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Everything posted by paigow

  1. He was probably showing her his Captain America card collection and the situation developed from there.
  2. Or Red discovered a typo in her file - she really has the Worrier gene - and all the Treadstone triggers planted in her brain should be in someone else's.
  3. Mopey Severide - adios. Seemed odd that Antonio Dawson did not tell Casey / Gabby about Severide's heroics since Intelligence cops responded.
  4. Whilst wearing a Megan Boone wig from the Blacklist - or one from Viola Davis - subject to availability
  5. I thought she was in Red's super lux log cabin.
  6. Writing The Nucky Thompson Oath of Allegiance should guarantee the survival of Mickey Doyle.
  7. I would like to see his hiring process for "applicants". Simulations, Loyalty Tests, End of year Performance Reviews, Exit Interviews (Bang! You're Dead)
  8. Total BS on Casino Operations. All dealers are table tested before hiring. The casino hired him knowing he was slow. He should never have been assigned to High Limit / VIP areas. Gift wrapped Wrongful Dismissal suit. Just reassign him to the $5 tables and fire the Pit Boss instead.
  9. Last season, I thought Rosita was declared as "L - Word" by Abraham.
  10. Rick must have been remembering True Lies when talking to Gareth... Samir: Is there anything you'd like to tell me before we start? Harry: Yeah. I'm going to kill you pretty soon. Samir: I see. How, exactly? Harry: First I'm going to use you as a human shield. Then I'm going to kill this guard over here with the Patterson trocar on the table. And then I was thinking about breaking your neck. Samir: And what makes you think you can do all that? Harry: You know my handcuffs? Samir: Mmm-hmm. Harry: I picked them.
  11. How many Doctors are on this Blacklist? Who is next? John Carter?
  12. Maybe the opening credits should be modified - animal & human bodies washing ashore instead of bottles.
  13. It seemed that Covington harvested opportunistically, relying on coroners to retrieve organs from random murder victims.
  14. Red has all the fancy hotel rooms booked as decoys / plan b sites / housing for the "Red Army" of pilots and killers.
  15. Nucky does not have the manpower to kill Torrio. He needed Chalky & Capone to survive his last war - unlikely they can rescue him again.
  16. Red still has 1 Hellfire missile left = Not Vulnerable.
  17. Hopefully Fitz does not stab Mack while in a jealous rage.
  18. ]My daughter's Golden Retriever has a greater range of facial expressions than this girl. She can show curiosity, happiness, concern, anger, uncertainty -- all completely readable on her doggy face. If no dogs are available, Replace Red's fedora with a giant yellow sombrero, add monkey.
  19. Sunday is so confusing... Mickey Doyle & Mickey Donovan... Does Eli know the true identity of George Mueller?
  20. Hopefully, Mattress World offers a 30 day money back guarantee.
  21. Red has managed to plant someone more competent than anyone in the FBI on to an FBI task force. So, any bets on how long until Lizzie kills her - unintentionally of course.
  22. Ray went full Joker on Cookie's bodyguards - "Oh, there’s only one spot open right now, so we’re gonna have…Tryouts. Make it fast."
  23. Life support is not exclusively a human need. The demi-Kree needed life support.
  24. In 1945, who knew how to design life support / stasis units for humans, let alone Kree? If Hydra was that smart, the war should have been over in 1942.
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