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Everything posted by Andromeda

  1. Incorrect. Under the new act, they can be performed after 24 weeks if the fetus is not viable or when necessary to protect the life of the mother, what we've been discussing here. Sounds very reasonable to me. Both situations are extremely rare, too. http://www.cnn.com/2019/01/23/health/new-york-abortion-measures-trnd/index.html
  2. Even the other guys rolled their eyes at her comments when they were at the bonfire watching video. She's a real stinker.
  3. It's so odd. Even Walberg remarked on it. All I can gather is that maybe he got an erection when she took his arm? (Isn't he also the guy who said he had needs, like he need sex every day? Maybe not.) In any case, if he's that hair-trigger, that he can't even engage in a conversation with a woman without that happening, he needs to work on not being so sensitive around other women or he'll end up in some seriously sketchy situations (no idea what he does professionally, but I can see potential workplace problems.) It also made me think Shari has him on a really, really short leash -- but maybe not without her reasons, clearly. I can't stand the "he's not manly enough" chick (Kacy?). John needs to dump her. ANY guy can teach their son how to throw a baseball or ride a bike. What special skills does she think he needs to pass down? If it's shooting guns, that's just stupid. Those sorts of "requirements" should be way, way down the list for a life partner, and they all need to remember that not every box will ever be checked. Life isn't that perfect. Besides, if he's a standup guy, that's what makes a good dad -- being attentive, loving, and spending time with the boy, not special skills training. I put ice in my wine if it's not cold. I like it cold. I don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks. I'm the one drinking it. I'm in the Pacific Northwest. I admit I'm interested to see how Morgan fares with Evan. I kind of like her, as being less in-your-face than supposed "bestie" Katherine. But her storming the confessional was weird. It's like there are unspoken (to us) codes people are breaking. And best friend? Did they come on the show together, or have they know each other all of two days? Katherine is so weird.
  4. I also figured there was more to the baby story, but you never know. I still didn't like her use of the word "obviously." I think the debate is more should the state decide what a woman does with her body in the process of reproduction? Because I personally would never get an abortion, unless medically necessary, but I am pro choice. Choice being the operative world. Women need to be the ones to choose what happens with their own bodies, not the government. And Elyse's sister was free to make her choice. Elyse is really pretty, and seems kind and mature, especially compared to Demi. What a passive aggressive twit. Based on the previews, I thought the 2 on 1 with the drama queens ('scuse me, pageant queens) was going to be in tonight's episode. It's clearly coming, and should be an interesting show! Colton is as boring as can be, so inoffensively boring I find it hard to understand any of these women squealing over him. He lacks the "it" factor. And I couldn't care less when/how he loses his virginity. Please, PLEASE stop making crass jokes out of it, show! It's so tacky. I agree he sent home the girl who wanted to go out with friends all the time for fun because she was as shallow as a puddle, and had nothing to say, rather than she didn't have a sob story.
  5. Me, too. It used to be that there was no question the mother's life always came first. Always. Then I began hearing anti-choicers railing against abortion even to spare the life of the mother. Shocking. A mother who needed an abortion in Ireland was denied one by a Catholic hospital, and now her kids have no mother. And Ireland made abortion legal partly to prevent that outrage. I tried to get excited about the fighting pageant princesses, I think I'm on the side of the first runner up. But I don't really like either one. Who says they have a beautiful monster inside of them? It's that a normal expression? That was the pageant chick who stayed, and roared. Weirdo. Colton should have cut them both. The stories always need examples, but I think they're cut out because they involve other people who haven't signed releases. I'm glad he had a chance to talk to Hannah G. She's a cutie. And I can pick her out, unlike so many of the blonde.
  6. No, she likes Belloq, the archeologist working for the Nazis (Paul Freeman) and sees him as the hero.
  7. I was so glad Ed's girlfriend turned out to be a spy. Much more interesting, great continuity. But mostly because the cartographer didn't seem nearly stressed enough when the Krill appeared. I was thinking she wasn't a very good actress, it was so noticeable. But she is a good actress, and it made sense in hindsight. Also very glad a new security officer, a female at that, is arriving next week. Nose trunk guy is good for a laugh, but I don't want him on the permanent bridge crew. This show is so much fun. Much better when they don't pepper it with off-color jokes for a cheap laugh. I got a kick out of the pilot seeing... something... In the ink blots, just the right tone of joke. There's lots of potential here for world-building (universe building) as the show continues.
  8. What a fun train wreck. I hate the neurotic arguing woman and expect that relationship to go kaput. I so think the chick who tells her man two or three times a week that he's not manly enough is kind of awful. Like playing shoot em up cowboy makes a guy more manly. The confident blond whose guy won't marry her has a bit of a horse face. The Cuban guy sure plays up the Latin Lover stereotype. He tells the camera that he does that to draw them in, flattering them and acting really into them. And then he probably starts taking them for granted.
  9. I read the description of this episode and thought we would be subjected to another CH hosted nightmare. Thank goodness it was a run of the mill date instead. So Demi is the villain. Can't say I care for her. I wish he'd cut Hannah - - what an insipid twit. Even he is more interesting. Nicole sounded like an SNL character during her talking head, with all of her weird giggling, but I'm not sure which one. Maybe the Kristen Wigg one who brags and mutters at the same time? Oh, and if no-kiss chick had zipped it, he would have kissed her, then she could have told him it was her first. Instead she made a huge deal out of it, so he's intimidated, lol. I know, right? I told my SO I was a virgin after we both hit the bed. He'd already guessed...
  10. As a Northwestern resident, I don't find the Vancouver atmosphere too gritty and dark, but it is vastly over used. I was thinking more along the lines of Blade Runner and District 9. It's nice to see a beautiful planet for a change. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 had one but they're not as common as I'd like.
  11. Nooooo! I love Alara. Now that I know even more about her, she leaves?? Please, please don't let the gross double esophagus guy be her permanent replacement. We already have smartasses aplenty on the bridge. Plus, the cast is now in dire need of more females. It's now a two to one ratio of men to women (counting the robot as a man, and Bortus.) I loved seeing Xalaya. Too often scifi shows portray other planets as gritty, dark and ugly. The episode was a tad slow in the beginning, but solid overall, and unexpectedly touching. I also got kick out of the two Star Trek doctors battling it out.
  12. ABC, cut it out! Too much extraneous crap!!! Makes me wish this was a bubble show again. Hanna G. reminds me of a young Beverly D'Angelo. Katherine's face looks fake.
  13. I can't believe those cops bought the pile of crap he was selling them. Seriously? The car just happened to have been stolen after he snuck out of the bushes to drive it away? I hope they don't have kids and dogs, or they'd really believe "a dog ate my homework."
  14. Interesting episode. Being the owner of a PC that suffered from a porn-borne virus (courtesy of my partner), I got a big chuckle out of that twist. I think I'm done with seeing nearly nude Maklins, though. I felt so bad for Bortus' partner, until Bortus brought up the sex change. Boy, their hatchlings grow fast. I'm so glad this show doesn't have a transporter. Makes things that much harder. And its about time a show addressed what would be a huge attraction for a holodeck. Maybe the crew needs to ration its use, though. There didn't even seem to be a schedule. Or door locks, oops.
  15. I had the same thoughts, especially about the bodyguard. She should get one now. I don't think she planned to leave that moment, but his attitude toward her money pushed her to it. Because yeah, it wasn't well planned.
  16. I had the same thought about Matt. He may not have made it as a fine art painter, but he could have made a good living as an Illustrator. And I did get the feeling Sweat would have gone on to live the straight and narrow. I agree that I would have liked to see a few more scenes outlining Tilly's downfall, both from the police perspective and hers. And the prison's, for that matter. I got the feeling she couldn't resist sharing what she knew because it was a big story. In the first episode, she asked the IG if she would get her old job back! This article helped remove my sympathy for Sweat, but he might have been redeemable since he was so young. Matt, however, belonged where he was forever. . http://nypost.com/2015/06/28/how-the-shaw-skank-killers-pulled-off-their-prison-break/
  17. I have a question from last week's thread. Who is Tonia and what did she learn in a conversation with a doctor? I'm wracking my brain and can't recall the scene, which is apparently one of the few "not really happened that way" scenes... This last episode just makes me want to slap Debra. If she doesn't get it after John gaslights her daughter's career, there's no helping her. I was confused about the timeline. Did he try to steal his sister's property before or after he apparently killed their father? I would assume after, since they still had a good relationship, but am not sure.
  18. I want to know more about the cult's beliefs. We had that whole episode with Ambrose wandering around in the forest, but nothing yet has explained what the metronome stuff is about, what the shadow person being created by lies is all about, and what Julian has really been taught. He believed that the two people he killed would "return." How and why did he think that? I need more! And I bet I won't get it. I feel like I missed an episode that filled in all of these blanks, but I've been a regular viewer.
  19. Kevin should be dating Annalise. She can talk about how scarred she is from carnival rides and he can whinge about past fantasy suite dates. Astrid should have told him that she's not either of those women, so give them a chance. I do wonder what happened with Ashley, though.
  20. I totally agree. Colton is so, so boring. I saw his bit on Jimmy Kimmel's show (he was giving Colton a sex-ed class) and Colton was bland and unimaginative and essentially humorless. He barely played for an NFL team -- he was on a practice squad and at training camp, but was always cut before he played in any real games. That is NOT a successful football player. So white bread, too. I get the idea the producers think this is the kind of contestant "middle America" loves. Maybe they do, but I don't.
  21. Cassandra is so pretty. She looks to me like a combination of Sandra Bullock and Brooke Shields — when they were her age, of course. I could stare at her on the screen and no one else (yes, I'm straight, lol). I could so see her with that tall, exotic New Zealander man-cocktail. Annaliese/Anneliese (?) looks prettier now that she's more confident. Funny how that works. And her boytoy asked if she wanted a popsicle... Urh.... The baby date was silly -- I love my own child dearly, completely doted on him, but have no interest in tending to anyone else's spawn. (There, I said it.) But Carly's was such a good baby! Sheshanna/Shoshanna/whatever is such a downer she needs to leave, witch or no witch. I wish Annaleise had told her it was her beloved Zumal/Zamil/Shameil? that first called her a witch. The Russian witchhunt line was funny, but the real one is sure finding a lot of actual criminal behavior. I loved the synchronized swimming. Now that's what having fun in paradise is all about. I love Yuki. She was adorable on Winter Games. I hope she made an effort to learn English before coming on the show.
  22. I don't get it, either. Annaleise is plain, there's nothing special about her. Her neediness is off-putting on top of it. Compared to the other women, if they're 10s (in looks, not personality), she's a 4 at best. I keep reminding myself that the hotel is doing this for publicity, to get people to see the wonderful services they offer. But it's such a waste! I understand the hotel situation, but the hot dogs? No excuse for that, Colton. Me, too. Our excuse is the editing. I thought Leo was a super chill dude, a mature guy who knew who he was and what he wanted. Turns out he's the exact opposite. I revoked my Leo love the previous show (of course), what a total loser. Did someone say he has some kind of legal problems? Probably for assault and battery. He definitely has anger management issues. I am assuming he was never into Becca, or we would have seen some sign of his temper on her show.
  23. Did you notice that she said how nice it was Joe went after Leo to stand up for HER? When what set him off was being called a bitch, so he was standing up for himself. I'd love to visit the Keys. This is who Benoit reminds me of. https://goo.gl/images/FFvg8M
  24. Edgar Allan Poe! I just heard a literary conversation on BIP! I'm in shock. The cast comes off a lot smarter when you let those sorts of exchanges through, editors. Then I heard a Toy Story reference in regard to Jordan's outfit. Sweet! Keep it up, editors! These conversations are much more interesting than the usual blah blah boring on the main shows. I also learned a new word today, "chirping". I had JUST Googled it because it's in a novel I'm reading that has 13-year-olds saying it constantly, and then Jordan said it. I'd never heard it before -- neither had my 32-year-old son. Tia and Colton -- can we just ignore them now? So, so bored to death of their drama. It won't last -- Colton was practically strong-armed into that relationship. "Use your tongue." Just ew, Tia. She's so low-rent, and Colton seems the type to be cognizant that she won't go down well with his upper-middle-class crowd. And I know that matters to Colton. I need to try "sea spray." LOL.
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