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Everything posted by Andromeda

  1. I'm still waiting to see a fat zombie. Sure, I suppose they would burn off fat when they move, but somehow the zombie population is much trimmer and slimmer on average than the actual American population.
  2. Good for Morgan building a jail. Seems like a reasonable thing for Alexandria to have. Not every crime requires an instant death sentence, RICK. You'd think a former Sheriff would understand the value of a holding cell.
  3. Certain Alexandrians should never be going out on runs. As their only doctor, Denise is one of them. Even Eugene shouldn't be trying to be bad ass beyond self protection, he has brains and plans, like Abraham pointed out, and is valuable for what he can contribute along those lines. But I can see why he might need to see the metal shop for himself. The dick bite seemed unrealistic to me. Dwight was holding a gun, and he has 2 hands, but he made no move to pull Eugene off of him. Also, how easy is it to bite through jeans like that? (Nope, never actually tried...) But it was an entertaining scene. I'm very bummed about losing Denise. I related to her as a nerd.
  4. Lauren lucked out. Denver is a major airline hub. United and Frontier both fly out of there. I don't know what airline she flies for, but she'll also have direct flights to Portland (I've flown that route many times.) Big benefit that she's a flight attendant, rather than something a lot more specifically located (like a doctor with a practice or some such.) Otherwise it should be Ben who moves.
  5. I know!! I kept thinking....uh, it's more up to the BRIDE, isn't it? Way to steal her day from her! I'm glad they shut that down, but it sure made the last five minutes of the show boring as CH and BH struggled to fill the time. The pastor lurking in the shadows gave me the creeps. I haven't noticed the S's, but I've been annoyed by Lauren's pronunciation of "you." Sometimes it's fine (pronounced "U"). Other times it sounds more like "yeouw".
  6. JoJo is sweet, and I don't mind her being the B'ette. But Lauren is more elegant. That tacky number JoJo was wearing on the ATFR, with the cleavage cut-out, blllleeech. And the gaudy final rose dress -- while pretty for some evening occasion, it looked way overdressed for an afternoon in the tropics. Beyond that, I'm tired of her awful grammatical mistakes. She never gets her pronouns right (he/him, me/I), and she confused lying and laying (unless she's a chicken, she wasn't laying with Ben.) Plus many others. I hope she gets some coaching on both grammar and wardrobe for her B'ette stint. Lauren and Ben had a thing for each other from their first date. She pulled way ahead then. I would have been rather shocked if it had turned out to be JoJo. Ben was always all over Lauren physically, while JoJo was all over Ben.
  7. I know, exactly. It was still registered with the state! It has a VIN number! (or just VIN, the N stands for number...) Not only that, but why not ask the current employees of the company if they recall a guy with BAD POCKMARKS on his face? It' s a pretty distinguishing characteristic that wouldn't fade with time. I was also surprised when the detective jumped to that assumption, without verifying that's what the kid even meant by "holes in his face." Show him some pics on the Internet. Make sure he's thinking of pockmarks and not big pores, acne scars, birth defects, or some other deformity. But I wouldn't be surprised if the pseudo-Adam turns out to be in on this with pockmark dude. Or pockmark dude turns out to be innocent, because why not? Seems the boy has a key to the hideout. Or something.
  8. The tracking thing... A little technical background: trackers rely on GPS. To track, you need a GPS receiver. A GPS receiver needs power. This is why we don't yet have tracking implants. Pets don't have tracking implants, they have ownership microchips, so if someone finds your lost dog, a vet can scan it and find out who owns it. There are tracking pet collars available, just like there are tracking ankle bracelets that law enforcement uses on certain offenders (or for house arrest). OK, now that I got that out of the way, I get that there's a lab that's solved the engineering problems and is about to have implantable trackers available. So it's odd the candidate mom mentioned it. Which is somewhat intriguing. I just want the older son to get his act together and take samples of his brother's and his own DNA to a lab and have them compared. Hell, send them in to a paternity test lab, or any other of hundreds of private DNA test labs (I found two within 10 miles of me, for instance.) Find out if he really is your brother once and for all. He's pretty much the only character I'm rooting for, so it'd be nice if he was at least reasonably smart. The reporter should have been up front. The mom is yucky. The calculating daughter is even worse. The dad also stinks, for framing the neighbor. Adam is also creepy -- definitely not because he snuck a peek at his naked sister! Just because I don't think he's Adam. I hope not, or it's boring. But in this day and age, with DNA testing easy to access (easier than dental records, apparently), it can't go on that long without the truth coming out. ETA: Forgot about the cops. I like the Fibbie. He's funny -- interesting characterization. Chick cop is OK, nothing remarkable. Oh, and while I felt for Hank for not getting the puppy, I think he was originally guilty only of indecent exposure. AND he needs to get to a shelter and get a puppy there! Plenty of dogs need good homes.
  9. I agree. I expect she'll be murdered at the end of the season, and all of S5 will be Norman running the hotel alone, like he does at the start of Psycho. He now fully believes his mother is a multiple murderess. I knew things would end badly for Emma's mother when she described how she left Emma. Norman would find a mother abandoning her child reprehensible (murderously so, apparently!). I don't buy for a second that her dad is abusive -- that was mom's lame excuse to leave a sick daughter. I LOVE THIS SHOW. So glad it's back! P.S. As an Oregonian, I groaned when Dylan said Will-a-METTE County. But Norma later pronounced it correctly as Will-A-mette. And while I'm pretty sure in France Dylan would be correct, we here in the Willamette Valley stress the A. (There is no Willamette County, but it was a good Oregon choice for a proper name, because of the valley where the cities are -- it's the end of the Oregon trail.)
  10. Finally got around to watching. I hated the first episode, so I wasn't looking forward to the continuation of that nonsense. I feel exactly like you do. CC is known for trolling the Internet looking for ideas, and in E1 and E6, he threw every whacky conspiracy theory he could find in he soup, stirred it up, and came up with a wholly unsatisfying meal. (Microwaves? FEMA trailers? Aluminum?! Are all of these things supposed to be true at the same time?) I enjoyed episodes 2-5, though. I think CC should forget trying to repeat his lightning-in-a-bottle success of the mytharc episodes -- different time, different attitudes. Instead, stick to MOTW! I love those. I liked Miller and Einstein, too, and wouldn't mind a reboot with them (despite being a HUGE M/S shipper back in the day.) Though I hate Einstein's name, pulls me out of the moment every time I hear it.
  11. So tired of Lip being desired by every woman he meets. Every HOT woman. It's ridiculous, since his looks are nothing special. I much preferred his first taste of college when he discovered he wasn't the most amazing thing ever anymore. He went to a frat party and tried to hit on a girl who was interested in a guy across the room. THAT felt real to me, not ridiculous foursomes in his nicely decked out room in a sorority house (yeah, right, what a set-up!). Have we ever seen him do any actual work there? When does Lip have time for schoolwork? Why not get over the Helene crap, and the impotence, by -- you know -- focusing on college, AKA the reason you are there? I did like the foot reflexology scene, until it too turned sexual. In my first experience with foot reflexology, a co-worker pressed a spot on my foot that hurt so bad, I jumped out of my chair. She told me it was my kidneys. I wasn't feeling well, and a visit to the doctor the next day confirmed I had a kidney infection. I loved Carl growing up and giving up crime. It surprised me. His friend's death wasn't really because of his involvement in crime, but I liked seeing him NOT behave like a sociopath, turn out to have hidden depths, and want to do the right thing, despite how his horrible father was upset about it.
  12. Yeah, I have to suspend disbelief on this point, too. My brother and sisters and I have often compared whether our middle toe is longer, and we all have small birthmarks or scars. And my ears are somewhat flat on top. (OK, very flat.) Things others wouldn't think about, but things we could definitely look for as identifying features. Still, I enjoyed it. I'm thinking the daughter planted the ship, and the kid is the son of the real murderer, or some other bad guy, and it's some kind of scam involving the mother's political career. I also think if he turns out not to be their real son, mom and daughter will want to keep pretending he is because of her stupid political ambitions. Hate the both of them so far. I agree about the awkwardness of the hook up in the interrogation room. Not hot, just silly.
  13. I'm sure the clothing on the floor is meant to imply that they undressed each other in the heat of the moment before jumping into bed. Since they're wearing nice evening dresses, you'd think the women would hang them up or at least drape them over a chair, if they're just changing for bed. But they could be slobs, too...
  14. Not everyone cries the same way or the same amount. Caila was constantly wiping away her tears with her fingers, not waiting for them to roll down her cheeks. Her hands are constantly near her face, and she keeps wiping her eyes (as I would do, because I wouldn't want to wait for any tears to roll all the way down my face, dangle off my chin or nose, and go plop in my lap. Ew.) I took some screenshots from ABC's video of her leaving that show her wet face and eyes (and red nose), but have nowhere to host them. So here's the video.
  15. Her cheeks were wet, and I saw tears in her eyes. I got a kick out of Chris Harrison's reaction when Lauren told him Ben also said "I love you" -- after JoJo reported the same thing. He was fighting so hard not to show surprise.
  16. Ben skeeved me out last night. The women apparently are interchangeable to him. Really, Ben? You love them both equally at this point? How do you think the "winner" will feel once she learns she was a toss-up with the runner-up? I hope she bolts!
  17. MAJOR pet peeve of mine. It's not regional vernacular, it's just plain wrong. There was an add for veneers on TV awhile back where the happy customer said her children were "embarrassed of her teeth." It drove me crazy! Ben does it frequently, too. Saber and Kingsheart, I am constantly replacing double spaces with single in my editing job, too. Computers account for the extra space, but some old-schoolers don't know that. BTW, Al really did help create the Internet, legislatively speaking (he never said "invent").
  18. My hubby doesn't think she's hot, either. I think she's pretty, but she still hasn't made much of an impression on me. Pretty forgettable. I Googled Warsaw. It's definitely prettier and far better situated (and bigger) that Chris Soules hick nowhere town. It turns out that really is his parents' home -- at the beginning of the season, I wondered about that, it seemed so high-end. Inside it's cluttered, and not as fancy as the one the girls stayed in, but it certainly has a nice lake view. LOL at the Mickey D's restaurant date. BARF. Talk about product placement -- "breakfast or dinner?" Doh. And a crappy carnival, to boot. All of the dates were kind of boring, and then the rose ceremony was on the steps of what looked like the most architecturally interesting building in town -- was it a govt building or a church or what? But too bad they didn't even get to go inside somewhere for the rose ceremony. Amanda is boring, and from the previews I think Ben is not thrilled with the prospect of becoming insta-dad to a couple of screaming toddlers. I can't even stand to be near them in the grocery store when they're making that screeching noise. Caila's hot. You could tell Becca was toast, since he didn't even seem to want to make out with her. Lauren is still my pick. Forgot to mention. The baseball date would bore me, except for getting to see Ben be so happy. They seemed to be there a very long time. Gawd, how tedious. I am SICK of these bachelor's hometown dates where we're supposed to revel in the "small-town charm." It's BORING to drive by his high school and football field and whatnot! Seriously, show, get back to the romantic settings! We used to not see this stuff until it was down to final 2, and then it was interesting because it was down to the final 2 and we got to see who made the best impression on the parents. Then they switched to flying the fam out to wherever the fantasy dates and final rose ceremony would be held. I liked that format better. Emily was so funny with the 'rents. A C+ wife -- maybe a B- on good days. Way to aim high, honey. His mom seemed vaguely horrified. Emily can start growing up if she no longer shopped in the junior department. Those jeans with all the rips may be the rage for high school girls, perhaps college, too, but the style doesn't scream "Meet the parents" to me.
  19. Yeah, surprisingly, I found myself on Olivia's side for a bit. What did she ever do to Emily? Seemed like so much petty bullshit right there. I thought she did a good job defending herself to Ben against the attacks. And like, while I, like, enjoy intellectual conversation myself, over painting fingernails (because its more my jam), I, like, think Olivia could probably have ingratiated herself a little better with the group. Caila is weird. I don't think she's going to make it much past next week. I like Lauren B. She seems like a fun, natural girl-next-door type. I keep forgetting about JoJo -- she needs more personality to be a great bachelorette, but I agree she's very pretty. I would have been miserable on that 2 on 1 date -- I wear hard contacts, so if the sand gets in my eyes, it's pure torture. They should have changed plans and gotten them a date in town in a restaurant. I could see the black storm clouds on the horizon for the group date -- it was just a matter of time. The pig thing did seem scary.
  20. Fiona better have the abortion -- but she keeps putting it off! This is worrying. I can't even count the dozens of shows that didn't allow a woman to actually go through with it. This is Shameless, an abortion is nothing on the scale of all the stuff the Gallaghers have pulled. If any show can allow a woman to have an abortion, it's got to be this one. I would love it Debbie had a miscarriage or a change of heart. This show really doesn't need more babies. The guns in the cafeteria was a great message.
  21. Debbie's boyfriend being sent away reminded me of one of the two girls who were pregnant in high school (who kept the babies and who I knew). Poor girl had weak knees and was on permanent crutches, and the guy had been her boyfriend for years, but when she became pregnant, his parents immediately sent him to some relative out of state. The other girl married her boyfriend, they lived in a trailer and he was beating her (this was decades ago -- I think she got out and her parents helped her raise the child.) Also, I remember in the pilot, Fiona went to the stadium to work the snack bar, and two guys were talking about banging her, and one said he'd need double condoms because "Southside girls keep their babies." Reminded me of Debbie -- why didn't Fiona ever drill into her head how stupid it would be for her to get pregnant? Parenting fail! Oh, young love!
  22. You mean Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade... ; )
  23. Like, I watched like this episode, and like, it was kinda interesting, like, when I was watching Ben, like, talk to Amanda, like, they said like a whole lot, then he asked Lauren H. out, and she, like, said like a whole lot, too, and like Ben loves to say like, too, so it was like really hard to listen to! Becca's bun was weird. Lauren H. isn't pretty in the least. But she is tall, slender and blond, so there's that. Olivia's mouth is too big. Emily is a baby. Jubilee is a PITA. Lauren B. is the winner.
  24. Please not Becca. I find her unbearably boring!
  25. I felt a little bad. She had this idea in her head that she would be AMAZING and sexy, and the BEST out of all of them, and turn Ben on and everyone would be amazed. Then she was far too self-conscious to deliver. So when she realized she failed, her reaction was really severe and she couldn't put it in perspective. No shades of gray with this girl -- it's all or nothing, Ben is sending her special messages and he'll be her husband, or he now hates her. She DOES have a talent -- broadcasting. Why didn't she do a pretend weather newscast, or even do a news segment about the show? She could have gone out into the audience and interviewed people about the show, or whether they like roses, or where they were from. Done and done. To me, it's obvious that Ben is over her. He didn't give her much reassurance and seemed annoyed with her second approach. Then he looked really unhappy when he gave her the rose. She's a production pick. Ben has settled on his top four already, so the other slots are open. I hope she goes home next week.
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