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Potanical Pardon

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Everything posted by Potanical Pardon

  1. Why does anyone think the West House is a safe haven of any kind? It must definitely not be insured any more too. For their own safety, they probably should all live in some secret location built with those illusion walls in Star Labs.
  2. While I've got you here, do you think you could help me, please? When I'm grocery shopping and using the self-checkout lane, sometimes the voice tells me to remove items from the belt because there are too many when there's really nothing on the belt causing obstruction. How do I move on without needing a human being to come through and bypass via when-in-doubt-scan id-enter pin-menu-button 1-button 2- button 3-button 4-button 5-button 6-button 7-cancel-confirm-okay-confirm-move your 'ba-na-nahs' to the belt.
  3. I assumed the not!IMAX wide shots with all the extras was a body double. And boobs was Clarke all by herself on a stage.
  4. That Margaery was about to go through her own walk of shame and the timeline for all of this - what Cersei brought to Lady O and Uncle Kevan. So basically Cersei and Jaime are being predictably stupid after Tommen was being predictably naive and Lady O and Uncle Kevan are buying into this out of emotion despite their better judgments. High Sparrow is setting a trap of taking them all out as a best case scenario and at worst taking their positions of power away despite their armies. I think his power is tapping into the same stuff going on with the Brotherhood Without Banners, Wildlings/Free Folk, freed slaves, even Littlefinger's goal, etc. The people are tired of starving and dying because of all the highborn squabbling. He's taking advantage of this democratic society that the people want through religion to position himself as the bestest version of his younger self's bougie desires. How? I'm not entirely sure, but this is all definitely by his design. And it will have to involve publicly catching the Lannisters and Tyrells in sins of deception at the people's expense so that they riot and use numbers to tip the scales beyond what the Faith Militant can handle. They'll probably be able to turn a lot of the soldiers over to their side of thinking too. Lannisters are still in debt and the Tyrells can't completely bail both of them out.
  5. I think Tormund mentioned 5,000 that got through the Wall, but that only 2000 could actually fight.
  6. Um. There was like progress in every place. Like a lot. Weird. It totally didn't click with me initially at all until Brienne spelled out her six degrees of Westeros why things would be weird between her and Davos/Melisandre. So High Sparrow fed Tommen misinformation knowing he'd blab to mommy and somehow Grandma Tyrell and Kevan aren't questioning the source of this information that the twin dummies have brought up? Ho boy. I can't wait for chaos to erupt from both sides' traps. I didn't realize until now that Kevan was Lancel's dad. I was like "OHHHHH!" He's way more invested than I realized in the whackadoo cult. I thought it was kind of weird that we didn't see nor Sansa's not whoa or reacting at all to the rising from the dead Jon Snow stuff. I don't see Tyrion's plan yet. It can't be as simple as what he says with Vaerys just going along for the ride. The Grey Worm and Missandei voiced concerns suddenly made their involvement in everything more interesting. And whatever Tyrion's plan is, he's not ready to share with these two yet either. I thought he was collecting the Masters in one room was a trap to offer to those ex-slaves but I guess not. Man, Theon moved like lightning to get to the Iron Islands! Seriously, he's like the Flash of Westeros. Everyone else ages two feet during their trips. Okay, Littlefinger is the Flash. Theon's pretty quick too! FINALLY. Daenerys being all preachy know-it-all worked, wasn't boring and was pretty oh my goodness, oh my dayum. I don't get how everything caught on fire so fast. I guess other young Khaleesi poured gasoline everywhere and none of the Khals could smell it? Whatever. I guess this was cooler to see than Ser Friendzone spreading the plague.
  7. Oh, I meant it in a non-oversight (someone asked earlier), established in the mythos back in 1994. As much as I LOVE Fringe and Walter and Peter are basically my father and me...
  8. That's how I viewed it as that's how the comics are. It's not sentient and everything that happened was Barry lost in the Speed Force and his mind fighting to make sense of it all so he basically doesn't lose his identity/mind by visualizing things in a familiar way. Other notes: Yes, the Speed Force can create "clothes" for Barry. How can Wally possibly not know Barry is the Flash by now?!!!!! There's a couple things from the comics that I hope the show never does and hope the comics retconned out also:
  9. If the Umbers aren't really part of some deceptive plot with Osha and Rickon then the Starks are even bigger dummies than I originally thought believing in those families' loyalties - the Umbers and Karstarks. And whoever else has betrayed them besides the Boltons that they were so sure never would.
  10. Is it too late to retcon that Rip Hunter isn't the real Rip Hunter? I kind of like the character, but his idiocy does not do the fictional character justice at all. And I am so done with the Hawks. Vandal Savage too. Everyone else can stay. I'm pretty certain that they'll all stop being stupid once Kendra is gone. I have no idea why no one thought to bash Savage's head in once Carter awoke and especially after he died again! Why even bother going to Vanishing Point? Be done with it and hit him with the mace!
  11. I think the stuff with the Night's Watch and Wildlings is exactly to show what someone without the pedigree is capable of doing when no one in the world sees the pedigree, especially the very guy doing the things without some entitlement issue. No one treated him special and he earned all of it on his own. Dany is a horrible leader. She, just like her brother are both entitled brats. Her only plus is that she's well-intentioned. Her arc, as tedious as it is, is to show just like Ned, you can be well-intentioned and an idiot. Tywin and Olenna are like their opposite, understanding how to play the game but for selfish reasons. Littlefinger too. Varys and Tyrion are the same but understand that society won't let them play, though aren't selfish...they're all about the people and kingdom. Jon, if it plays out whatever way, has the best of both worlds. He earned it before ever knowing he had any birthright at all. The birthright part would be stronger than Dany/Viserys not just because of order and patriarchy but due to the connection with whatever crap happened above the Wall forever ago. That Night's King/Jon staredown didn't happen because Jon was a no name.
  12. I see the God of Light as the equivalent as Apollo/Sun God. For the Roman Empire, Constantine basically just changed his name to Jesus. Same god, different name...called it Christianity. All to appease people, maintain order, economy and power. I don't know who the old gods and the new gods refer to. I'm not sure but some of the explicitly named gods may be part of old/new gods. I do remember that the old gods are like a North thing, or maybe a House thing. When Sam and Jon became Night's Watch they were the only ones to go get married under that tree - so I figure noble Houses = old gods thing. And Kings Landing being like Alexandria or Rome are all into the hottest latest things so they'd be about the new gods? I figure Drowned God is like Poseidon and just the one the Ironborn like but is part of either old/new. Maybe Many Faced is the same as old/new but altered to be just one monotheistic entity in order to gain/maintain its own following.
  13. My only thing with that is, how can he do what he's being set up as a protagonist to do if he's just a bastard? Why couldn't any of his full-blooded brothers and sisters have done whatever it is instead? Why couldn't his dad? Why couldn't Bobby B, Stannis, or Renly? Or Tywin through Joffrey? Why does it have to be him? Why do whichever gods who may or may not be real let some people survive fire, warg into Hodors or come back to life and not others? How come the best fighters like two-swords man, Barristan Selmy, and Jaime Lannister aren't the hero characters? So backstory becomes important to make those moments earned.
  14. I'm not a book reader, but I first gleaned on the Jon Snow parentage mystery two seasons ago. Part of it is that sometimes I'd marathon the entire series in the background while doing other stuff too. A lot of it has to do with other characters and completely different plots. I learned quickly that nothing on the show is superfluous or just slice-of-life filler nor chit-chat. So when random scenes or exchanges happen now, I store that in my mind like...that means absolutely nothing, so it must pay off some day. At the very beginning Ned tells Jon Snow when they're all leaving to go do their own things that when they meet again, he'll tell him the truth about his mother. And then there's some picnic scene or whatever when Bobby B is asking Ned about Jon's mother and Ned deflects the question saying it's some bar wench. They also point out how honorable and noble Ned is as a character, even beyond the noblest honorable men in Westeros so this whole spiel about Ned having some moment of weakness, with some random bar maid of all people, and being super secretive about...none of that makes sense. So since then (but granted, possibly on a 4th rewatch) it clicked for me to look out for anything that could play into that. And that's when I noticed in subsequent seasons A TON of clues pointing out that Jon Snow's parentage must definitely be a thing on this show, not something out of nowhere and not some side whatever. Last season was the first time my observations pointed me towards Lyanna. The show made it a point for Sansa to be staring at her aunt's grave and talk about how rapey Rhaegar Targaryen was and how she hated him for kidnapping her aunt. Barristan Selmy talked about Rhaegar in either the same episode or one nearby to Dany about how the dude sang songs in the streets and was always peaceful. That to me screams: "Someone's a liar, and I don't think it's Barristan Selmy." And Lyanna's name keeps getting dropped WAY too often in every season to be unimportant. Her rapey kidnapper too. Another rewatch of the entire series shows me that Bobby B effing loves the crap out of Lyanna but it's all from out of his own mouth. I even noticed that when he's talking about her fondly and Ned's there, Ned's all like "yeaaaah, man. Uh huh." All I know is that if the Starks have some resurgence as a House, it's not going to be through street urchin murdery Arya. And it's not going to be clueless Sansa. Bran's gone all supernatural, so it's not going to be him. And the story ends before Rickon is an adult, so for the intents of this story, it's not him either. They all have parts to play and stuff, but narratively, there's only one Stark that fits any criteria near enough to be main protagonist level. You start to get a feel for which characters are untouchable-protagonists until whenever the end of this story are: That's why when Jon Snow died last season, it was like...nope, don't buy it. Ned's death you understand now in retrospect, because enough of the show has aired and enough story exists where you've figured out the patterns and feel. Jon Snow, Danaerys, and Tyrion are the only ones that stick out as untouchable protagonists. And IMO, Littlefinger is the only one that sticks out as untouchable antagonist. Anyways, I didn't know the name, Tower of Joy, until either here or some Youtube after show, but whatever. I've seen last night's episode three times now and the latest thing I noticed is the two dudes with Targaryen armor. They're kingsguard. KINGSguard. Ned or the other guy even point out that they expected to see them in Kings Landing, but they're way the fuck over here nowhere near a king...to guard. They're guarding what then? This is all totally speculative, but there are a lot of signs pointing a certain way plot-wise, though just not confirmed yet. As for all the High Sparrow and Faith Militant, I don't get it either. The best I've got is he's supposed to be Constantine-esque. So the Small Council/government is maintaining peace within its people with some semblance of order...even if they sometimes throw poo at you. From what I can tell, there should be enough Lannister army, Tyrell forces, City Guard, and Kingsguard to beat the crap out of the Sparrows. *shrug* I'm guessing the show blows it's wad with budget on all the brown people surrounding Danaerys so there's not much left to display mobs and mobs of citizens and Faith Militant in Westeros to convey danger. That's all I can think of - the show doing a bad job of homaging Constantine's acquisition of power.
  15. Upon rewatching, I noticed that Faceless girl showed a look of concern when A GIRL mentioned "Walder Frey". She went from asking A GIRL about Arya's funny little list to turning around like "wait, what?! uh oh."
  16. Just re-watched the scene. That really sounded like a baby to me! My wife says she's unsure and it could be Lyanna screaming. I hope so.
  17. What are the chances that's a fake Shaggy Dog head? Got a major Palpatine-ing vibe from High Sparrow with Tommen's Anakin.
  18. I hear you. I'm still wearing my blinder goggles. Like, I'm giving you guys a shot because I really want to see it and not talk them out of attempting it because I want to see it. And then eat my cake too later when I rip them apart for doing it wrong.
  19. I have faith that it won't be boring nor become redundant with multiple speedsters. The best Flash stories from the comics involve multiple speedsters. It really is pretty awesome seeing how multiple ones achieve things together and the variations/limitations in their abilities. Most of Wally's run as the Flash involved multiple speedsters and at no time detracted from his specialness. He even surpassed Barry definitively while this was happening. If they do it right, they should all have distinct personalities, strengths and weaknesses that compliment each other. Examples:
  20. She marries Rick Tyler (Hourman II). And they are the annoying PDA couple who never talks about anything except their relationship or relates whatever is going on, no matter what it is, to themselves. They were cool before they got married, though. It had to be intentional to write them as that kind of couple, once married, and we were supposed to be annoyed by it like the other characters, but I don't really know what it added to any story nor character development.
  21. I'm guessing that Barry didn't disintegrate. He just entered/became part of the Speed Force. He probably also got an upgrade on his speed too since entering the SF pretty much implies going faster than light and consciousness beyond time. The red blur with the lightning is a manifestation of the Speed Force and we saw it pass by everyone in that room but pass through Wally and Jesse in the corridor. The lightning and chemicals...that's a way and the way that Barry gets his powers but another way of looking at it is this is how Barry makes his connection to the Speed Force. When Wells drained Barry of his speed, what he was really doing was removing that connection. This new particle accelerator is re-establishing Barry's connection to the Speed Force the only way we/they know how. It just happened to also go through Wally and Jesse upon Barry's reconnection; they didn't require the lightning and chemicals. Aren't Wally and Jesse college-aged? I can't remember if Wally's classes were collegiate or high school. And I thought I remembered Jesse mentioning having like five degrees or at least in the midst of pursuing five. Either way, it would suck for Wally to get saddled with "Kid Flash". They could give him that other superior name even though it was never his name nor does it describe him in any way at all. So the odds of the man in the iron mask being the real Jay Garrick of Earth 2 just sky-rocketed. We know that Earth 2 has a Barry Allen with two living parents who probably are also named Henry and Nora. And Zoom was already running around when E2 Barry and Iris were invited to go see his parents for a visit, so E2 Henry can't be the man in the iron mask. But John Wesley Shipp looks so perfect as a Jay Garrick. And I can see the additional nod to he being TV's first Flash as an homage to Jay Garrick being actual history's first Flash. So maybe they're going to go the long lost twin route. Yeah it's a trope, but it's also an established thing with speedster families - the proclivity to conceive twins. My other thought on MITIM's identity is way out there. Yeah, it could be E2 Wally or not a speedster at all, but I don't see any other reason for Zoom to keep anyone imprisoned unless he needed to constantly feed off of him. Besides concealing his identity, Zoom is concerned with his prisoner not being able to speak. Anyways, Wally and Jesse are probably going to get a crash course on using their powers to fight Zoom and everyone will be mourning Barry, but their inexperience and slower-than-Zoom speeds will somehow fail only for a last second save by returned-from-a-Crisis or whatever Barry who is more mature, doesn't need all those dads' advice, isn't stupid any more, and is way, way faster than before, without the need for that Flash logo chest emblem tachyon whatevermajig.
  22. Maybe to kill Sansa, Hot Pie or someone else she cares about when one day someone has a list of 3 people that includes them. Then for whatever deus ex, Nymeria shows up and No One snaps out of it, becomes Arya again and she comes to her senses only to just die in that moment of hesitation. She is comforted, though, by seeing her loved ones being okay and finally accepting and embracing that she's a Stark instead of fuck all y'all, I'm a do what I want.
  23. That's what I thought too. It doesn't make sense for the smaller one to be Ned and the older/bigger kid to be Benjen. Someone above said the show said it was Benjen. I'm going to have to rewatch. ETA: Just rewatched. The bigger kid is Ned and the smaller kid is Benjen. Would have made more sense the other way but I guess the show is simplifying it as if there were just those two brothers and Lyanna even though there were already scenes with Catelyn that Ned only married her because she was supposed to marry his older brother. Whatever.
  24. Nooo! He's the absolute, complete opposite as Simon in Misfits. He's an adorable angelic hero who wouldn't hurt anyone except himself in order to protect everyone. A testament to what a good actor he is. Plus you get to see his same ability to facial act that makes you see psycho crazy eyes Ramsay, but instead see South Park Butters-esque hopefulness. So, yes, I am plugging Misfits for you! Season 1 at the very least (whole show is great), and I believe it should still be available on Hulu.
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