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Posts posted by psychoticstate

  1. I am floored that tacky ass Tamra apparently still skates by during this dinner.  Heather may not be the nicest person ever but holy crap, the responsibility for opening your piehole goes to that sea witch Tamra, who not only told Heather to gossip but also told Vicki for the same reason.  Has Shannon not thought to question why Tamra told Vicki?  Tamra claims she blabbed to Heather because she wanted Heather to feel sympathetic toward Shannon but what about the Vickster? 


    Beyond that . . . why exactly is Shannon so damn offended?  She can argue that she told Tamra in confidence but she told her WITH THE CAMERAS THERE.  So she had to know that eventually it would come out.  So seeing as how millions of people now know does Heather's little circle of friends matter that much? 


    It seems to me that Shannon is clearly transferring her anger to Heather.  I think Shannon has a lot of anger and resentment toward David, toward Tamra, toward the ozone, who knows.  I get that she doesn't particularly like Heather but I don't think Heather's mission in life is to make Shannon miserable.  Both of them need to let go of the damn "screaming at me" and "you threw me out of your house."  Enough already.  Address the truck driving elephant with tits in the room. 


    Interesting to me that Eddie refused to get involved.  He's not even going to attempt to defend his wife?  Say what you will about David and/or Terry but they at least will defend their wives.  Eddie obviously knows what a shrew he's shackled himself to.


    And Vicki?  Is she waiting for the right moment to blow Tamra's cover?  When she saw things were getting out of hand (again), why didn't she shut it down (TM Heather) by telling Tamra she was lying and Tams had told Vick the same thing?  That would have caused all three shrieking women to STFU.


    Am I the only one who was hoping that Shannon would haul off and throat punch Tamra when Tamra was running around after her, screeching at her?  I hope not.  Fantasies are made of things like that.


    Poor Lizzie and Christian.  How mortifying.  I think they handled that mess relatively well. 


    To agree with other posters - - WTF was up with Vicki and Tamra claiming they were too busy to go pee?  Seriously?  On the one hand, we have Bethenny who is peeing in a pail during her wedding reception on film and then these two chucklefucks (@Persnickety, did you come up with this gem over on TWOP?) claiming they are so very busy, they can't even find the time to relieve themselves.  Please! 


    Brooks, please do not assault my ears ever again by making any claims about Vicki's vajayjay.  Such talk makes me miss the grossness of your Hallmark moments. 

    • Love 8
  2. I think her granny news sent her into a tailspin. She looks like shit on WWHL. Her eyes are like tiny slits. She has really fucked up her face alá the cat woman. Looks like really bad eye surgery.

    I made the mistake of watching WWHL before planning to sleep.  Good Lord, was Tamra trying to suck my soul out through the tv or what?  Bitch has always been, well, a bitch and lying liar who lies but she looks like baked hell now. 


    And I'm sorry Andy Cohen but Angela won that Housewives throwdown by a mile. 

    • Love 4
  3. Any episode that makes Noelle look like an even more massive asshole than she is becomes okay in my book.  Can Rosemary the Etiquette Lady show up every week to give Noelle a smack down?  And if we took a drink every time she pursed her lips and/or looked pissed, we'd all be in alcohol induced comas.


    Oh Caprice, shut up.  If you're 7+ months pregnant and your surrogate is 8-9 months pregnant, whose fault is it you don't have anything ready for the babies?  Maybe you should quit jaunting to the country and/or buying ugly maternity outfits and buy some baby gear.  Or pay someone to do it.  Just saying. 


    Poor Annabelle.  Caprice and Lady Almost Sandwich come to pay her a visit while she's recovering and she ends up consoling Caprice?  Excuse me?   I have news, Caprice.  It's not all about you.  You're having a baby.  Annabelle nearly had a fatal accident.  You lose.

    • Love 8
  4. Was there an actual mud run?  I'm not sure because I literally couldn't take my eyes off the asses on those two.  WTF? 


    When Kim said she weighed 125 was she talking about just her ass?  I know she's short but she's seriously packing back there.  Between her ass and her jugs, I would think those suckers would clock in at 125 alone.


    The helicopter/helipad thing was so fake but I just can't hate on Scott.  Damn it.  He's entertaining. 

    • Love 2
  5. Instead she basically made a pinata out of her face but I'm betting no matter how many times I hit it with a stick no candy or toys are coming out.



    Holy crap, that's funny.  And sadly true.


    Noelle is a shit stirrer.  Why call up Caprice to tell her the ladies were talking about her after she left?  Oh wait, don't tell me.  Because it's for altruistic reasons a la Tamra Judge.  Please.  Why remind everyone at breakfast the conflict between Juliet and Marissa (and Caprice and Annabelle)?  Really?  And can someone please tell Noelle she doesn't need to purse her lips or pout at all times?  Is she even able to hold her lips and mouth normally at this point?   


    Is Scott desperate for a girlfriend or fuck buddy?  Why else is he with this vapid waste of space?  Nothing is good enough for her.  She finally got her way and moved into a flat with him and first day, she's already saying this place is only temporary (I could hear a "Thank God" in the back of her mind).   She annoys me far worse than anyone else on this show.


    Julie, the future Countess of Sandwich, seems very nice but girl needs an Extreme Makeover and fast.  Where are Stacy and Clinton?  Her clothing is not good.  Her hair is not good.  Her makeup is not good.  Isn't she good friends with Caprice?  How can Caprice let this happen?


    Holy hell, I didn't even recognize Annabelle at the end.  I did laugh over a post upthread on how her hospital gown should have been in McQueen colors.


    I love Caroline.  I want to be Caroline.  She always looks good (I have NEVER looked that good supposedly hung over, nor will I)

  6. Let me second (or third, or whatever) others' views that Eddie is checked out on Tamra.  Wow.  Clearly he was implying Ryan - - and maybe even Tamra - - sucks and isn't worth the money.  I'm glad the Robot Baby storyline is over.  Ridiculous. 


    As far as CUT goes, I live in the area and I think regardless of the floor situation, Ryan and/or the monthly fee, the location is going to kill it.  They are in a fairly industrial type area, with nothing else around to draw in traffic.  The local 24 Hour Fitness and OrangeTheory are both in shopping centers with grocery stores, restaurants, Starbucks, etc. to bring traffic in.  I think Tamra and Eddie should have considered opening their business in the Foothill Ranch area by the Market Place, where there are tons of stores, including a huge WalMart, restaurants and a movie theater.  With those businesses pulling people in, they are doing a good portion of your marketing work for you.  Plus, Saddleback Church is right down the road.  I would have given members of the church a sign-up special or something like that to get people in the door.  I do think CUT is different from 24 Hour Fitness in that it seems you work out solely in classes, so it's not a do-it-yourself type of deal and it's probably good, in theory, for people who haven't worked out before.  Just my two cents on that.


    Shannon and David were painful to watch because it's very clear to me that David has one foot out the door.  His statements of wanting to be happy, getting older and not wanting to do this anymore all scream to me of someone who is done with the relationship and wants their freedom.  I can't say that I blame him from what we've seen but it's still hard to watch as clearly Shannon is not on the same page.  I hope that she listened very carefully to what he said and goes home to make some changes.  Both need counseling, whether their marriage survives or not.  And Shannon needs a purpose besides just her marriage and motherhood.  Her children are old enough for her to be working part-time or volunteering - - she needs to do one or the other.  She's very into the green/clean living thing so maybe she should be doing something with that?  In any event, it could help to improve her marriage at best and at worst, it will help her get on her feet and get through it should the marriage end. 


    Damn it, I actually liked Brooks and Vicki.  Damn you, show.  But I would definitely enjoy vacaying with the Vicki we saw last night.  She looked happy and was clearly having a good time.  I would have loved the horseback riding and then the nice lunch.  I understand that Shannon was tired but you can nap later, girl! 


    Lizzie's bathing suits are cute - - if you're between the ages of 18 and 21.  And getting a $100,000 gift from your father, or anyone, does not equal you did it alone in my book. 


    Heather's new puppies were super cute but I do agree with earlier posters who said she shouldn't have to explain rescue/pedigreed to anyone. 


    I look forward to next week.  I hope it becomes clear to Shannon at least that she's transferring a lot of anger, resentment, whatever to Heather.  And I hope that Tamra gets her stupid, illiterate ass chewed for starting this in the first place.  Yes, Heather was gossiping but she would have had nothing to gossip about if Tamra hadn't opened her big fat piehole.

    lunastartron, you made another point about CUT Fitness that I forgot (probably because there are SO MANY issues).  Most gyms or fitness centers open early so people can go work out before they head into the office.  CUT does not, from what I've seen.  They also aren't always open "after hours" either.  So not very convenient.


    If Tamra has claimed that she is in the black on this business, she's full of shit.  I don't see how.

    • Love 3
  7. Let me chime in with tears over the loss of Journeyman.  That show was freaking awesome and I am still angry that NBC (Nothing But Cancellations!) put the kibosh on it.


    I'm happy to see Eyes mentioned - - another great show with potential.  American Gothic . .  Gary Cole was phenomenal.  I loved him in Midnight Caller as well.


    I thought The Black Donnellys had potential and Trust Me was hilarious (but I am a Tom Cavanaugh fan).


    Love this thread!

  8. I am a True Crime junkie with a little obsession with Ann Rule. While I wait for her new books I re-read the older ones. I live in the Pacific Northwest so I love any book written about my area. Tom Olson (local author) is a great non-fiction author a well.

    Leave me a seat on that bus.  I read a lot of true crime and Ann Rule is always my favorite - - although I am saddened to say that I think her more recent books aren't nearly as good as her "classics" (i.e., The Stranger Beside Me, Small Sacrifices). 


    I also enjoy Caitlin Rother's true crime books, which are written in narrative fiction format and delve into a lot of the psychological and legal aspects versus any gore or prolific violence.


    Luis Urrea is wonderful.  I have read and reread Into the Beautiful North and the 2 he wrote about Hummingbird's Daughter.  Fantastic reading.  


    I loved The Book Thief and have given it as a gift to grandkids and to adult friends.  Just an amazing book. 


    I am reading Fanny Flagg's latest book right now and am so enjoying it.  Almost every page gives you a nice chuckle.  

    I love Fanny Flagg.  "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" is genius.  I can reread that many times over (and have).  Being from the south myself, I recognize family members in her writing.


    Oh me too! And I'll had Lois Duncan to the list. I read and reread her stuff, which was just amazing, and it pissed me off to no end how badly Hollywood massacred and annihilated her stories that made it to the big screen.

    Well, I meant to add the original post on this about Judy Blume because I read and reread all her books when I was growing up.  I also loved Lois Duncan and can sit down now and read one of her books. 


    When I was a teen I absolutely loved V. C. Andrews.  Her writing style certainly wasn't the best (reread Flowers in the Attic and its series as an adult and you'll see) but she was a terrific storyteller.  She did late 70s/early 80s gothic like nobody else.


    I also thoroughly enjoyed reading Sidney Sheldon around the same time and Phyllis A. Whitney, who wrote a lot of clean romantic type suspense.

  9. I think Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption is a fantastic short story,



    I agree.  Incredible story and fantastically awesome movie.

  10. Couldn't agree more. I was interested in this premise and since I haven't read the book I had no expectations. I was never upset at Damon for LOST. I liked the show and I l was okay with the ending. However, while the first episode was interesting, this episode felt like and endless slog of sadness porn. I found my self annoyed at the pretentiousness of how profoundly lost and sad every single person is. Well except Wayne who is just a joke.


    I agree wholeheartedly with your post.  I have not read the book and had zero expectations myself.  I liked the first episode, with the exception of all the animal killing, but this one?  Snooze. 


    I don't understand the cult, I don't get the smoking and the silence and the all-white.  I don't get Liv Tyler's character - - why she would want to join the cult and chop down a big tree when there are plenty of other smaller trees around - - and I just don't care.  I don't get why that Asian girl is so special.  I don't get why it seemed so important that the bagels were stuck in the toaster. 


    I like Justin Thereaux but I'm not sure he's enough to make me stick with this thing.

    • Love 1
  11. That was a problem I had with the whole thing. Kristen apologized and Heather was very cool about it, ready to move on. But I felt she had some apologizing of her own to do, yet she didn't. That really bothered me.



    Yep, I agree, ghoulina.  I used to really enjoy Heather but I've seen a side of her on this trip that I don't like.  She owes Kristen an apology for acting like an ungrateful asshole and then attempting to stir shit up the next morning by reminding Ramona and Sonja that Kristen was pissed with her.


    And yes, Heather, we get it.  You can rappel.  You can ride horses.  You can throw axes.  Is there anything you CAN'T do?  Well, besides admit you're wrong and apologize. 


    I think I would be completely exhausted and over Heather after 15 minutes.  Nothing more annoying than someone who can do everything and better than you.


    Count me in as someone who is firmly on Team Countess.  LuAnn was gracious the entire trip and was game for whatever the activities were.  I don't recall her complaining about accomodations, food, activities, etc.  Why on earth TPTB gave the one-legged sea witch an apple and not LuAnn is beyond me.  I would much rather watch LuAnn's life.  Not to mention that we've seen far more of LuAnn than we have of Aviva (thank you, baby Jesus).


    Sonja can puzzle me at times but some of her lines are classic.  "Tell them I have asthma."  "Quit jeaning me."  "I can't poop without my pills."  Too, too funny.

    • Love 11
  12. Also, it now appears Tamra was spreading the story about the email not just to Heather for fake altruistic reasons but also to Vicki. Again on camera.



    I'm sure Tamra was flapping her gums to everyone she could find.  She did tell Vicki not to mention it to anyone else (very helpful when you're on camera) but I don't recall her saying that to Heather.  And I also don't recall Heather asking about it. Tamra offered it up because she's a vile bitch. 


    Please, baby Jesus, let Tamra (finally) get raked over the coals for this.  And please let Shannon address the fact that Tamra lied to her face when initially asked.  I'm not giving her ANY credit for eventually fessing up.  She only did it because she was caught.  And Shannon needs to realize that Heather repeating what Tamra said about Shannon drinking too much is not HEATHER saying that Shannon drinks too much.


    The guest bedroom in the condo?  Bitch, you're on vacation in Mexico.  Grow a pair and STFU. 

    • Love 5
  13. Caprice is ridiculous.  I've driven 30-40 minutes away for a baby shower.  I've also driven 3-4 hours.  Your family and friends will make the drive.  They aren't coming because people just love baby showers so much - - they are coming for YOU, to celebrate with you.  If people aren't going to attend because the party isn't in the city, they aren't really your friends.  Just saying, Caprice.

  14. I laughed myself silly over Kim thinking that we'd believe that she actually wrote that blog post herself.  I'm sure an intern did that.  Or maybe even North, who has to be smarter than her mother at this point.


    I will also join the BS brigade on the screaming first class woman.  Please.  She may have been screaming over having to share space with a Kardashian (who wouldn't?) but over an interracial child?  No way. 


    Don't throw stones but I felt a smidgen of sympathy for Kris over having her stuff stolen out of her luggage.  Funny how it was KIM -- she who freaked out over the lost earring - - who reminded her that it was only material things.  However, I am at a loss as to how that comedian's racist comment made Kris felt insulted as a woman.  I get feeling insulted but racism and sexism aren't the same thing.

    • Love 1
  15. If I had spoken to my mother the way these people speak to Kris, my mother would have backhanded me into next week so hard, you people still wouldn't be caught up with me. 


    Does Kendall seriously,like, not know that you actually, like, have to pay for ambulances and rescue helicopters? 


    God help me but I like Scott.  Although I do wonder exactly what "work" he's doing that requires an office of any kind.

    • Love 1
  16. Call me crazy or unfashionable but I thought those outfits at the fashion show were hideous.  I did like the venue and hey!  Jonathan Rhys-Meyers!


    Caprice is an ungrateful bitch.  How on earth could you turn down having a party at Caroline's fabulous house?  Are you insane?  And why is it such a personal cause to be angry at Juliet on Annabelle's behalf?  Isn't Caprice building her "empire" on undies?  Get a grip.


    Add me to the growing list of people who think Juliet's children are darling.  Those little British accents kill me.


    Noelle is quite possibly the worst golddigging ho in the history of golddigging hos.  Prince Harry must have been unavailable when she came calling because girlfriend is delusional.  I snorted with laughter over the $10,000 per month flat being acceptable for the time being.  Ha!  It has to be better than the spare room she's mooching off a friend.  And why was she having a complete meltdown over moving into the flat on Monday versus whatever day it was.  So you have to wait 2-5 days.  Grow a pair and suck it up.   I'm still trying to figure out how Scott will become an overnight millionaire - - maybe Noelle knows something I don't.  Wait.  She's not that smart.


    I also love the hats.  And I still adore all the London scenery.  More please.

    • Love 3
  17. My "friend" adores their Total Cleansing Oil, and now swears by the Super-Restorative Day Cream and the Hydra-Quench cream.  Their self-tanner is pretty good, too.  At least that's what my friend tells me.  




    Well my "friend" is hoping that the Native American ancestry she shares with Luann might help bump up the effects.  What I...Er, "she" wouldn't do to look so amazing at Luann's age (or any age, for that matter).


    There are quite a few of the housewives who actually respond to questions on Twitter.  I...Oops, my "friend," has had responses from Luann, Kyle, Yolanda, Jill, and Alex and Simon.  My "friend" has also been unable to resist the temptation to Tweet some well-deserved snark and has managed to get banned from a few housewife Twitter accounts as well.  Hey, somebody's got to give those women a reality check on occasion.  



    Holy snack food, was this ever epic!  The WTF look on Luann's face was PRICELESS.  How does one even respond to that type of batshit crazy comment?  


    For the life of me, I have no idea why the editors didn't leave this in.  The other women trying not to giggle at Sonja's drunken gibberish was gold, too.  


    Scary Island II - Montana Boogaloo.  


    Montana Boogaloo?  Gold, I tell you!


    Persnickety, please tell me that you, I mean your "friend", were/was banned by Gretchen and Tamra.  That would thrill me to no end because I just can't with those delusional bitches. 

    • Love 3
  18. A friend (cough, cough) was so impressed by her perfect skin that she (cough, cough) actually tweeted her and asked what her skin regimen is.


    I stocked up immediately.


    Er, my "friend" stocked up immediately.  

    Thanks for spilling your friend's secrets, Persnickety!


    I'm impressed that LuAnn responded and shared her regime with you.  I'm already impressed with her but this makes me like her more.

    • Love 1
  19. I just can't with Carole's outfits. Trying way too damn hard.



    This was mentioned over on TWOP at one point and I didn't get it then but now I do.  Carole is totally trying to be Carrie Bradshaw, from her quirky "I don't use my kitchen to cook in but hold my books/sweaters" to the weird age inappropriate pigtails to the ridiculous clothing.


    Stop it, Carole.  Seriously.  Just stop.  You were much cooler last season when dashing around London in clothing that not only befit the season and occasion but also your age.


    I have always liked Heather but I wanted to punch her last night.  STFU.  If someone asks you to be quiet, just STFU.  And why put Kristen down?  Okay, so she's not as athletic as you.  And?  LuAnn isn't necessarily either and there were no digs made at how nervous she was.  And no digs made toward Carole, Ramona and Sonja, who didn't even go.  So let it go.


    I can't throw too much shade at Kristen because I've been in her shoes before where I've been terrified of something and done it and my reaction was the same - - shake and cry tears of relief.  Not everyone high-fives themselves (HEATHER) or expects a parade (AVIVA). 

    • Love 7
  20. Scott and Khloe need their own show.  "Scott and Khloe Take the Work Van to..." and make it a road trip.



    I would sooooo watch this.  I'm not a regular view of this show.  I have seen some of the older episodes and thought Scott was a complete fuckwad but I actually like him now.  Compared to the rest of these dolts, he's intelligent and normal.


    Kendall is just as big a nasty brat as all the other sisters.



    AMEN.  Talk about spoiled and entitled.  I could never imagine treating my mother the way she and the others treat Kris.  Of course I couldn't imagine my mother pimping me or my sibs out either but these girls are vicious little brats. 


    Personally I think a very newly turned 18 year old buying a house is a bit ridiculous.  Even if you are mature enough to move away from home (and most 18 year olds aren't, whether or not their last name is Kardashian/Jenner) why not move into an apartment to share with a roomie?  At 18, I would have been bored (and even scared) to have lived by myself. 


    I laugh at Kim every time she says something like, "sorry I had to call you back.  I was putting North to sleep."  Bah hahahaha!



    I'm glad I'm not the only one giving the side eye to these comments.  She sure seems to go out a lot without her daughter and/or her daughter seems to sleep a lot.  Of course if I had been born to Kim, I'd probably want to sleep all the time also.  And wake up hoping it was all a nasty, undeserved dream.


    Where do Kim and Kanye live?  It seems like Kim is ALWAYS at Chez Jenner.

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