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Posts posted by psychoticstate

  1. What was with her claiming to just not remember some of her really mean shit? She didn't remember the comment about folks with less money being satisfied with the Berkshires, and didn't remember telling the gals that Sonja didn't really care about Lu. I guess that is one way to not get called out on what an awful person you are. Don't defend it, just say you don't remember saying it.



    islandgal beat me to it but I was thinking the same thing - - this defense is seemingly working for Tamra.  Although Tamra does throw alcohol into the mix too.  Ramona has Turtle Time.  Tamra has Trampy Time.



    Ummm, maybe I'm completely missing something, but why would you have a colonoscopy to diagnose asthma?


    The really important question though is, did Aviva have her colonoscopy at TGI Friday's and then go to Chili's to await the results?


    Ramona really didn't handle Andy's questioning well. She had to have known he would go down that path.  Who wouldn't?  Especially with Mario's OTT ballad to the Moaner.  So why not admit that you had problems, admit that yes, you filed for divorce but the two of you are together and are working on your marriage?  If Andy wanted to know what you learned from this experience, all you have to say is that you learned that you wanted to fight for your marriage.  And call it a day.  Being so delusionally defensive is crazy (and Sonja territory).


    I really got annoyed with the ladies interrupting and talking over each other.  I know that Heather is besties with Carole but I think Carole had adequately defend herself against Aviva's insults and accusations.  So let her. 


    Aviva is clearly a moron.  She really has/had no storyline except for her pervy dad and Bookgate with Carole.  Why wasn't she filmed having meetings about her own book?  I don't think it was released until after filming was over, otherwise I would suggest that she should have been filmed at a book release event, signings, etc.


    I love Luann.  There, I said it.  She doesn't get ruffled and she doesn't back down.

    • Love 2
  2. I have Outlander on audio and have tried to listen twice, without success.  Watching this, I wasn't expecting much but I was hooked almost immediately.  I love, love, love time travel and this was so beautifully shot and the acting is superb. I don't have Starz but I'll be calling my cable company to add it on because I don't think I can wait until this is out on DVD.

    • Love 5
  3. @Nighteyes, if I remember correctly in the POTW book, Carrie would have been around 10 or 11, I think, when Julian and Cathy married and no more than 16 or 17 when Julian died.  She didn't tell Cathy about Julian's advances until Alex began talking to Carrie about getting married.


    Funny (in a non- ha ha kind of way) that when reading these books initially as a teen I never picked up on how every major man in Cathy's life (save her father) either raped her or someone else.   Cathy's choices in men were clearly highly questionable - - and just about every character in the books was in desperate need of counseling.


    ETA:  An interesting point with Julian is that he was interested in Cathy when she was 15 or 16.  He was her first date and she was 16 so clearly, he had a thing for young girls.

  4. My guilty pleasure reading is definitely V.C. Andrews.  Well really just the Flowers in the Attic series.  The plots are ridiculous and the writing is pretty terrible but I can't help myself.  I'm on the last book now and I'm always a little embarrassed if someone asks what I'm reading.   But that is what my Kindle is for!

    I absolutely love V. C. Andrews, cheese and all.  Well, the REAL V. C. Andrews, not most of the ghostwritten crap.


    I've said before that I think V.C. was the late 70s/80s generations' Stephenie Meyer.  Not the best writing but damn if that woman couldn't spin a story.  And her books remind me of running to B. Dalton at the mall to buy the latest paperback.  Good times.

    • Love 3
  5. No!  We have to wait until next Monday to see Tamra scurry off like a (blonde oversexed) rat abandoning a sinking ship?  Say it ain't so!


    Bali looks stunning but no way could I fly 23 hours to get there.  Especially not with Ms. Whoo Hoo.  I would have to sit with Shannon and dig into her baggie of tricks to deal with Vicki's extreme ADD for that long.


    I loved the elephants.  Leave it up to the Truck Driver with Tits to point out an elephant penis.  She is so disgusting.  She was leaning way to the side on that elephant and I was hoping she'd slip off and get trampled (Trampa trampled, he he!) Then the vacation could really begin! 


    Vicki and Shannon on the kayak was awesome. That's what I want to see.  (Well, the elephants too although Bravo should have gagged the majority of the bitches for the ride).


    I felt horrible for Christian over that birthday clip.  Good grief.  Clearly there are some serious underlying issues in that marriage that haven't been shown.  They need to find a good counselor/therapist stat.  I like Lizzie but she made that comment with so much resentment and anger, that wasn't just the alcohol talking.  And I don't think she's that upset over a birthday.  There is obviously something much greater at play here.  Christian seems like a nice guy, she should be careful.  Devastating enough to hear that comment period but broadcast on tv?  Ugh.


    The Marry/Shag/Kill game is supposed to be played using celebs.  NOT your friends and their significant others.  I'm sure Tamra was irate because I can't imagine anyone there (including Eddie) choosing her as the person to shag.


    @Lablover27, when did old Tams take her Facebook page down?

    • Love 3
  6. I went to her first soft, soft, SOFT opening.  Isn't her location shitty?  Her youngest son, Spencer, couldn't have looked more tortured sitting in the lobby.  Dang, RoidRyan has changed since then - for the worse.  Lose the creepy beard dude. 


    I'm always finding Tamra.  In front of Pavilions doing a demo...at RSM city hall at those community concerts with her tent set up.  I get to glare at her all the time.  Next time, we have to meet so we can glare and snark together.


    I'd take a flat show any day if they fired Tamra.   Miss Terry could fix that right up if he didn't botch it.


    Yes, the location is really awful.  They really needed a place like where OrangeTheory is - - in the Pavilion's shopping center.  Of course they also need to be open in the mornings before people go to work or after hours, when people get home.


    Somehow I have missed seeing Tamra in person, anywhere around RSM or Ladera.  Don't know how I have gotten so lucky.  I haven't seen Vicki whoo-hooing over town either. 


    Definitely let me know the next time you are gearing up for glaring.  We can make it a group event.  Double points if we can make Tamra run away crying.

    • Love 2
  7. I am from Atlanta and my guess is that they got into spring break traffic going to Destin.  Add to that Kim just had to stop at the BP to get scratch off lotto tickets - - and it probably took them forever to get Kim and her wigs, 4 babies and four teens into the RV (plus Sweetie and Lana) and enough said.


    I guess the RV is the only vehicle that would have held everyone but they certainly could have driven in 2 vehicles (just don't let Brielle drive).  Two smaller vehicles would have been faster.  Once they are in Destin, are they walking everywhere or did they rent something because I surely can't see them driving locally in that RV.


    I think that Kroy is a good dad but he's a damn fool for letting Wig spend money like that.  I would say it's foolish if it was just the two of them but with half a dozen kids and all the help that Wig requires . . . . I don't see how they're not broke now. 


    How much money does Wig make that she can lose a quarter of a million dollars gambling??  Was she talking relatively recently or back when she was with Big Poppa?  That is just a disgrace and there she is, smiling about it like it's funny.  Does this moron ever think about investing that $250k for her children's education?  Or how about instead of spending $10k on stupid luggage for babies who don't even give a shit, put that money into CDs or something for them?


    And Kim, really - - you just "know "that Brielle isn't drinking, drugging or having sex?  Please.  Did your parents just "know" what you were and weren't doing?  Brielle has been brought up seeing her mother as a mistress to at least one man we know of, smoking and drinking a lot of wine (at least when she was on RHOA) and with zero financial responsibility.  How can she really turn out much differently?   


    I did laugh and snort hysterically over the preview of Sweetie in the hamster ball.  That was funny. 

    • Love 1
  8. Thank you, Gussie.  I can't believe I gave Wig more credit than she deserves.  Although I guess assuming that Wig's brain focuses on anything other than money and d*ck would be gving her more credit than she deserves.


    I can buy LuAnn as an LPN or even an RN - - she is clearly intelligent (pirates aside).

    • Love 4
  9. Myrna Loy was born in my hometown. I love The Thin Man movies. On Saturday August 9th, they are showing a bunch of William Powell movies on TCM. Myrna and William are my favorite classic movie couple, and my favorite actor and actress.

    I agree.  I absolutely adore William Powell and he had such amazing chemistry with Myrna Loy.  The perfect film couple.

    • Love 3
  10. Really! He sounds like another Aviva Drescher from RHONY. Did he take one class on constitutional law in college? Did he start law school and then drop out? Law & Order marathons, maybe? Halloween costume parties dressed as a lawyer?


    Jim may be a non-practicing attorney but he's clearly not a well wisher (TM Aviva Drescher).   


    These people are all idiots.  I agree with the poster above who said they don't like real life Juicy and his actions but like him on the show.  I agree with that.  He's definitely the most level headed man on this show (and that says something).  At least so far this season.

    • Love 5
  11. I really liked this.  I don't think Ben looks anything like Johnny Depp but he seems like a nice, supportive partner to Jackie.  I liked Jackie, crazy and all.


    I wanted to like Lydia but god, what a poseur.  Andrea needs to take her lists and STFU.  Gina needs a makeunder.  On first glance didn't think I would like Janet but I do.  Chika's husband seems pretty awesome.


    Wonder why Bravo is airing it at noon on Sundays??

    • Love 1
  12. I don't know about Miami. Maybe a bit further north? "Spring Break Sharknado: Where the Sharks Are" or somesuch.



    This is just made of awesomeness.  Kadooz!


    Wherever they hold the next one, these are a few of the actors I'd like to see in it:  Gary Busey, David Hasselhoff, and Joan Rivers.  I know there are a slew of others I'd like to see so I have to think about it.



    Could they get Richard Dreyfuss?  That would be classic.  Or how about Pam Anderson?  I don't think she's doing much nowadays.  Or Samuel L. Jackson?  That would be funny.

  13. So I watched the Sharknado Mini Marathon last night, as I hadn't seen the original little masterpiece originally.


    Original recipe - - cheesy, yes but oh-so-entertaining.  I liked the somewhat slow build up to the sharks being in the tornadoes, with the hurricane being the first threat and then flooding.  In my opinion, that's what was superior over The Second One.  The sharks just started falling on NYC out of the gate and for that reason, I preferred the original.


    That said, I loved all the references to The Twilight Zone, Airplane and Taxi - -among others!

  14. One more day till paradise. I'm so over the stress of the show and what it's doing to my spirit. I can't wait to spend time with my husband and not think about unnecessary drama. 2014 has been a hard year for me. God is testing me, teaching me, Making me stronger . I need positive energy. There are people wanting me to fail, pushing me to fail! But I have to be stronger. You can only hurt me if I let you and I'm ready to be strong again . Eddie thank you for being so level headed and being there for me everyday. I love you so much ,



    Thank you for sharing this, @Persnickety1.  It's too bad that God, in His infinite wisdom, didn't see fit to teach Tamra about spelling, grammar and the unnecessary assault of initial caps. 


    She is absolutely ridiculous and she ruins the show for me.  I just want to punch her in her overly Botoxed/filled squinty eyes.  I guess I keep watching because I've never seen a rat with straw hair who admits to anal.

    • Love 6
  15. The most important thing I took away from this episode is that Joe Gorga, that Angel from God, has a wait list of people in line, taking numbers, to hang out with him.  I am still laughing over that little gem.


    Seriously, put JoeGo with the Wonder Twins, who have to stop for gas on their haul-ass-over-to-Amber mission.  The level of crazy and delusion would be off the charts. 

    • Love 1
  16. I just now got to see both the remakes of Flowers in the Attic, as well as  Petals on the Wind and I'm excited.


    I was disappointed in the first run of the movie as it changed so many things from the book and pretty much killed off any chance of the other books being made into movies. I noticed that they are going to be making If there Be Thorns, and Seeds of Yesterday to come out in 2015, as well as My Sweet Audrina. No word yet on Garden of Shadows, but I hope it happens as well. My favourite series of the bunch was the Heaven series (Even though it wasn't technically VC Andrews by that point), but honestly I don't think I read past the Dawn series because they got too samey for me.


    Anyway, the movies!


    I really liked them. And I'm glad they did a time jump ahead in Petals and didn't have Cathy marrying her doctor, it would have been just too much for the movie. I wish there had been more with Carrie at the school and I wish the dolls and the house could have been the replica of Foxworth Hall. The big old doll didn't fit for me and Carrie didn't really either. She was short, sure but she still looked too mature for what I had in my head.


    The only thing I was really disappointed in was Foxworth Hall. The one in the Lifetime movie just didn't cut it for me. It wasn't nearly big or imposing enough. The house in the first movie had it right. Take that house, smoosh it into the Lifetime movie and it would be perfect.


    There were some really minor changes - Chris finding out about Corey, not Cathy, and I'm really glad this Cathy didn't put wax into the Grandmother's hair. This Grandmother while horrible, did seem to have at least a little humanity. And while Chris wasn't as openly worshipful of his mother, I could see the glint of where his feels for Cathy might have started. Corrine was spot on and I really can't wait for Thorns for her to finally get what she should.


    And though I'm not a fan of them, I wish Bart had has his moustache, for some reason.


    So, anyone else excited but the next movies, or did I just make a silly topic no one else will talk in?


    @Insomnia, I watched both movies and loved them both for different reasons - - mainly because VC Andrews is a guilty pleasure for me.


    I think the casting for the major characters was excellent in FITA.  I think Kiernan Shipka was the perfect combination for Cathy - - she was feminine while still steely at times.  She played off Mason Dye as Chris very well.  I think this version of FITA gave viewers a better idea of how long the kids were locked up versus the 1987 movie.


    While I liked the actress playing Carrie in POTW and I thought she nailed her performance I didn't care for the one playing Cathy quite so much.  Maybe it was the script and not the actress' fault but I just didn't get the anger, rage and overall one-minded determination that book Cathy had in getting even with her mother.   I also didn't like the addition of the character of Sarah - - she didn't exist in the book and for good reason.  Chris was never able to get over Cathy.  I don't like that movie Chris was going to hurt someone and intentionally.  I also didn't care for the fact that the movie just moved on after Sarah walked in on Chris and Cathy making out.  No repurcussions it seemed, of any kind.


    I think the main issue with POTW is that it was done in a 2 hour time frame.  The book itself covered at least a dozen years.  I understand why they elected to start it 10 years after FITA ended but it made the timeline wonky and suspect.  Cathy would not have just been entering the dancing world at 25.  We also had no idea based on the movie that she and Julian were married for 5+ years at the time he died.  Movie Jory was basically a blink-and-you'll-miss-him.  From the movie you would have no idea that Cathy truly did fall in love with Bart.


    That said, I am looking forward to ITBT and SOY.  I hope they will give GOS a chance as I thought the book was good and completely turned around the entire Dollanganger saga for me.


    And I am giddy with the thought of MSA - - that book is absolutely batshit crazy and I can't wait to see how Lifetime will handle it.

  17. OK, I am going on vacation soon which means some harsh cuts need to be made on the DVR because I cannot possibly watch all these movies before I go. Here's the list... Mary of Scotland, My Fair Lady, More Than a Miracle, And Then There Were None, Ten Little Indians, Belle de Jour, Random Harvest, The Mummy, Fire Over England, and The Ladykillers. I've never seen any of these movies before minus some parts of My Fair Lady.

     I would absolutely not cut And Then There Were None.  I DVR'd it myself and it's supposed to be a fantastic adaptation.

  18. But then I read East of Eden and absolutely loved it.



    East of Eden is my favorite Steinbeck work.


    I tried reading Ann Rice's Interview with the Vampire many years ago and I just couldn't get into it.  I gave it 100 or so pages before I gave up.  I had heard how awesome it was so I was very disappointed that it didn't do it for me.


    Jane Austen will always be my very favorite classic author.  I love her.

    • Love 3
  19. For those who like that Agatha Christie novel as a film source (I certainly do), this blog offers a treat: separate entries on all five of its film adaptations, and then a comparison including awards for best realization of each character (the characters morph across the various updatings and changes, but that's part of the fun). I doubt anyone else will ever go into it in such depth or with such enthusiasm. In fact the whole blog is fun reading for those who like the Christie oeuvre -- every book, and every film or TV adaptation, is discussed.

    Thank you for the link to that site!  I am thrilled the blog author loves "Evil Under the Sun" as much as I do but am disappointed that he/she doesn't see the fun and campy merit in "Death on the Nile", which I adore.

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