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Everything posted by Legalbeagle421

  1. Some of the women (Kyle, Lisa, Dorit, Teddi, and Garcelle) were on Celebrity Family Feud going against Andy and people from his radio station. The women were awful with the exception of Teddi. Dorit improved over time. Lisa Rinna was absolutely awfulllll. But it was super fun to watch!
  2. Aww, I feel bad for Tinsley. It is very clear that the relationship was on/off and she did not want to get her hopes up/share it because she knew it would end. I don't know why that's so hard for Dorinda to understand, but she's annoying.
  3. Dorinda needs a hobby or something. To borrow from RHOBH, which is having a much better season, let the mouse go.
  4. So it seemed that Bravo captioned some of the things Denise and Aaron were saying, but not the whole convo. Therefore, people who had closed captions on their televisions saw what he said, but people who did not, only saw what Bravo captioned.
  5. I heard this as well and someone on Twitter circulated a captioned video of him saying it as well. I'm not sure why this is being debated. I agree that he should not be labeled abusive off the bat, but that is an odd thing to say to your wife. https://realityblurb.com/2020/06/04/rhobh-cast-call-out-aaron-phypers-for-seemingly-threatening-to-crush-denises-hand-on-latest-episode-as-erika-and-teddi-react-to-his-ahole-antics-plus-kyle-responds-to-criticism/
  6. Not sure if this has been addressed or not but someone asked Rinna on WWHL about her daughter saying, "I need a f'ing drink." and running off. Rinna's response was, "well, she's 18. Have you ever been 18?" Not sure what that means. But when I was 18, I surely wasn't dropping f-bombs to my mom and her friends. I'm not doing that at 28 lol.
  7. The denim pink overalls jumpsuit was painful to see for the whole episode. That's all I've got to contribute.
  8. And now Leah is going after Ramona’s daughter on Instagram because Avery dared to say that she found this episode embarrassing. It was embarrassing. And the subsequent tantrums by Leah and dorinda on social media are even more embarrassing. *sigh*
  9. Leah is 37 years old with a child. Not some young girl like Luann and Dorinda were trying to imply. Her behavior was disturbing. When is bravo going to learn we enjoy catty and messy but not belligerent? I don’t want to see a mental breakdown on my screen.
  10. I’m an unapologetic Tinsley defender, so therefore: why does Leah get a break for being “so young” but Tinsley is a gold digger who acts like a child? Nuts.
  11. Poor Tinsley can’t catch a break with these people. Well after COVIDs over, I’m certainly bringing my own pillow everywhere I travel, so she was onto something!
  12. I was with the women about the whole "children at the party" issue until this episode. I still find it odd that Denise invited her children's friends to a housewives filming. I do and my mind can't be changed on that fact. However, I do respect her concerns as a parent as to where the conversation went and the women were over the top mean about it this week. I was disappointed in Teddi (who I'm already at a party of one for anyway because I typically really like her) for insinuating that it was an "adult party", so they were fine. Obviously, Denise didn't see it that way. I was disappointed in Rinna (who is always a disappointment) for saying that crap about how Denise talks about happy endings. She talked about that with this group of adults, not around her children. I know the girls can and probably have seen the stuff their mom says online but it was still another stupid analogy from Rinna like the defending Kim thing. Then the worst, as everyone has pointed out already, was Erika. I was putting together furniture while watching the episode and literally stopped and looked up when she said that crap about "if she hasn't had a threesome already." Who says that about a child? Disgusting. She should be ashamed.
  13. Poor Teddi was really trying to have her moment and it went literally nowhere. Oh well, looks like she tries again next week. 🤣
  14. I’m on episode 2 or 3. I can’t even tell because the episodes feel long AF. I think Heather is hella insecure about her relationship. I occasionally see her and Tarek’s posts on Instagram because I follow his ex-wife Christina and I thought they were moving fast even before Amanza showed up on our screens. Next fight please, this is silly.
  15. This is probably an unpopular opinion and a stupid hill to die on but I’m just gonna say it. In normal circumstances, I would agree with Denise that the women should have stuck to more appropriate topics of conversation when her children and their friends were eating dinner. But when you are filming a reality tv show where arguments break out over nothing left and right and f bombs are flung, don’t invite your children’s friends over for a filmed event. The only reason that dinner was interesting and thus shown is because of the sex talk and Kyle’s subsequent breakdown. It is a stupid issue for them to be rehashing but I agree with Sutton and glad she brings this up next week. Why were the kids there? Denise knows what show she signed up for and I’m sure the parents who signed the waiver for their kids to be seen on television know what this show is about. I’m also just tired of seeing the children too, so I’m on the “leave the children elsewhere train”. Someone tweeted Kyle about this and she said she wouldn’t have her kids around at this type of event. That would have been the way to go.
  16. This is so interesting to me. I don't see it as co-dependent. I see it as two people who just happen to gravitate toward each other and the friendship comes with more ease. I follow them both on Insta and they hang out all the time (pre and a few times distanced during quarantine), so it seems like a real friendship. *Edited to change co-defendant to codependent. Clearly, you see why my name is legalbeagle lol 🤪
  17. Why did Dorit come to this event dressed in her pajamas? I do not understand.
  18. Oh em gee, Tom Girardi is adorable. It just took us like five years to see it!
  19. I got the same vibe! "You look like you're in shape!" When was the last time you saw him, girl? 👀
  20. Okay, first we have a scene with Garcelle and her friends who are unaffiliated with the show. I like Garcelle, but come on, film with the other women. Now we have Denise and her daughter again. Bravo, the kids are boring. Bravo bravo effing Bravo, stop with the kids lol.
  21. I'm glad you brought this up because I too thought Peter was supposed to be Bachelor but was the one holding up the process. I honestly only started watching the series at all because of Rachel. I heard there was a black bachelorette and have been tuning in ever since. Although I also loved Becca, I doubt there will ever be a Bachelorette I like as much as Rachel, so I'm always surprised when people say they don't like her.
  22. No apology necessary, but I appreciate it! You are more than entitled to not care for Rachel. I am a big fan of hers, but like any other human, she does things that make me cringe big time lol. I just wanted to provide a little more context for why I believe her speaking up was so important here. But again, I appreciate your response and I enjoy friendly discussion over anything else. 😊 I think being able to talk things through is the exact response that people wanted Hannah to have but she continues not to do so.
  23. As a fellow black woman like Rachel, who often has to suffer in silence when things like this happen to me and around me, I am grateful for someone like Rachel who stepped up and said something, despite the threats and racist comments I’m sure she’s now receiving on social media. The point that Rachel aptly made is that this issue goes beyond Hannah from Alabama. We can’t throw up our hands and say “oh well, not surprised” when people do and/or say racist things. We cannot normalize and rationalize this type of behavior. Rachel may not be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s totally okay. But I am grateful that her video has encouraged a conversation that needs to happen. She has a platform that many of us do not and I’m glad she’s using it to speak out based on her lived experience as a black woman. Because if it’s not Alabama Hannah, it’s some other racist (not saying Hannah is racist but just saying there are lots of racists out there) and this should not be happening.
  24. I only half-watch this show because it's just okay. But I think Shanique and Jazmin are extremely annoying. Nobody cares about Jazmin and/or her husband, so I'm sure they didn't "go through hell". Imani was wrong wrong wrong to say that Jazmin's husband. But you can't compare a weed dispensary (which is legal in several states) and then screech "the hypocrisyyyy".
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