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  1. I'm just not sure how Jay got to almost signing a contract without Sam knowing. After almost being owned by the mob, and a "publicist" hired just for the restaurant and not the inn as well?
  2. I was thinking that it's a manufactured substance, like Nick's green slime, designed to be non-toxic, possibly with a liner on the bottom of the pit - they don't seem to be getting friction irritation from any rough sand. May be why it rinses out of their clothes so easily.
  3. It's almost like an AI representation of MJ.
  4. The Red Bull spots should be annoying for as much as they play, but the tag/jingle is so low-key they just seem to slide by, hardly noticed.
  5. Yep, that's where the usual, very long 1st break goes.
  6. Clyburn is living in a fantasy world where Dems are dealing with some semblance of normalcy.
  7. She also said a couple of times she spends so much time washing them. I wonder how they're sanitized, repackaged, and how you scale that operation up.
  8. Ridin' on this real dad energy, my nit is that the tank is far too small for a house that size.
  9. Didn't Thor also toss out a line about Jon Favreau (#1 boot)?
  10. Anyone else seen that commercial for a Major Online Retailer, featuring a janitor turned singer that plays every damn break? Just the opening notes of that once-iconic song now cause my ears to clench. Full disclosure, I write this while tracking a delivery from said Online Retailer.
  11. That's two shows in a row with themed/matching family clothes. How do these premium products ever compete with the same, but cheaper, (and just as tacky imo) silk-screened novelties at Walmart?
  12. Apparently *were* married with twins, and he's the son of Founder/Sr Partner. Their conflict revolves around who wins the (s)pawns for Thanksgiving. I'm sure neither of these high-powered attorneys gives a f*** about anything more than sticking it to the other.
  13. Felt like two traditional one hour shows.
  14. Well it's clear the writers/crew juice the laughs during the monologue. One guffaw is particularly familiar each week.
  15. After all, ghosts have lives, too. 😉
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