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Everything posted by SadieT

  1. Everyone thinking Mona deserves better than the liars is funny because she's murdered two people and attempted to murder a couple more...I admit to being one of those people who love the character and let my fondness for her and all her wackiness cloud my opinion of her but in all honesty, Mona deserves to be locked up in a mental institution (a real one where she can get help) because she's proved that she's a danger to others.
  2. Multi-ship sex montages and dream sequences obviously.
  3. The episode is 2 hours and then there's a 1 hour special following the episode so get ready for 3 whole hours of PLL and approximately 3 whole minutes of relevant action!
  4. Loved Aria talking to dead Dunhill, that was funny. Almost makes up for all the time I spent hating her this season but she’s still a selfish snake, but Ezra just yells at the girls and guilts them into forgiving her and of course they do because why should anyone actually be upset with people who hurt and betray them. Speaking of Ezra…. he and his Masters degree in American literature can fuck right off. And he can take Caleb with him. I’m tired of these hypocritical dummies thinking they know what’s best for the girls. Maybe if Caleb didn’t jump the gun and approach Mona at the diner and creepily eat her pie before Spencer and Hanna were ready, they could have caught whoever was meeting her there but Caleb knows best. What was with Ali and Emily’s utter shock and disbelief that they could both fall asleep at the same time? Has that never happened before? Have they been sleeping in shifts since they got together? I mean I get that it was the gas or whatever being pumped into the house that made them fall asleep (did they ever figure that out btw? is that still there?) but two people falling asleep on a couch after a long day of acting like idiots isn’t exactly shocking. Wasn't really moved by Mary's sacrificing herself for Spencer. I just don’t buy that there’s this super close important bond between Spencer and Mary just because they’re biologically related. I actually kind of hate this whole storyline and wish they never bothered with it. Also Mary didn't kill Dunhill but she's not exactly innocent so her being in jail just seems fitting. Then again half the town should probably be in jail Mona being Charlotte’s killer was one of the most anti-climatic reveals ever on this show. The promotional photos the network released last week even spoiled it. Big day for Alison… she finds out who killed her mom and her sister. And so Charlotte never got better. No surprise there. Did she want Archer to hurt Alison then? I wish we got Alison’s reaction to that little bit of information because she wasted 5 years of her life taking care of someone who apparently was playing her the whole time and Charlotte's love for Alison was supposed to be a big part of her motive for torturing the girls so if that wasn't true, they should have expanded on it. LOL at the flash forward being a dream. Guess they got all the way to the second to last episode before they remembered that was a thing they had to deal with.
  5. Pretty sure we are going to see this flash forward scene finally. You can see snippets of it in the promo where Aria's wearing the same dress, although they reshot it and Lucy's hair is a little different. The scene doesn't really fit into the current timeline though as Alison wouldn't be calling herself Mrs. Rollins so my guess is it's a dream which would be kind of lame but maybe they'll surprise me and actually find a way to work it organically into the episode.
  6. I wish we got to see Mary tell Alison about this little present on screen: “Sorry I killed your mother and dressed up as dead people with your abusive con-man of a husband with the intention of driving you to a psychotic breakdown so that I could steal all your money and destroy your life. Here’s 50% of a shitty motel in the middle of nowhere that no one ever actually goes to.”
  7. I've been team Mona Murdered Charlotte for a while now but 'm starting to wonder if there's a third person in the bell tower with Mona and Charlotte. In the promo there's a clip of an arm in a black leather jacket hanging onto a railing or something. Neither Charlotte nor Mona are wearing a black leather jacket. The flash forward makes no sense now unless it's a nightmare. Why is Alison writing her name as Mrs. Rollins when she's made it a point to say she'll be going by DiLaurentis again and the girls, especially Emily, suddenly going back to resenting Alison for bringing them back to Rosewood doesn't fit now either.
  8. Yeah the Alison having twins rumor has been around since the filming of the finale I believe. At first I was skeptical but after hearing something Sasha said recently, it sounds like it's true. I know a lot of people were hoping Alison would be AD and faking the pregnancy or that she has a miscarriage but Marlene and a couple of other crew members have confirmed that she will have the baby and we'll see the baby (or babies) on screen, likely after the time jump in 7x20. I'm all for Ezra being kidnapped if the kidnapper doesn't ever return him. Not looking forward to Addison being back in the finale. Why are we wasting time on that little brat? I thought Drew Van Acker was supposed to appear at some point. He was definitely on set at some point because Lucy mentioned in an interview that he actually spoiled who AD was for her. A lot of people thought he was going to appear in 7x18 because he apparently posted on social media at the time of filming but then deleted his post and was obviously not in the episode, so who knows if we'll ever see Jason again.
  9. Considering how many times AD has broken into Alison's house, she and Emily are probably safer in the woods at this point. Poor Aria. I loved that the liars wouldn't give her a ride when they got called down to the police station in the middle of their big confrontation. And then she had to sadly enter the interrogation all alone. You know you done fucked up when your murder accomplices kick you out of the jail carpool and you're being left out of the burner phone give-away. But she still has Ezra so she's probably fine with it all.
  10. This has been bothering me all season long. Spencer and Alison become instant relatives and somehow go all season without having a conversation between just the two of them. Does Alison even know Spencer's bio-mom killed her mother? Like if ever there was a time for a Spalison scene it was over these last few episodes, but of course nothing.
  11. Ezra does deserve to be in jail. The girls know that. Ezra even knows it. He just brainwashed his victim enough to know that it's not a real threat so he doesn't care. The liars doing a bunch of dumb illegal stuff doesn't make Ezra less guilty. This has always been a pet peeve of mine with TV and movies, characters stoping in the middle of a dangerous situation to kiss or get it on because who the hell has time for that when you're about to die. But I’ll give them a pass here though because the danger wasn’t imminent, it was more that they were waiting for something bad to happen and had several hours to kill so they all collectively decided to use that time to bang their loved ones because what else were they gonna do. Yeah Toby definitely seemed off. I hate that every character possibly having a secret twin is a legitimate point of discussion on this show, but hopefully Toby is just acting weird because he's still grieving the fiancee he literally just buried and his mind just isn't focused. I also thought he might have been drunk but I don't know. Honestly the Spoby reconnection was a weird choice. Toby didn't seem to be in the right place emotionally for it and Spencer looked like she was scared about going to jail and just looking to an old source of comfort. What could Ezra really be mad about? Everything Aria wrote in that report was true. He is a statutory rapist and he did take advantage of her. I hate that they had Aria once again deny that he did anything wrong to her when he tried to half-heartedly take responsibility for being a creep. This wasn't the first time Aria has given this sort of speech and I'm over it.
  12. This episode wasn't bad but Holy Ship Pandering, Batman! I thought Emison was sweet and Haleb getting married was to be expected (glad Mama Marin was included though), but Toby's fiancee (wife?) like literally just died a couple of weeks and no one needs to see more Ezria, plus a four-way ship montage is just ridiculous but I'm sure it made a lot of people on twitter happy. Tanner's back and all cocky about solving this murder even though exactly zero murders have been solved in all of Rosewood's history. Weren't Spencer's parents already getting a divorce? Don't get me wrong, I loved watching her drag Aria but girl, your dad has fathered half of Rosewood so pretty sure he's to blame for his marriage imploding. Wish the scene of the girls going off on Aria could have been longer. I would totally watch an entire episode of the 4 of them just yelling at Aria for being a shitty friend and just an all around sucky Ezra obsessed weasel. I particularly loved when Aria was all "Ezra could go to jail!!!" and Alison was all "so what?" like she couldn't care less. That's the Ali we need back in our lives. One final red-herring with Ezra and Caleb finding Mona with the game. Like obviously she's not the one behind it, she's just mentally unstable and obsessed with the idea of the game. This is why Hanna was so selfish for getting her involved because clearly Mona's gone down her A rabbit hole and being involved wasn't healthy for her.
  13. Ah, the confusing continuum that is time in Rosewood. Each episode usually covers 1-2 days, according to the liars' outfit changes, unless otherwise noted (I think they might have jumped a whole week forward after Spencer got shot so she could be up and about to play ping pong and bang Detective Fury and whatnot). Anyway, it probably hasn't been more than 2 weeks since Yvonne died. Toby's beard grows at an imprsssive rate. It's also probably been like a month or so since Caleb was sleeping with Spencer and now he's married to Hanna so there's that too.
  14. I'm like 99% sure the hands are Hanna and Caleb. They didn't really get married last episode, they exchanged cigar rings in a tent with no witnesses. This is likely just them making it legal and official.
  15. Are you thinking Emison? I'm pretty sure it is Haleb. Tyler might just have delicate-looking hands.
  16. Noel killed Sara Harvey. Jenna tells Fury that's why she bought the gun, because she was afraid of him. I think Marlene might have even confirmed it on twitter. I'm pretty sure Rollins really did die when Hanna hit him with the car. I think AD was just taunting the girls and making them think he was still alive to goad them into digging up his grave for confirmation, which Hanna and Spencer do because they're stupid and they find his rotting corpse right where they left it. AD of course records them doing this and sends them the incriminating video in 7x11 to threaten them into playing the game. We probably won't find out who killed Charlotte until the finale, or possible the episode before. My money's on Mona.
  17. Yeah Emily was a lot calmer than I thought she'd be considering she was confronting the man who sexually assaulted Alison. I know A.D. orchestrated the whole thing but this man actually committed the act of penetrating Alison with an instrument without her consent while she was strapped to a bed, and Mona and Emily just give him a bit of an attitude, threaten him and then leave. How about actually reporting him so he can't do it to someone else when he needs the money because what he did wasn't just an ethics violation that'll cost him his license, it was an actual crime. I don't think Emily wants to think about the other half of the equation. She's definitely living in a bit of a fantasy land where she gets to raise a baby with the girl she had a crush on when she was 14, but I'm surprised they're both not more worried about A.D. taking this child from them when it's born. Like obviously A.D. wants it born because they planned it and also made sure Alison would keep it by revealing the eggs to be Emily's, so it definitely seems like AD has a vested interest in the baby and that it's not simply about messing Alison and Emily. Yeah rape by fraud is definitely a real crime and usually includes something specifically about impersonation, which is what happened here. Although I'm not sure if Pennsylvania specifically has a law on the books currently, but other states do. Not that it matters, it's still wrong yet no one seems bothered by it. But this show has always had a weirdly dismissive attitude towards rape.
  18. My guess is Melissa too. I really don't think it'll be any of the liars, the boyfriends or the parents.
  19. Yeah of all the silly ways they've explained Sasha's absence from an episode, this one actually makes the most sense so don't know why Spencer sounded confused about Alison wanting a night or two away from her house that's constantly being broken into to maybe go tell the only family member she has that she's pregnant.
  20. A black and white musical dream sequence about poor predatory Ezra getting his ass kicked in prison? God Aria’s even more pretentious and self-absorbed when she’s sleeping than she is when she's awake. Cute move, show. Referring to what Ezra did as exploitation of a teenager (that’s not a thing?) instead of what it actually was, statutory rape. Hanna took a break from screeching and rolling her eyes to get fake married in a tent. Seriously what’s the time-line here? Wasn’t Caleb banging one of her best friends like less than a month ago? Poor Veronica. Nice to see Mary acknowledge that Veronica is in fact Spencer’s mother because Spencer seems to have forgotten up until now. Also props to Veronica for bringing the truth and calling Aria a selfish little bitch, even if it was only a dream. Mona was the highlight of the episode. The look on Emily’s face when they were holding hands was great. But what was with Mona not letting Emily in at the end and then the ominous music as they panned her apartment? Do they want us to think she’s shady? Or did they just want to show that she went back to her old unhealthily obsessive ways?
  21. Toby's not a sexual predator so while I think what he did to Spencer was pretty messed up and it was ridiculous how quickly and easily he was forgiven, he's still a step above Ezra in my book. Killing Rollins wasn’t self-defense. It was an accident but Hanna was being reckless by speeding through the woods so it would probably be considered vehicular manslaughter. But once those dummies decided to cover up the whole thing and buried his body then they committed several more crimes so now they’re screwed. If Alison had killed him, then maybe it could be considered self-defense because she had a reason to fear for her life considering he had been abusing her and was presumably in the process of taking her somewhere to murder her (or so she can argue).
  22. I think they might have given away where the map the puzzle pieces supposedly form leads to.
  23. Pretty sure the male protagonist's name in Ezra's book is Ezra. We've seen it in glimpses of the book's pages. I'm not even sure if the book is supposed to be a fiction novel based on true events or a memoir, but either way, Ezra's a terrible writer. If it's a work of fiction that's based on his life, then he should have given the character a different name because not doing so just makes him look like an ego-maniac. If it's a memoir, he's just a self-important douche who apparently refers to himself in the third person throughout.
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