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Everything posted by ZaldamoWilder

  1. This is a squabble that doesn't make sense to me. Have I not been at a thing that was supposed to start at 8? For which you still haven't appeared 3 hours later? On a school night? Bish my child is GROWN, I am not physically gonna be anywhere at 11:09 pm except in the middle of my third dream. Tf? Gurl, did one of these screen blurbs include that she entered a bidding war that ultimately had her pay $1M over asking, $6M altogether? I mean she's lived in the city, she might be over it. I know you were throwing us shade lol, but I agree with you regardless, she needs to look at Jersey. $6M will get you the nicest mansion in Short Hills, Franklin Lakes or hell go live near the other housewives in Towaco in a pre-fab cleansy jawn. See I think she (justifiably) believes that in the grand scheme of their relationship because B has said some pretty scathing stuff to her, this isn't a big deal. And in terms of content and comparison, I agree with her, it's not. But, a couple of things niggle at me about it - you've omitted that I've been cheerfully waiting for you to appear and sing a song I've heard so many times before I can parody the shit in my sleep, for 3 hours.....on a weeknight. Nevermind my baby for a second, bitch I'M Tide® and b)? if I go home to do nothing more interesting to you than gather up my toenail clippings and sprinkle em across my kitchen floor for unwelcome varmints to choke on, guess what? that's my muffucin prerogative because your end of the bargain was breached when you didn't hit that damn stage by 8:30. Dorinda's new neighborhood. Ya'll? the real estate mayhem and foolishness that would be visited upon my life if I were to hit this number? Sutton Place is like 1/8th of a mile long, you ain't finna find it on a Rand McNally map or by public transportation. I don't even know if these people have garages because they don't drive, they are driven. You made me laugh hard. Because, don't we all have a thing? Lol! I heard this the same way Cheri O' Teri would pick up a kid's random ball in her yard and turn and tell no child in particular "it's mine now!" p.s. this also sounds like you and Mr. Diva Queen are properly prepared for your bbq guests. It is May. So........am I bringing potato salad or watermelon-lemonade? Lol!! she actually stuck to her boud'jet. I only know because after the Jonathan Adler sales lady said the prices and Mona said what she was sticking to, it took me all of up until the next break to add it up properly. Candlestick prices: $98, $88 and $78. Mona said oh perfect because I wanted to stay around $200. I'm a symmetry girl so alternating heights (of just two things) drive me insane. I would've even gotten a kick outta those coasters or hell gimme a Home Depot gift card wrapped in a Tiffany's box so I can get my own leaf blower. I love you @TV Diva Queen lol!! Chile everybody knows the bagels are delicious because they're cut with daggers made of Valerian Steel. Man, I was starting to feel like ya'll aren't my people anymore lol. The shots of them all sitting at Lu's table after nightfall turned me into that bitch in the movie theater: THE KILLER CAN SEE YOU!! Speaking of my tribe.....I'm mollified to read ya'll remark about Sonja using Marley's brush on her hair, but I would like the court to consider that this is a woman who put her presumably dirty dildo in the top rack of the dishwasher.......with the dishes. Fun fact, next week's preview of the Beekman Arms, where (I think that Lu impersonator is) is the Inn I and a gaggle of other bridesmaids stayed when my bestie got married in the neighboring town (Kingston). It actually is that isolating looking in places. Super bucolic, like one of those actual Main Street towns but I don't know if I'm enough of a big girl to wanna live a couple miles from my closest neighbor.
  2. raises hand sheepishly. It was cute. They're sweet together. Dennis needs to keep their business out his mama mouth. Even after the leave n' cleave speech she was like this concerns me! How Sway? Please be seated. Porsha was on a whole one for even having that meeting. She said well that same energy you came with being excited about PJ is the same energy I need you to come with when it's time to pick this baby up at 3am. I know that's right! But it ain't quite how a village works lol. PJ got an entire mama and an entire daddy, there's a phone-tree. That's not what made her flee the scene though Queen, she ran upstairs upon hearing that Dennis put an offer on that playa mansion in Buckhead, combined with what she already knew about him renting his house out when he had promised to sell it. So 3 things: (1) he's acting like a singleton, when partners discuss stuff like putting an offer on a house, (2) he's reminding her of how easily Kordell unentwined or more accurately, never fully committed because he was also supposed to have sold his house once they were married and (3) nobody, including his nosey ass mama checked him about how inappropriate it was to make that move without talking to her. They were all like oh girl pish posh, that man wanted to surprise you. I was on her side, hormones and all. Surprise, my ass, let your man buy a house you ain't sign off on, call and tell me how you feel. They did shut her down about a day-shift nanny for sure but she laughed that off.
  3. This is what I thought at first too. But Asha and Noelle grew up together and along parallel lines until Noelle went to med school. Then on last night's episode Britten and Imani were in a picture together as teenagers. So it seems like even if they're not besties now, they've also been familiar with each other for a realy long time. Shanice's husband Robert and Asha's husband Larry did their residences together. The only odd duck is Jazmine and her phantom husband. Did it bother anybody else every time Imani's sister said something like: yeah dad told me opr dad texted me..... lemme get this straight, you not only have a whole nother daughter, but you speak to her every day and I gotta chase you down to answer a text because I haven't seen you in 20 years?? That would fuck with my entire mind body and spirit, for good.
  4. Entertainment Tonight did a little segment on celebs making "throwaway" sums of money (five figures) for 10-30 second personalized birthday shoutouts on YouTube. Like, you can get JLo to say Angie, Mom, Vanessa and Tyler wanted you to have a happy birthday Marquis and many many more. That just cost Angie, Mom, Vanessa and Tyler a year of college. It sounded crazy as shit to me, but between social media and model mess I believe Eva was able to round up a couple hundred grand in a few weeks. These Bravo checks are only essential to Nene, Marlo and Tanya. Anybody notice when Eva veered away from whoever she was talking to to get at Nene about Nene coming outside to talk to her about the mic pack? I was lightweight mad at Eva for making me almost side with Nene in that exchange. It was clear that she relayed Eva's wishes to production and that they ignored her (which was what Eva was holding her responsible for) but the part that was more important because it mimicked Nene's objection with Cynthia was Eva saying yeah I get that you still had your pack on but you didn't tell me that when you came over to talk to me. To which {{pinchesbridgeofnose}} ya'll? to which Nene responded: why should I have had to give you the heads up? Is this or is this not your verbatim beef with Cynthia right this minute? The level of frustration I had that not one of them, including Cynthia, picked up on this moment to illustrate that to her. Shaaaatt!!! Now she might not be familiar with hyperbole but best believe Hosea Williams granddaughter knows some church lol.
  5. Mmm. I was trying to decide if they're mutually exclusive. I agree with @aradia22 in that talking about yourself, distinctively, without sounding as though you're bragging is a tightrope. It's a skill that even if people posses, they don't employ well. There are things I think work better than others: statements like "I love" rather than "I have", "name your favorite thing to do on a Saturday afternoon" rather than "I'm not into skydiving" but especially with online dating, you've got about 6 seconds to keep a reader reading, make it interesting, true and glimpse-y. By virtue of joining the platform and creating a profile, I think it is a sales pitch whether you acknowledge that or not. It's not as though it works differently in person. Flirting with a stranger is about throwing enough charm, funny and memorable their way during a temporary connection to hopefully create a second encounter. Don't get me wrong, sincerity pushes to the front of the pack, but if it were an attention grabber, "he/she had a nice personality" would be the start to every how'd you meet story ever. Girl, it's killing me, was the next word gonna be childhood? lol. I also agree with you that it's not brag worthy, but disagree that it's bragging to begin with. For that guy, his backstory could be: I'm the son of immigrants and the first generation in my family to graduate from college - that could be his amazing accomplishment. Sorry, for the Chandler Bing delivery.
  6. Lol! we figured. I did not, however, realize the brackets were specific to ptv and contained in your profile. I still vote for a mention, just lead with the funny. I highlighted the portion in her book where Michelle Obama admitted that watching housewives franchises was her guilty pleasure because it allowed her to shut her brain down and just relax and sent it to each of my exes who judged me harshly for it. Now, your future wife, who looks like Angelina Jolie and likes rock climbing and George Lucas movies, may also loooooove the Mob Wives series, but not for reasons you've imagined. Dont. Block. Your. Blessing. 😉 LMAO!!!! If you ever get to this point, try and remember that they're also known to flip the fuck out upon seeing Santa, so their judgment isn't to be trusted (generally).
  7. Lol!! You gone have to take my word that I don't need any convincing. My top criteria: he already likes me. 😄
  8. Tell me you saw the picture of this kid in a car seat? I think she tweeted it out last year because her hashtag said he was 6 (I might be thinking of the other one, what's his name Kash?). Them comments that came back to her? Lol I could not breathe. Somebody said his feet fully touching the seat in front of him, if ya'll don't get this full grown man a job and driver's license and quit playin....... Ah shit. I told myself babies are off limits to laugh at, but....
  9. @Lantern7 ooooh, is my timing impeccable or what? Lol. Um, I don't even know if you're still interested in collecting $.02 but if so, here's mine. The thing is, you're actually a funnier dude than you come across on paper. The thing about Staten Island being redacted for conflict is HILARIOUS but geographically specific and only funny to people who know that a) Staten Island was like the only place on the Eastern seaboard that voted red in the last election and b) you didn't vote for the current guy. Meh, shit, I thought it was funny, so I see what you were going for. I liked @JTMacc99's version too, but dating profiles and attention spans? Not compatible lol. Just to catch you guys up and make it unanimous? dating officially fucking sucks. I called the last guy I went out with before what was to be our 3rd date to tell him we didn't have enough chemistry to justify continuing to see each other and after a lot of push pull, he finally relents we hang up and he texts me: "I just realized what you said to me - that I wasn't flirtatious with you....(I said we didn't have chemistry).....if only you knew, I was on my best behavior, I wasn't exposing my dark side yet." Um, yeah...thanks for confirming my instinct Pill Cosby. Die please. I'm pretty fortunate (put a pin right here) in that to say I meet men on a fairly regular basis because I'm a blerd and I love books and the history channel and I say geeky shit (hey @JTMacc99 "I've ALWAYS had blue eyes!") lol but the packaging runs counter to the personality so I'm only ever attracted to men who act like they were expecting me to like Jeopardy. It's complicated. Anyway, I just wanted to drop by and tell ya'll hi, it's been a minute.
  10. 3 girl, that last one just got outta diapers. He would figure it out and in a gottam hurry too. Yup, he sees her income as supplemental. If so, good, but he's also a really shitty mcgitty about seeing it as unimportant if it what keeps her going. I'm glad she pulled his collar and reminded him that it was what kept them both going when he was still in school. She traded square footage for arrogant napolean complex.
  11. It has been. I feel like ya'll forget this on purpose because of the Kim dislike lol. It was a trillion years ago during an episode when the Biermann's went camping. Kim & Kroy were talking about his side of the family rift. He said it wasn't simply about their disapproval, but also their vocal and continuous disparagement (my word) of his soon to be wife. He added that while he respected their opinion and told them so, he also expected the slick talk to stop once and because he'd made it clear to them that Kim was his decision. What cemented it after that was that he asked his parents to apologize for what they'd said to/about her. The way that he articulated it was, it was disrespectful to him. They refused. If you can't stand somebody, it's easier to paint em like this here: this money grubbing whoooer isolated this poor man from his family and there's a whole heap of kids who don't know their grandparents. Ya'll? this man is not a hostage and his parents are not victims. He asked them to meet a condition about the way in which they spoke to and about his wife. They've chosen not to. Now that's sad for everybody involved. But ya'll are really gone need to stop putting that on Kim just because she's unlikeable. In that same episode, Kroy mentions that the few conversations he's had with his parents had been at Kim's encouragement. Modern medicine is making advancements everyday, but it's still pretty difficult to conveniently get pregnant without some help lol.
  12. He's an emergency medicine physician (in an ER) which I think means that along with his regular rotation, he's got unpredictable hours when he's the doc on call. I wasn't paying full attention during this part of the conversation but he also referenced some new expanded role (Director of something or other?) that would have him home even less reliably. The keeping the kids up later thing. Grrrr. If he'dve came at her with more sensitivity, I might've been a little sympathetic but, his delivery? No, church. He sounded like a selfish little bastard. I'll wake em up because I ain't seen em all day. Getting em back to bed is your problem. Ay @Empress1? Living husband and gluten free finna keep us wrinkle-less for 40 years gul. Lol. That having been said, has there been something about Shenique's job that we've seen/heard her do that keeps her overwhelmed by work like that? Didn't she have time to brunch with Jazmin in the middle of the day on one episode? Did she not also have time in the middle of the day for a gummy bear jacuzzi photo shoot during another? On camera, she's received a phone call about one of their units flooding (fixable by phone) and another time when her property manager needed to find a key (fixable by phone) - if she's busier than this at work, I'm gone need one of ya'll to point out what I don't see. Anyway if my husband's thing was we don't need the money, I couldn't call mommy'shelpers.org fast enough.
  13. Not really. I'm with you though, I still don't think it was a colorism jab. One of her responses, that colorism exists in every culture, was just weird (it that's not what she was going for).
  14. I didn't see it when it aired but as they were talking about it I thought: what else could it mean? Like how would black with Q even be a dark skinned slight? Is "with a Q" code for something? Marley's asshole of a father is about Kandi's complexion (isn't he?) Almost forgot my favorite moment of the night: Andy: can anybody confirm that Yovanna really was that bitch RhoATL:
  15. A friend of mine makes t-shirts. If you see this blow up in a few months, I don't want you to get upset. I'm not cutting you a check. soooo.....? you think the woman who called her husband for permission to go to a strip club on a bachelorette party weekend, then ultimately didn't go because he objected......slept and conceived a child with someone else while they were married? {whining} which is how my perpetual thought bubble is: what are still doing interacting with this grown ass baby for. Ya'll living your best lives, ain't goin back and forth with her. Yeah I vote this isn't ageism either. Doesn't strike me a literal description more than just a fitting conjoiner adjective. She's acting like a resentful, entitled old ass muffucah. See? it flows. Lol
  16. @LaurelleJ you making me wanna do my best Jenifer Holiday this morning Laurelle? ........where is my dress?? Curtis said... 😄
  17. I'm still giggling at stretchy pants lol. oh, I got that all wrong if so. I thought Shamari was trying to help dispel the rumors. Like: if I was broke I wouldn't bring no big ass expensive bouquet.........conclusion: Eva's not hurting for cash.
  18. Hammer, meet nail head. The guy she went to for solace who she's calling so he can reassure his pretty upset wife about (at worst) infidelity, (at best) overlap accusations, pauses before saying: "wow." Asha, Shenique isn't your problem. I was grouchy she walked it back, talking about I'm not trying to insinuate that he was cheating. Um, in the TH before this, your exact words were, "he met his now-wife 6 years ago and proposed to Anisa 4 years ago. You do the math." An insinuation is exactly what you were making. But if it's accurate, I'm here for it. All this how dare you back and forth is forcing attention away from: Larry when exactly was the last time you were involved with, spoke to, got some from, Anisa? She sounds like a straight up dummy saying this out loud. Coming up with the most playarific alternate explanation of all time. Asha: tell me about your past relationship(s). Larry: I just want to talk about you, tell me about you. Naw, that's alright, I'd rather we discuss this woman you still so deeply in love with it hurts to bring her up. Mmmhmm because Anisa was the love of his life. Asha was who he settled for. If anybody would know this about you, it would be your boy. By the way Robert, maybe don't have conversations that are supposed to be private on camera. Robert and Shanique have been together long enough for Shanique to know this first hand as well, why does it seem like something she's just uncovering? I don't know if Imani's pressdt only because she doesn't really strike me as the trappings type. It was disappointing that she was struggling to acknowledge that she needed to apologize and that even after her mom helped her clarify the words, it was uncomfortable. Seems like a psychologist, psychiatrist should be able to get there faster than most. I giggled when she corrected her mom about the difference. Mama, how many kids you got that you don't remember I went to a whole med school and everything? lol! Chile. Any stage of the game. She said 50 minutes outside L.A. and I started carrying the one. I was like that's a 70 minute drive on the weekend, 120 minutes one way during the week. Nope. $1.2M for a gut reno from 1989? Cali you on some serious shit. They can be employed regularly by the same facility, but they're not typically employees in that sense. They're paid separately and if you get a bill for surgery, you'll see their services and fees listed separately. Essential but independent subcontractors. Analogous to house flipping, think of anesthesiologists as roofing, plumbing or electrical. Can't do it without them, but they're the subs subs, not a permanent part of the renovation company.
  19. The summation of all parts. I didn't know whether to giggle or look away when they were outside and Kenya was leaving while Nene was so pointedly trying her attention. I still don't know why she even tried to. I mean from what I understand about raging ass insecurity and emotional immaturity, it makes you shy away from people you're intimated by, no?. When she said Bye Kenya, goodnight! to a woman she'd been throwing shade at and talking shit under her clothes about the entire party long.....and Kenya said goodnight everybody, goodnight Gregg, I'm praying for your recovery.... howtopayabitchdust.org Nene getting a look at Cynthia's "I'm supposed to act like I didn't know Kenya was coming" whisper in Mike's ear is what would've killed it for her. That would've killed it for me and I haven't ever liked Nene. So Cynthia calls Kandi before the Nene meetup to get their story straight. Kandi gives it away by saying she's mic'd and there's presumably an additional conversation (maybe on text) where they sync the official version "Cynthia didn't know Kenya was coming, I"m the person who talked Kenya into it and she told me not to let ANYONE know she'd be there." Cynthia's a model, not an actress lol. Why not say I knew Kenya was coming, just like I knew you were. I didn't tell either of you about the other, but I'm not obligated to. That's the definition of neutrality. Now what? Lol. Figure if she was a double something cup before, between engorgement and inflammation....? Man pregnancy will fix your entire sense of humor lol, y'own know where your body finna store that kid. Lil Wilder gave me the gift of immediate urination and a spongebob squarebooty just like that. I'm praying for her snapback game, that's one helluva climb at 50.
  20. This is the objectionable part. Unhealthy and unstable are subjective generalizations. Marley's biological father is a full blown narcissistic, resentful, stalking psychopath who publicly renounced his child within minutes of Eva posting her (2nd baby) pregnancy announcement. Nobody can say why anyone else entered into a marriage or got out of one. What we can say is the amount of time you've known your spouse does not determine the nature of your future relationship nor their ability to parent well. See this here <--- is a choice that (good) parents have to make every day. Shitty parents are exempt, they don't need to do it at all. As an example, this 58 YEAR LONG marriage ended when this billionaire came home, told his wife he was in love with somebody else and moved out to be with her.......that night. https://www.barstoolsports.com/dmv/billionaire-put-up-a-gigantic-mural-of-him-and-his-new-wife-in-nyc-to-get-back-at-his-ex-wife girl the assertion that if your child's father is or becomes an asshole that's a function of the mother's bad judgement? no ma'am. Lol!
  21. I confess if my psychiatrist looked like this, I'd stay off kilter. Yuuup. I don't like Gizelle either, but that's a different show. Noelle. Lol. Robert. Lol. Yeah it's mean. But we done already, shit I was about to say cut him down to size...um, lemme think on it. In the meantime, on the next Sally Jesse Raphael: Is it a fucked up thing to say if it's true, let's discuss. Caller you say what? I don't wanna spend any more of today on Google. I thought this just one area of her dermatology practice, no? Hell, Jackie, Simone and Heavenly might've already taken care of her in their "real doctor" assessment and I missed it. My only thing with Jazmin is she starts by seeking to make the other women in her company comfortable by dumbing herself down. Now I don't know if that's an act or regression or a kind of duality she thinks necessary for acceptance but it's the reason I don't like her yet. Steven Hawking was out here in a whole wheelchair, disease ravaged his body. Nobody ever mentioned the chair. Then again maybe it helps her hide fly on the wall style while she observes. She is a good listener. Right! That's exactly what she said. To her credit I think she's gone to look at the places he liked. They might be spinning their wheels because when she says that's an hour long drive to work for me one way, he says well it meets our criteria and the suburbs is where I wanna be anyway so, so what? If they're serious, she's going to need to get really honest with her realtor and be ok with a 1/2 hour commute. He strikes me as a foot dragger also but I'm not sure when they taped, maybe they want the kids to finish out the school year. In her book Michelle Obama describes being female, black and strong as having left the impression for some that she was a too tall, too forceful, ready to emasculate, Godzilla of a wife all of which translated to being "an angry black woman", a cliche that's been used forever to sweep minority women to the perimeter of every room. I love that blurb and I love Imani for the lack of any pretense that she's even gone try struggling with diplomacy before talking. I'm surprised that a mental health dr. isn't automatically accustomed to parsing her words more often but I'm not mad at her.....yet. I think she's the other side of the Jazmin coin.
  22. Lol. Girl my bad. I take it for granted that I've run my mouth on these boards for so long, ya'll can tell when I'm being tongue in cheek lol. This was in response to the original poster who commented on the effect it has on Marley to change schools each time Eva and Michael move. I was snarking on the prospect that it's traumatic when: 0-2.5, then 2.5-4, then 5 onwards - if you grow up in America, you gone change *schools* 3 times before your 6th birthday regardless. As to the program, her parents aren't interrupting an ivy league graduate thesis but fair enough, the littles are busier than fingerpainting and cheezits. Personally, I'm sure I was positively brilliant as a kindergartner though I'd be hard pressed to remember why. 😉 I doubt having children with multiple partners is the ideal. For some, I imagine, it's not that complicated, it's the order of events. For some, I imagine, one thing (pregnancy) has nothing to do with the other (marriage). Obviously I can't speak for anyone else but I don't think it's as simplistic as childbirth should be intentional. If it were, the world would actually be underpopulated while men heaux it up and run out your biological clock. And on a biased personal note if babies were only legitimized by being born into wedlock, no Nelson Mandela. Why does anybody get married? Love? Companionship? Provision? Tired of draggin this wagon on their own.
  23. by the way, because I still struggle to remember when she's in the frame, Yovanna: and oh, Aunt Bertha?
  24. Ok. But I was responding to the implication that Noelle thinks the school is better because it's white/non-diverse. The school's better because it's privately funded. It's white because the parents of students that would make it diverse don't have similar access to disposable income. Overall though, in my opinion, the chance that racism may abound is the very last reason not to be present. Yeah.....that's what I said. Lol.
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