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Everything posted by attica

  1. Same. One of my friends was hurt in a MVA, and ended up having to sue his cousin (the driver) to get the bills paid. Everybody on both branches of the fam were cool with it, and even the insurance agent admitted it was the way to go. If only there was a health-care system that might prevent the need for such internecine litigation...
  2. I find it horrifying/fascinating that nobody in Britain has just said, 'you know what? We don't have to do this! We could just....Not!' Everything about the Brexit referendum/negotiations have been/are completely arbitrary, but everybody seems to be running towards the cliff because, well, because. I also found it weird that the screen card with the definition of Brexit showed its pronunciation as 'breg-zit' rather than 'brek-zit' But that's a whole other discush.
  3. I used to enjoy going to Psychic Fairs, (do these even still happen? it's been decades.) which were 20-odd people renting conference space in a hotel over a day or two and charging $20 a pop for readings. There were always posted (and printed on flyers) disclaimers "For Entertainment Purposes Only!" Which I think kept them on the legal side of the law. Of course in these set-ups, there was no chance for repeat business, so the likelihood of being bilked for thousands to 'lift curses' or whatever was minimized. And no, nobody ever told me anything interesting that was to come true, and most of what was plausible was so because it was so vague. "A blond man will send you flowers." Um, ok! That happened! Ooh! How could she knowwwwwww! My lasting memories of them were all the innovative Caftan deployments I saw. Which is, really, Work Wardrobe Goals.
  4. I heard him say '80s', not 90s, which tracks with my experience working in banks back then. We got our first machine in '83.
  5. I also love the universal response "they knew things they couldn't possibly have known!" Um, sweetie, they were watching your face as your expressions and head nods told them all the things they said back at you!
  6. Update yesterday out of SCOTUS. A unanimous court reined in the worst abuses of CF in the decision for Timbs v Indiana. RBG for the majority, opining that most of CF falls under the 'excessive fines' prohibition in the 8th Amendment. Gorsuch wrote a concurrent opinion, placing the protection elsewhere, but: no matter. CF is toast. I think we can still keep Manafort's houses, though.
  7. I feel like we need the help of Association of Cartographers for Social Equality on the job!
  8. There's a story she tells in her memoir of when they were performing on stage together. She injured herself and had to perform one night either on crutches or from a chair (I forget which), and the audience gave her pluck a standing ovation. Underneath the sound of the crowd, KB escorted her down center and said in mock irritation, "That's for you, you m***** gimp!" Which of course cracked Judi all the way up.
  9. attica

    MLB Thread

    I'm fulfilling a years-long dream and going to KC for a Yankee game! This year, the scheduling peeps have put the Ys in KC on Memorial Day weekend, rather than the brutal August they usually do. So I and my sis are going! Looking forward to the KC museums (Negro League, Harry Truman, Blues) and all the bbq we can stand.
  10. I've never seen that Cory-with-hair photo. Adorable! Remember (if the rumors are true), Rosario Dawson might be FLOTUS! We could do worse!
  11. I am extremely disappointed that Dench is rhyming slang for stench. I mean, it's super logical (hee!). But still upsetting. Everything about DJD should connote every thing awesome and national treasure.
  12. There was something about the two women running in place for most of the song that made me mad. It felt, I don't know, gladitorial, maybe? Definitely 'exert yourself meaninglessly for my entertainment, young women!' I mean, it's not like it's choreography, although I suppose that would be the defense mounted by whoever staged this thing. Blergh. Laura Linney is all right, isn't she. She seems thoughtful and interested in others. Stephen Mangan is always a good addition, and I would watch that show if it aired on this side of the pond. Saoirse and Timothee were fine. They're just both so young! (And here is where I lodge my obligatory-yet-impotent complaint about Mary QoS having a Scottish accent in films. She was raised in France!) Having a film premiere at Edinburgh Castle would be awesome, I think. Going to one there would be awesome!
  13. Especially because she was getting obviously a little verklempt! Oh, he's only stepping down! Whew!
  14. "She was sniffing what she should have been measuring!" made me snort unexpectedly.
  15. attica

    MLB Thread

    I'm sure the crossword puzzle community is cheering Moose's induction too! Confession: Sometimes when Moose was pitching and going too deep in counts like he did late in his career, I would scream at him through the teevee: If you really loved me, you'd get this guy out!!! And you know, it was often a 'loves me, loves me not' kind of roller-coaster.
  16. attica

    MLB Thread

    MLBN had a clip of the dudes from Metallica congratulating Mo, which is right and proper. And awesome. Mo, of course, doesn't listen to that kind of music, but he was gracious and and sincere in saying how much he respected 'those guys' despite their playing the devil's tunes. I'm kind of eager to hear the field at the induction ceremony bellow "mooooooooooooose".
  17. I suppose it's unfair of me to still hold a grudge against Emily M for The Newsroom. It wasn't her fault her role was written so badly, nor her fault she always had to wear those stupid blouses with the stupid piping on the seams. And yet!
  18. attica

    MLB Thread

    Former Yankees closer John Wetteland arrested on child sex abuse charge. In Texas. Out on $25K bond. Cripes.
  19. BG: You were going to play me in a video! EB: I don't remember that! Was I drunk? BG: [nods, kindly] me: lololol
  20. Wajahat Ali says 'it's not sexy to talk about subpoenas'. I say Yeah, it is!!!!
  21. The lawyers being yelled at in last night's Court Transcript Dramatic Reading complained in court today about getting "threats [from people] whipped into their frenzy by a cable television entertainer unknown to undersigned counsel named Rachel Maddow". I can't even breathe for laughing.
  22. I love Olivia Colman t h i s m u c h. All the party tricks were fun.
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