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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. What started all this hoopla? The minute I see Ellen's mug I switch the channel. Not that I dislike Ellen, but I don't tune into a "News" show for pranks...
  2. AFF, love the user name and profile pic. My favorite BBT character. :)
  3. Just a mini reflection of the season as I sit at home with illness... Apollo sure beat Phae to the punch when it came to speaking to the cast. Our juvial boy isn't that cerebral, which is why I'm shocked, but he sure got the leg up planting seeds apologizing to Kenya first, and through his unofficial mouthpiece with #Peter'sBrew...can't believed I hashtagged that... Now, I've been more #TeamTwirl over #TeamFixItJesus (hashtags, a new addiction)...but If I was Phae, the first thing I would have done, whether true or not...apologize to Kenya and put my spin to it...over Apollo... IT'S APOLLO...IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN EASY! While he's figuring out the time scale or whatever such nonsense, she could have been out and back and it's done...
  4. Some more info on Billy and Spider-Man: http://au.ibtimes.com/spider-man-reboot-casting-update-billy-unger-comments-role-new-peter-parker-1443078
  5. Looks like Billy's Twiiter is blowing up with #BillyUngerForSpider-Man...he's campaigning hard. I'm a member of a forum which does comic book films and his names popped up in the discussion for Spider-Man casting. Myself and a few others could see him in the role. Myself, he's my personal pick, but I don't think he's a realistic possibility with some of the contenders supposedly up for the role. I also think the Twitter campaign could work against him.
  6. Wow, were those kids totally frightened with Hoda and Kathie Lee this morning?
  7. I wish my fur babies would wear clothes and costumes, but alas, they love their nudey time...
  8. So glad this downer of a seasons over! See ya'll in the NY threads! ETA: Spoke a bit soon, I'm assuming we'll have the Secrets Revealed/Lost Footage Episode to slug through...
  9. What is it about demoting a HW to a FoHW that makes them more enjoyable. Loved Porsha this season!
  10. This season totally went down the tubes...this episode the friends and hanger-ons were entertaining than the wives... ...but...the crimson cowled "Tempest" is what especially or somewhat saved the episode from total snoozefest boredom... ...The artist's wife, she tagged along for the yacht ride right? I quite liked her...trying to remember her quote on rumors and clouds...I love my eccentric older ladies...cut Pettie or Gamble and relocate to Melbourne next season...if there is a next season...
  11. When it comes to Peggy, I'll believe it when I see it...every season she gives out interviews of coming back, wanting to come back, she would never come back....
  12. Still trying to figure out the bigger casting mistake...Creepy Carlton or the hoo-hah waxer from NY (sorry to whoever came up with that, I've been laughing since reading it in the NY boards...)
  13. I loved last season as well. It was actually my favorite Season of a franchise last year, but this season...it's lost its thunder...from down under...sorry, had to do it...
  14. IIRC, Nene issued to both Claudia and Kenya within the last couple months, not sure of the exact timeframe?
  15. ...I know some of the other court shows (past and present) occasionally do it, but JJ is one I'd love to see "where are they now?" and recaps/updates for every now and then. Especially for cases like the one you mentioned.
  16. You just know that mother didn't care at all about what the boy felt. If I was a betting man, I'd wager on she was thinking of what she thought others would perceive her for letting her little boy carry around a pink backpack. It's unfortunate, and based on my previous work, it's just a shame that parents let their perceptions take over instead of letting their children develop or discover themselves on their own.
  17. ...Terry Dubrow's actually likable on the show as well. He can ditch the OC and stay with Botched as far as I'm concerned. My opinion of course, and is the show getting a second season? Or what season are we on by now?
  18. Thanks for the clarification cooks! :) I was probably looking too much into the "I just left housewives..."
  19. So, that means ATL is the first franchise to lose all it's originals? I still wonder how Nene maintained friendships/allies for the show when every season she lumps all the woman together/attacks them in interviews...
  20. Thanks ZM! I hope so too, because I'm not missing NY Tuesday!
  21. Happy Easter Everyone! I hope everyone's having a great holiday, I had a good beginning of the week, but the last few days were rough, hopefully you guys are having a blast with loved ones and the like!
  22. ...and while you guys have that tradition, ours was to let mom and dad sleep in until eleven...actually, it wasn't really a holiday tradition, more like a daily tradition...lol.
  23. All this dog talk. :) I have two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Always loved them. My first big guy, he'll be nine this year and I made the realization of how to describe after seeing the dog trainer on the Melbourne HW's: "You treat the dog like a person, he'll treat you like a dog". Wouldn't have it any other way. My second little guy, he's about five, and my little companion, especially when I'm feeling bad. My sweet and simple guy, he's forever a puppy.
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