m the 25 year old who’s just happy to get candy and free stuff lol.
  3. I love the shade that Andy is throwing at Jennifer. She is being so annoying, I cannot even take it. I noticed she got real quiet when Bill was out there. Clearly, he's told her not to embarrass him. I can appreciate what Jackie is saying about not flaunting wealth. I rolled my eyes so hard when Jennifer said her parents had a lot of money and they didn't share it, so she felt bad about herself. Duh fuq? Your parents owe you nothing besides love and basic necessities. What a nut.
  4. One can only hope that Jennifer has calmed down. 🙄
  5. I continue to believe this is fake. However, for funsies, I will suspend my realism and say that I feel very badly for Madison. This is a crazy lady. She is still going off.
  6. Omg, mom is the worst. Stop talking mom.
  7. Madi, are you crazy? This man was engaged like yesterday to someone else. If they remain together after this, then this. is. fake.
  8. This whole thing seems fake. “What happened after I left” “He got engaged.” *lowers head* *sad dramatic pause* fake fake fake. I think he just wanted Madi and they agreed to all this other nonsense for the drama and ratings.
  9. She said he wasn’t man enough to keep his word. You go girl!
  10. Good lord, Barb is serving up some mean face in the audience. Mom is not pleased.
  11. I shouldn't say definitely because I don't know for certain but it sounded off to me the entire episode, so I really don't think it was him. Hope you feel better!
  12. That definitely was not him. I was thinking that the entire episode. What a mess.
  13. Jennifer is so hyper, I cannot even take it. Dolores is looking around like wtf is wrong with her. She needs to calm down. Even Andy is not having it.
  14. Jennifer is being too much. She is very annoying and insecure and I want her to stop talking/interrupting everyone.
  15. Clearly, I missed something in the media! Why do people not like the actor?
  16. I think he’s just one of the Never Trump types. I don’t think he’s voted blue in the past, but I could be misremembering what I previously read/saw.
  17. https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-jersey/season-10/videos/everything-the-jersey-wives-want-to-address-at Jennifer sounds so ridiculous here. I want to like her because I think she can be sincerely nice, but man she grates lol.
  18. I’ve never listened! What kind of nonsense does she spew?
  19. I’m glad you said this because she grosses me out for some reason. Something about her appearance gives me the vibe that she would smell in real life 🤷🏾‍♀️. I’ve just always felt this way.
  20. Oh yes, understood in regards to the pastor. I was referring to LiberterianSlut’s discussion of proposition 8 in California. Voting against someone’s right to marry who they want. Gross. Totally agree with your assessment on Brittany. Why is the pastor so worried about homosexuality when she’s breaking all kinds of other “rules”? Sounds like he just wanted to be on tv. Relatedly, I grew up in a Christian household and I never understood people who tried to force their views on others. Maybe I’m not a “good christian” lol.
  21. I appreciate your response as well! I used race as an example simply because it's a prejudice that I have experienced unlike discrimination and/or bias/prejudice due to sexual orientation. I equate the two because I don't believe someone chooses their sexual preference just like I didn't choose my skin color. I also appreciated your discussion on people who are not overtly homophobic but still do not support same sex relationships. However, this makes me question their implicit biases and it still raises the same question to me: Why do they care who someone else chooses to marry? I as a straight, cis gender self-identified female could not possibly care less. It's not my business. Going back to these crazy people, I've always felt that many of them were all talk and no action in terms of allegiance to LGBTQ rights. With some of the offensive things they have said over the years--I'm looking at you Jax and Stassi--this episode saddens me but doesn't surprise me.
  22. I haven't really been watching this season because I'm an unapologetic Kristen lover and I don't want to watch that gang-up. However, I watched today out of curiosity and regret it. These people are absolutely ridiculous. There is no way they did not know about the offensive things that this pastor was posting. It sounds like he's a family friend, Brittany knew. Her saying Jax should "knock [Sandoval] out" is ridiculous and she is in for a lot of backlash following this episode. Watching the others rally around her meltdown was painful.
  23. I don't mean this as a dig at you, I promise I come in peace lol. But I always feel a little uncomfortable when we don't check "problematic" viewpoints. I put problematic in quotes because of course, that is simply my opinion. As a minority, there are people out there that will hate me simply because of my brown skin. Without even knowing me and for no other reason. In this case, people target the LGBTQ community for who they choose to love and be with romantically/sexually. I will never understand why people care so much who someone else has sex with, religious or not. It affects their lives zero iota. I just have a hard time considering that to be a point of view. It just seems like bigotry plain and simple. But again, respect your opinion and would love to hear more about your perspective.
  24. It’s not as apparent now but the Brett Kavanaugh saga did not present a pretty picture of Travis.
  25. Yep, that was the video I was referring to. There was also another one just with Brandi and Stephanie from the second day of their tour--I may not have posted that one--where she is laughing and giggling along as Brandi makes fun of Cary's husband. In regards to Travis, he appeared to go after Kameron about a Twitter poll that she did not create. However, I was referring to the political things he posts, but that is not for us to get into here and I recognize he is entitled to his opinion. It just creeps me out lol.
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