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Everything posted by SadieT

  1. ^ watch that classroom "he's coming" flash forward scene be a dream Alison has next week. That or it'll never be addressed again.
  2. I guess Rollins wasn’t aware that at one point or another, every resident of Rosewood has tried to kill Alison, most of them in a single never-ending night, and no one has succeeded, so why did he think he’d be able to accomplish such a feat? Oh and another thing... I know Aria was infinitely more useful this episode than usual but what was with her taking a picture of each individual vial? It’s 2016, possibly 2017 in PLL-verse, you can zoom in on a photo on your phone. Take one picture and zoom in on each vial to read the label after you’re safely out of the home of the deranged doctor who’s torturing your friend. And then she goes and puts the key back in the wrong light. I can’t really fault her too much for that because she was getting the most done this episode, but first rule of snooping: put everything back where it belongs! It’d be funny if after the girls bury Rollins and Alison officially gets released from Welby, she just strolls up to the police and turns them all in for murder. Because you know if she was driving the car that killed Rollins, they'd turn on her in a second.
  3. Aria is such a better person without Ezra. It's insane how much more engaged and interesting she is when he's away. She was basically this episode's mvp--spying, snooping, showing genuine concern for both Alison and Hanna. Hope Ezra moves to out of town permanently so Aria could continue to be relevant to the story. I get that the girls' lives have to go on but watching them ask people out on dates and discuss their love lives just seems out of place when their friends are literally being tortured. This "most romantic season ever!" nonsense is ridiculous. Good for Toby and Yvonne. I hope their engagement holds up and Spoby is permanently done. Spencer deserves better than these silly Rosewood boys. Did Spencer and Aria just like switch brains for this episode? Aria was the only liar who initially thought Alison killed Charlotte and Spencer was all, "we don't know why or even if she really did it." And now Spencer's upset because Caleb is a douchebag and is back on the Ali's a murderer who ruined our lives" train, and Aria's the one thinking rationally? It was nice to see Alison fighting for herself instead of waiting to be saved by her friends. I like that both Alison and Hanna essentially saved themselves. That image of Rollins head in the glass was creepy af. So Rollins has been making the masks himself? He's pretty talented, I'm impressed with his mask-making abilities. If his head didn't go crashing through the windshield he probably could have made a fortune in the mask-making business. Nice to know we can still count on the girls to continue to make the worst possible decision in all circumstances. Why are they trying to cover up Rollins death instead of just going to the cops and saying, "uh, we accidently hit this evil fake Doctor with our car while he was running through the woods in the dark trying to kill our friend?"
  4. Aria’s parents not reporting Ezra for the statutory rape of their daughter and then just sort of throwing their hands up and begrudgingly accepting him as Aria’s boyfriend is honestly the craziest thing this show has ever done. And this is a show where people occasionally rise from the dead and regularly wear incredibly lifelike masks of other peoples’ faces.
  5. Pennsatucky is a murderer too. Frieda being in minimum I could buy because of her age, like you said. But I don't think Doggett's crime was all that long ago considering her age, and before her recent change of heart she hadn't exactly been a model prisoner as she was volatile and sometimes violent, so her being in minimum makes no sense to me. But whatever the justification is for her being in Litchfield, I'm glad for it because she's become one of my favorite characters.
  6. New sneak peek. The girls being kind of smart for once.
  7. She was with McCullough, Humps and Judy King because she's the van driver and Judy was being released. McCullough presumably was going to process the release like she did with Aleida, and Humps was going to ride along in the van. But I agree it was fitting that it was Maritza who was in the perfect position to push Humps from behind and acted quickly to free the gun because she knows more than anyone that he's a sadistic psycho who would absolutely start gunning inmates down if he got the chance.
  8. This is the show where just last week Aria took a break from trying to save her best friend who only had precious few hours to live to run home and bang Ezra. So Emily putting her concern for Alison on hold while she tries to get a date with the cute chick from the coffee place is absolutely what I expect from this show. I do love Emily's shock and disbelief at being turned down though. Bet that's never happened to her before. Is Aria wearing a red jacket in the promo? Doesn't that make her guilty of murder by the liars' standards?
  9. This episode was kind of boring. Too much focus on relationship drama. I hope Hanna eventually confides in the girls and doesn't go all Dark!Hanna on us and spiral out of control. For one, because I want her to be okay but also because I found her really annoying during her last downward spiral (after Ali's return). Caleb sucks now. He used to be the best of the boyfriends but now he's just as bad as Toby and Ezra. I wish he would run off to Ravenswood again to chase fireflies with his ghost pals or whatever, but if the show is set on putting him back with Hanna, and it certainly seems they are, at least they got rid of Jordan and ended Spaleb rather quickly so they could get it over with. Because the only thing worse than Haleb getting back together at this point is dragging out these silly love triangles/quadrangles. They're not dramatic and we all know how it's going to end. Oh Aria. You precious little dummy. Why would you breakup with sweet adorable Liam, who is not a creepy manipulative statutory rapist/stalker, to be with Ezra, who is a creepy manipulative statutory rapist/stalker? I can't believe the writers took the time to recognize that Ezra is in fact a sexual predator, to then have Aria, his victim, tell us that though it may be true it doesn't really matter because she likes who she is. I hope Mary Drake isn't another misunderstood villain who we're supposed to feel sorry for because that's getting old. It's so nice of the girls to now worry about Alison's safety after they basically served her up on a silver platter to someone who wants to kill her because she owns a red jacket. Looking forward to Hannibal Alison next week.
  10. Liam might be my new favorite character!
  11. No they just used additional footage from the original scene which shows more clearly that they had sex. But ABCfamily made them cut down the scene when it originally aired so it looked more ambiguous, which is a rather glaring double standard considering how tame it was compared to the image of naked Aria straddling her English teacher in bed.
  12. I would love if A.D. is in fact Alison but she knew the girls were too stupid to figure it out so she was like, "eh fuck it, I'll just use my own initials." Last season I actually suspected Alison of killing Charlotte. I thought Alison might have caught Charlotte up to her old tricks after her release, like maybe Ali found her surveilling the girls and plotting to hurt them again, and so she followed her to the Church to confront her and a struggle ensued and Charlotte died as a result. But now that the liars think Alison killed Charlotte, I'm starting to doubt myself because it's way too early for them to be right. Also the group's attempt at finding Charlotte's killer basically consisted of them writing whatever name popped into their head on a piece of paper and playing majority rules. Rollins put the idea that Alison was suffering from "lethal dose of guilt" into Emily's head and then Alison, obviously drugged and delirious, started rambling about guilt and forgiveness in her sleep so of course Emily was convinced. Then the rest of those dummies were like, "if Ali has a red jacket, she's obviously murdered her sister!" But what happened to checking to see if Charlotte's blood was on the jacket? What if Ali just likes the color red and and happens to also own a red jacket? She has a history of being fond of red coats. Before you turn your supposed friend over to a lunatic who wants to kill her, maybe take a second to be sure you're not wrong again? I mean they were wrong about Alison killing before and about pretty much everything else. And then Spencer and Aria comforted themselves by saying Alison is safe inside the mental hospital, because clearly A.D. is a reasonable person who is going to respect the rules of the hospital and never dare trespass or anything.
  13. I knew immediately that “dead Hanna” in the bell tower was going to be a fake out, even after they showed her “dead” face, I was just hoping the liars would pull back the mask to reveal dead Sara Harvey. I get that A.D. took Hanna’s clothes to put on the mannequin but there was something really disturbing about seeing her locked in a room in her underwear being tortured. It almost felt too dark for the show. The Spanna dream scene was really sweet though. Mary Drake seems like she could be a fun villain. So I guess Caleb’s just a straight up asshole now? Could he stop snapping at the girls and acting like he’s the only one who cares about Hanna? If he won't disappear for good, I hope Mona at least sticks around to occasionally put him in his place. Rollins coming home and putting on the British news to remind us all how British he is made me laugh. So the liars think Alison did something which obviously means she didn’t do it because they’re like 0/100 when it comes to getting these things right. Is Rollins brainwashing her with all those drugs he keeps injecting into her? The way she responded to Emily saying “kill her” seemed odd. Like she had been triggered by the words. If/when it turns out Alison didn’t kill Charlotte, this will be the second time her friends have falsely accused her of murder, which I guess is just par for the course in all Rosewood relationships. I didn’t mind Ezria snooping around together but ugh at them taking time to discuss their relationship when there’s literally a countdown on their friend’s life. Like put a pin in it and talk about that shit when Hanna’s safe, you self-absorbed morons.
  14. Both Spencer and Emily have Apple watches. Beause it's 5 years forward and they no longer need to dig through their pockets or bags to read anonymous threats on their phones, they can see them right on their wrists now! I assumed Rollins was lying to Emily about Alison feeling guilty, like he was just saying that to dig for information and see if Emily knows anything about Alison maybe knowing more about Charlotte's death. But last season when Ali's husband was wearing dead people's faces to mess with his wife's head, Alison told Ghost Wilden that it (his death, I'm assuming) wasn't her fault or something of the sort, so maybe she did something we don't know about it.
  15. More clips. At this rate, they'll have practically released the whole episode before Tuesday. Pretty Little Liars | 7x01 "Tick-Tock Bitches" First 2 Minutes Pretty Little Liars | 7x01 "Tick-Tock Bitches" Sneak Peek #2
  16. Yeah, when we first found out that Alison was going to become a teacher post time-jump, one of my first thoughts was that they were setting up PLL: The New Class, with Ali at the head of the class. I like Ali but I don't see myself being interested in a new group of girls. I think if they were to go in that direction they would need to find a new younger audience to sustain the show because I don't think Alison's involvement would be enough to hold over the current audience. But if there is some sort of sequel series or continuation or whatever, Sasha is really the only cast member I could see sticking around regularly. I don't think she's as tired of it as the others because prior to season 5, she only appeared in a handful of episodes per season, plus she's younger and might not be as eager explore other opportunities at the moment because she has time.
  17. God, could they stop with the "most romantic season ever!" crap? Too much focus on the girls' love lives is what made this show suck in the first place. In better news.... TROIAN BELLISARIO WILL MAKE HER DIRECTORIAL DEBUT IN ‘PRETTY LITTLE LIARS’ SEASON 7. Had a feeling this was coming since last season when Troian documented herself on social media shadowing one of the show's directors but glad it's official.
  18. Alison’s not a 15 year old mean girl anymore so I don’t think she’s a horrible person undeserving of Emily’s love. People change and Alison has apologized for her past and put the work in to change. Still, I think there’d be some trust issues on both ends considering the girls’ complicated past, but it’d be interesting to see them try to navigate those issues, which is why it’d be a shame if they only made Emison happen at the last second. Alison has had "romantic" scenes with about 4 people (Ian, Lorenzo, Rollins and Emily) so not exactly 99%, although you can’t really put a percentage on someone’s sexuality. This is actually why it might be a good idea for the show to explore the Alison/Emily relationship, because despite Alison having openly admitted to having feelings for a girl and then sleeping with that girl, people still refuse to accept that she’s not straight. Hell, it doesn't even have to be Emily, it'd be interesting to see Alison date any girl at this point. Emily’s attraction to Alison wasn’t purely physical. Their whole thing was that Emily could see who Alison really was deep down and that’s why she loved her. I know it’s common for Paily and Emison shippers to be at odds, but I think Paige and Alison are actually pretty similar in that they were both driven to be not the best versions of themselves by fear. But we got to see Paige come to terms with her fears rather quickly, whereas we only knew Alison through other people’s eyes for years.
  19. I think Hanna and Caleb are going to end up getting back together, although I really wish Caleb would tell Hanna he'd rather try to make things work with Spencer and then Spencer dumps him and both Hanna and Spencer remain single. Caleb can go back to Madrid for all I care. Spencer and Toby will probably spend a bunch of time dancing around getting back together in season 7, but hopefully Spencer realizes she outgrew Toby and doesn't pull an Aria and fall back into old habits. I could see Spoby deciding to be friends instead. Ezria is awful but unavoidable. It'll never be truly dead. I think Marlene is going to string Emison fans along all season and then slap them together in the final episode of the series as a last minute endgame. I just don't see PLL showing Emily and Alison as a legit couple for an extended period of time. Plus it'll take some time to get them into a place where they could even start dating considering Alison is currently institutionalized and married to an evil mask-waring villain.
  20. Yeah, Huw is not very good. Although I wonder if having to do an American accent tripped him up a bit and caused him to come across so stiff? In a way, his poor acting kind of worked for the story because very few people found him to be a believable love interest for Alison and sensed there was something off immediately. The actor however wasn't informed he was going to be revealed as bad till later on during filming so while it may not have been a deliberate acting choice, it worked in a sense that the character was meant to be acting. ETA: I can actually recall seeing poorer acting on this particular TV show. PLL has a history of casting pretty people with minimal acting ability.
  21. That would have been so much better. Rollins turning out to be evil wasn't shocking at all, just about everyone called it from the second he appeared on screen and a lot of people were even actively wishing for it, so there was no reason to play it close to the vest. Like you said, it could have been revealed early on and then we'd get to see him playing with Alison's head while she and the other liars had no idea. Instead of wasting time pretending Alison and Elliott were really in love and fooling absolutely no one, they could have touched on all the emotional issues Alison has that made her so eager to jump into marriage with a stranger. Then we could have seen her losing it gradually instead of all of a sudden. And for their big shocking finale moment, they would still have the Mary Drake reveal and we would see he was working with her all along.
  22. I agree. Her decent into induced madness was much too quick. I'm guessing they didn't want to play their Mrs. D card too early not to spoil the surprise so they couldn't have Ali seeing her any earlier without people calling her as the twin, but if Rollins and Mary's plan had been a long con to have him marry her and then trick her into insanity, we should have saw hints of that earlier. Anyone else think the WIlden mask reveal opens a can of worms for the show? If people in Rosewood have access to such realistic masks then who's to say any of the characters are actually who they appear to be? Literally anyone can now peel off their face and reveal they're actually someone else if the writers want to go for shock value. First they went back on flashbacks being absolute truths and said they could just be from a person's perspective, and if that person is lying then the entire flashback could turn out to have never happened, and now characters can wear other people's faces, so no reveal or truth we see on screen is sacred. Everything can be changed to fit the story or to shock the audience.
  23. Doesn't Aria mention Liam in this episode? She tells Emily that he's hurt whenever he reads her pages about Ezra because he can tell she loves him, so yeah, Aria can go sit in the cheating circle with Hanna and Caleb. I think Alison might actually have been afraid of Wilden. If he was in fact Beach Hottie like many people suspect, then he would have been the guy Alison goes crying to CeCe about when she thinks she might be pregnant. I think Ali even says he'll kill her if he finds out. Also when Charlotte's telling her story she says she killed Wilden to protect Alison, that he would have never let Ali come home so maybe Wilden had threatened her before? It would be kind of ridiculous to pair all the heterosexual liars back up with their high school boyfriends at the end of the series. Sure first loves last for some but certainly not the majority of people. And if they did that and didn't make Emison happen it would look like bias. The thing is, I think of all 4 ships, Emison coming back together after all this time makes the most sense to me because they never really had a shot at being together and I could understand them wanting to see what could have been if the timing is right (i.e. when Alison is no longer married to a creep). They weren't ready to be together in the past because they were never on the same track: Alison hadn't accepted who she was before her disappearance and Emily couldn't trust her feelings for Ali after her return, so they went their separate ways, but now that they've both grown into themselves and accepted their feelings, it would make sense for them to try because they might be ready to have a real relationship. But if the writers have no intention of giving Emison a real shot, they need to be upfront about it. Stop stringing along the shippers because it just riles them up even more and it's not fair. The other ships all had their shots and blew them multiple times. Why show them breaking up for completely valid and realistic reasons just to throw them back together to appease fans? Those relationships may have worked in past but the character grew apart from each other and that should be okay but of course it's not.
  24. You know they're totally going to say it's a fever dream of Ali's while she's locked up in the mental institution. Marlene gave some "teasers" for season 7 in one of the videos from yesterday. Apparently the PLLs will make the "biggest mistake of their lives!" next season. At the rate things are going for Alison lately, I'm going to assume it's going to be accidentally murdering her.
  25. Wait, were Rollins and Charlotte involved before Charlotte revealed herself as A and was committed? Or did they fall in love while she was in the hospital under his care? I hope it's revealed that she had been playing him all along just to get released early. I figured he left it intentionally. Like he wanted to go off the grid and have no one be able to reach him while he was traveling and trying to sort out his feelings after the breakup. Me too. I can't believe people actually think Hanna and Caleb kissing and expressing their feelings for each other while involved with other people who love them is a good thing. It's gross. I feel like real reason why Hanna decided to offer herself as bait to catch new A was because she wanted to work with Caleb. I'm sorry, I just don't buy that she cares enough about Alison to be motivated to action by her getting hurt. All the "I trust Caleb" and "me and Caleb are doing this without you" felt like her main goal was to be alone with him to get him back, which if was truly her intention, it just makes her even more awful. People accused Spencer of not caring about Hanna, despite her trying to be as considerate and respectful as possible, but Hanna showed a complete lack of respect for not only Spencer's feelings but Caleb's as well. He moved on and was happy with someone else and she couldn't even let him enjoy it because she selflessly decided she doesn't like seeing him happy with someone else while she's engaged to someone else herself. Spencer's too good for Caleb. Hanna can have him, they deserve each other. I think it was meant to be the truth but he left out the part about Charlotte being adopted, which really there was no reason for on his end. Why hold that one piece of information back? Nothing he could have said was going to make him look any worse than admitting to his children that he locked up their sibling in a mental institution and then pretended she didn't exist. He didn't need to say we adopted Charles as a baby from your crazy Aunt Mary whom we don't want anyone to know exists. He could have just said Charles was adopted. But obviously the writers had yet to come up with this brilliant "twist" at the time.
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