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Everything posted by Andromeda

  1. Did you read it? TELL ALL! Also, Juan Pablo is #1? The publisher says he's #18, but maybe this Simon & Schuster marketing copy is incorrect (plus, they go ahead and name him, lol):
  2. Just FYI, the book isn't fiction or a novel, despite what Josh tries to insist. It's sold as a "tell-all" and is in first person. Andi doesn't name names (she does something like name Nick "bachelor 24", and Josh "bachelor 25," but the readers all can easily figure out who she's talking about. https://www.amazon.com/Its-Not-Okay-Turning-Heartbreak/dp/1501132466/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1472597831&sr=1-1&keywords=andi+dorfman
  3. I rewound and I caught it. I don't get why people don't like Caila. What did she ever do to them? She at least seems quiet and pleasant, and not a keyed up drunk like Lace can be, or an emotional tornado like Ashley, who pulls everyone into her drama. Speaking of, I am so disgusted by Ashley. What a selfish beeyatch. I don't blame Caila for wanting to go home -- and BIP isn't worth it if Jared continues to nurse Ashley along and pander to her while trying to romance Caila. If he doesn't follow Caila out of paradise, if he doesn't get angry with Ashley's conniving, then Caila is well rid of that weak, easily manipulated man-child. Josh is scary. Amanda is stupid not to see it. I really hated how she caved. I can't see what Nick ever saw in her -- she has no spirit, she's just blander than bland. Wells is a blast, he's a guy I really like, and I hope he chooses Jami over Ashley. They have a lot in common, and Jami doesn't seem like a mental case with a giant mean streak. P.S. The ugly fake eyelashes are so distracting on both Lace and Ashley. And they keep touching them! Constantly! It's really gross.
  4. I wanted to slap her when she said she was prettier than Caila. According to who? Mirror, mirror on the wall? P.S. I love Koalas!
  5. I saw this entry on the index page and got very excited, knowing the book, so I Googled it. Woot! ‘The Alienist’ Lands Big Bucks Series Order From TNT Excited to see a True Detective credit in there, too (though the second season sucked.)
  6. I am rooting for them, too. I found it more realistic how Carly was saying Evan wasn't ticking all her boxes (he lacked...swag, I think it was), but then when he's being himself, she finds herself not thinking about that idealization and starting to like the real person. Jared needs to be told how NOT to lead a girl on, and I love that Nick was trying to set her straight about what love really means, because acting like a high school girl in a crush is NOT love. Daniel is growing on me. He's really joking all the time, isn't he?
  7. Another season that feels like it was fixed. I can't believe he host said they played better than any other season when they lost $250K! Hah. I also really want to see an episode where they lose, and the aftermath. It'd be great TV. If not for Tori, they would have lost (assuming they weren't fed the info.)
  8. I also noticed that after Chad apologized, Sarah tried to demand more explanation, for why he didn't do it sooner or something, and I was glad the hostess put an end to it. Sarah was out of line at that point, and I'm glad the hostess stopped her cold.
  9. Two roads divulge in a wood (and I meant to diverge a secret to you...) LOL, that was cute at the end. What is Evan thinking? Why do guys go for the one woman other guys are going for? There's no other choices there? Josh is literally thrusting his tongue into her mouth and he goes over to interrupt them. Insane. I thought the twin thing was kind of mean, this early. Brandon shouldn't have insisted he could tell them apart, but he also wasn't really looking for that. I've always defended Carly (she gives voice to my inner snarker) but I cheered when Brandon didn't choose her for the date. And I laughed when he said he didn't like people who have been doing what Carly does so well -- being snide behind people's backs. Brandon looks too young for Carly anyway. Nice to see someone's interested in Sarah -- and I'm actually liking Daniel now, when on JoJo's show he was nothing to me but an idiot who drank too much and thought Chad was The Man.
  10. Gio is bizarre. Incredibly self-centered, immature, and irrational. I don't know why Julia just told him straight out that she wasn't interested in him. I think she secretly loved having yet another guy salivate after her. What is it about her? All I see is another version of Danica McKellar (Winnie on Wonder Years) but with thinner lips and a weird square smile. She has no personality to speak of, unlike Tori (Spelling). LOL at the no lights. But that should have told them a lot. I'm not at all surprised to read above that they have enough info to figure it out. That requires smarts and logic, however. If they suddenly get "smart," I'll be disappointed this go-round.
  11. Seriously. The conversation about favorite numbers and colors was incredibly juvenile. They didn't even seem to be doing it ironically. And there was no discussion about why a particular number or color was important to them. Weird, weird conversation. This is the second time I've seen these people discussing favorite colors. Is that a thing in the dating world these days, like the old-fashioned "what's your sign?"
  12. Carly started to strain my like of her tonight. I feel bad for Evan now. I thought they were kind of cute together. I like her as show narrator toward the others much more than her acting so put off by kissing Evan. And who else does she think will be gifting her with roses? Josh is gross. (And stupid. A "fictional novel?" Find me a novel that isn't fictitious.) I never understood why Andi picked him, especially when he was the guy who was just like all the guys she usually dated and failed at relationships with (what she said back on her season). I didn't know about her tell-all -- interesting. Knowing an ex hated him enough to write about him should be a huge red flag for any woman, though there are two sides to every dating story. Amanda doesn't even seem curious about his possible aim to steal her from Nick, either. Does she not know the history, or just not care? I had just gotten done telling my hubby that Amanda seemed very nice and more reserved/classy than some of the other women (besides being prettier than many), which is why the guys were fighting over her. Until she dumped Nick like a hot potato and stuck her tongue in Josh's mouth in front of everyone. Not so nice or classy anymore. I wish Jubilee would have been able to stay. Jared is kind of odd. I think he's just killing time, and feels the twins are an easy bet because they're not that serious about finding love, either.
  13. I love this show. Ridiculously silly summer guilty pleasure. Much more interesting than boring JoJo's season. This show never fails to make me crack up. I notice that it shows a lot more of the candid in-between conversations that the main show edits out (leaving a dull husk of what could be a more entertaining show.) Chad was so over the top -- someone needed to just escort him to bed, but apparently they don't care enough about him to do that (not that I blame any of them.) Too bad, I think he and Lace could have had something if he hadn't gotten out of control. The twins are so shallow. A good match (well, one of them) with Daniel, who seemed to think they were the hottest chicks there, when they're not nearly as pretty as most of the women. However, they ARE younger, closer to Daniel's age. I love Carly. I hope she finds love sometime...if not during this nutty show. Hubby and I are rooting for her, and looking forward to her narrating the episodes. Nick is also excellent at that, and I'm finding him surprisingly tolerable now. Evan's not bad at explaining things, either. I enjoyed that Jubilee and Jared actually got to discuss an actual real movie and characters. What a concept! It was nice to hear conversation that didn't revolve around "opening up" or their awesome journey. Too bad Jared has no interest, though. (Twin's nasty expression was OTT when Jubes got that date card! As if Jared would be into a bubblehead like her). I'm rooting for Jubilee to find a guy who's really into her. And I'm totally on her side over that clown. ICK!!! I love that the one guy women (near) universally go for is Jared, who is NOT a meathead. The Chads and Daniels of the world should take note.
  14. Well, I avoided all spoilers and rumors, so I had to guess at what they were talking about before they showed the magazine headlines, and I was right (as any of us would be), because I sussed out that an earlier discussion she had about Jordan's issues with a past girlfriend had to be him cheating. This show didn't leave me with a single warm and fuzzy. Something isn't genuine or honest, and I think it's mostly Jordan. Her family figured it out right away. Too bad JoJo has been blind to it from the first. He's in it for the fame, and still competing with his brother. (Now I'm reading she was a friend of Olivia Munn's, and Olivia is dating Aaron!). I wonder if "the life" JoJo was afraid she'd always regret not having was rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous... The season's been pretty boring. At least JoJo wore a lot of sparkly clothing to catch my eye. It'll be interesting to see if Jordan really "moves" to Dallas and how long they stay together. I'd feel bad for Robbie, but I never quite believed him, either. He's soooo metrosexual, what with the attention he pays to combing his hair, wearing ultra-tight suits and trendy socks... he just seems fake to me, albeit a nicer fake than "life of the party" Jordan -- who also is enamored of the image in the mirror. All of the below drove me crazy, especially the weary/wary thing. For some reason, a lot of millennials confuse the two very different words. And my husband snarked on the "uphill climb" usage, hah! I also got a kick out of Jordan saying "get on A knee..." like it's not really his knee.
  15. LOL about Luke's nose... I think he's he nicest of the final four. I don't really like any of the other three. He does need to stop saying "like" and speak clearly. Robbie seems too metrosexual (and dull), Chase is kind of boring (though he finally said a few quippy things on their date before she dumped him), and I hate the clearly self-absorbed Jordan. I'm not keen on another "small-town guy looks for farm wife" season, but I still like Luke better than the other three.
  16. FYI, the Lost and Found episode I discussed upthread with its weird story of child abduction/kidnapping/selling(?) reruns THURSDAY on Dateline: Real Life Mysteries on TLC.
  17. This bugs me. I thought their marriage was more honest than that -- but I can see it happening. Ned should have fostered the boy out, but he probably worried for his safety should word get out. I'm surprised Robert didn't figure it out, knowing Ned as well as he did.
  18. I keep thinking about this episode. So many things going on, such huge game-changers! Near-obliteration of houses Tyrell and Lannister, except for one matriarch each (and Jamie -- is he going to remain pledged to the Kingsguard?). Promotions for good guys such as Arya (to full-fledged Assassin) and Tyrion (to Hand). Others, meanwhile, were getting fired from important advisory roles (Melisandre, Pycelle -- in the biggest way). Obliteration of the Sparrow and his flock. More Queens and and one new King (Jon). There are so many powerful women in the world now. I half wonder if the books won't end with only women being on the thrones -- Yara, Dany, Cersei, Ellaria, the Queen of Thorns. Will Sansa take over the Tully house and River Run? Of course, if only women end up ruling, that would mean Jon is not on a throne while Cersei remains on one, and we can't have that! And the best thing of all (for me) -- Dany on her way to Westeros!
  19. IT'S HAPPENING!! The invasion is happening! I'm so excited. So much happened, my mind is spinning, and blown. Poor Margery!! Somewhat poor Tommen -- such a weenie. Woah, Cersei. Arya! How did you pull that off!? The king in the North lives!
  20. Nooooooooooo!!!! I had no idea this was the end of the series!! I love this show. Please, please have a spinoff.
  21. Thanks, Glowlights! Glad you read it the same way I did. The most interesting thing about the sister to me is that she considered Shirley her mother, and defended her against Pepper, who felt the woman had stolen her. Because the sister had no memory of better parents.
  22. I hope so, I kind of like Derek (until he does or says something annoying anyway!). I didn't look that closely -- clearly I have to rewatch! I was thinking her meltdown is over Jordan because she's in love with him but finds out he's a skunk, but still loves him, but that is probably me reading too much into it.
  23. I don't get how this is minimum security, either, with so many murderers around. It's always seemed odd to me, when there are women there who murdered and chopped up five people (how is Red there, and not in SuperMax? Or was she granted minimum security for good behavior after a number of years at Supermax?) I also wasn't sure about Pescatelli (sp?) being able to add 3 to 5 years onto an inmate's sentence. Is that allowed? Wouldn't there be an official sentencing by a judge for another crime, or do inmates not get the fair trial treatment once in custody? The show Wentworth has private rooms with toilets and sinks and TVs for every inmate, and it's an Australian maximum security prison. Compared to Litchfield, it's a palace. There should be more of a revolving door, with people leaving and entering each week, because the sentences are so much shorter in minimum security. AND you're right, the guards are really bad and never around! Both Suzanne and Lolly should have been in Psych, and I would think there were better sections of Psych for the more controllable, normal(ish) patients like Lolly and Suzanne so that it's not like a horrific fate. I don't know about how they handle that in the real world these days. We used to have state psych hospitals, until Reagan got rid of them and dumped people on the street. I never understood Piper wanting to run an illegal panty business anyway, when she had only a 15-month sentence. That's nothing in the scheme of things. Keep your nose clean, and stay calm, and then get out (like Martha Stewart did).
  24. Could not agree with you more about that! This season is particularly bad for that, mostly because Alex seems determined to find a scapegoat. I was totally on Derek's side when he called out those four for their "mean girl" behavior. It was so odd to me. So what if JoJo announced Derek was getting the rose for reassurance. I'm sure they could all use some, when a dozen guys are competing for single woman's attention. But Alex had to make a thing of it. I guess being in the Army made life easier for him -- he had a specific enemy to fight. And they all where whinging about Derek eating up their cocktail party time with JoJo, when she wasn't even there yet! And when Chris did appear, he announced there would be no cocktail party, so Derek cost them nothing. Heh, he's got this show down pat. I haven't been reading spoilers, but I think it'll be Jordan, too. Kimmel predicted Jordan, too, after the first episode. It used to be a lot more subtle, or maybe the last few Bachelor/ettes are just bad at hiding their feelings.
  25. That's where I'm at, too. JoJo's OK, but for some reason I don't connect with or root for her as I have bachelorettes in the past. She's just kind of an average pretty girl in overly shiny clothes. I'm not even sure what she does for a living -- is she in real estate? The producers did a good job casting for her specifically, though. Mostly meatheads, athletes, no one too demanding intellectually. Evan was in no way right for her -- he would have worked on Ashley's season. Sorry about that. I never meant to imply you advocate spousal abuse. My mind went there because of the idea that the other guy asked for it. I just don't think it's right for men to beat on women, women to beat on men, or men to beat on men. We've evolved past that caveman mentality, and we have laws against it. It's just wrong, and the offender is the punch-thrower, bottom line. It's not romantic or sexy, it's not attractive (to me), and it makes the men involved (particularly the first-punch thrower) look like total tools. (At least it has on every reality show I've seen where a contestant physically attacked -- and was promptly expelled.) So, yes, I am comparing a fight between two men to a fight between a man and a woman (both are assault and battery). Especially when the man is as buff as Chad, and Alex and Evan are much smaller. Either one could suffer serious injury if a man of Chad's size attacked them.
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