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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Well, if LuAnn and Sonja would stop acting like sluts without shame, maybe they would be in a solid, long term companionship.
  2. I was embarrassed for Sonja climbing into those men. At her age, she should be ashamed of herself. These women are so sex starved it’s pathetic. Although LuAnn appears to be so classy, she’s just as bad. I don’t envy these women. Give me the simple life. My family, my t.v. and my recliner and I’m in heaven. And my I pad.
  3. Me too. A complete makeover, hair, makeup, clothes would probably change her look into stunning, but clearly she’s not into that stuff, and that’s o.k. too. The two daughters look just like her, I think. It cracks me up how the daughters talk about their mother. I’m wondering if my two girls talk like that too. Hahaha. Probally. I think all kids do.
  4. I know, lol. My Mother used to sit all day in the rocking chair and crochet that pattern for everyone. She made afghans and spreads for the beds too. Unfortunately, us kids didn’t care for the wool material, put them away, and buy those soft throws they have now. I now feel bad as she put a lot of work into those things. Now, that pattern is the” in” thing.
  5. She came on as a giver, listener, and a person interested in helping everyone. Then her head spins around, and she gets this vicious look about her, then she attacks. If Richard was still alive, they probably would be divorced as the real Dorinda would be out. She’s jealous of everyone’s beauty, their boyfriends, their money, etc. She pretends to be a good Christian, but isn’t. A good Christian doesn’t belittle and abuse people with her words. I don’t even think alcohol was her whole problem .. I think it was jealously. She used John for whatever. If she was coming back, I wouldn’t watch anymore. She was vile.
  6. I will read it too out of curiosity. I read Erika Janes book, and it was like a ten yr old wrote it.
  7. Yes, and I’m wondering who she’s going to hang out with. She’s not society or a Housewife anymore. I don’t think she will take it well either.
  8. Her singing lessons? I was cringing the whole time she was singing . I’ve always liked LuAnn, but she is acting very high n mighty since this cabaret show. She can’t sing, so has to have D List people pop in and do a little stint. People just go because she’s a t.v. Housewife. I can’t get a book about her life either. I’m sure a lot of us had Fathers who we adored and weren’t rich either.
  9. Wait until Leah brings all her friends on. Mob City. They probably all talk like her. I like Leah as she’s really not a troublemaker between the girls, but when she drinks .. psycho!
  10. Because, the first thing she wants a person to see is her big boobs and how gorgeous she thinks they are, especially a guy.
  11. Dorinda always had to haves little dig for everyone and thought it was funny, but it’s not.
  12. What a bunch of bs this episode was. Dorinda knew she was toast by the look on her face all night. Getting all her digs in to everyone. Where were all her mysterious friends all these seasons? Didn’t see one. Werent they partying south of Canal Street? Didn’t Dorinda and Luann say the air was different down there when they went to the Russian Bath? These upper East Side Housewives all of a sudden like downtown, especially Sonja who was all over everyone? Out with the OLD, and in with the NEW. Ramona split. Hilarious. Hi Tinsley! You were a class act. Everything worked out in the end. Lots of luck John. You’ve got your love back. Can’t wait for the reunion. Heard they were all there.
  13. Coltee has some nerve to wear shorts with those big elephant legs. No shame. Jes is no better.
  14. PLEASE somebody throw Larissa off the show or the bridge. What nerve. Are Americans made of gold? Erikee is just as crazy as her. $25,000 dollars? Who does she think she is? Get your ass out of everyone’s house and get a job already. She bothers me the most. Entitled fucker. Yeah, she’ll give you the money back. Asshole Erikee.
  15. Those fancy ass people who think they are special are the cheapest. My kid worked at a country club in the summer. They were the worst. They are obnoxious too.
  16. In Season 8, when they all went up to BSM, Ramona’s dog was crapping in every room and Dorinda was going around picking it up. Then as each one of them were coming in, they had crap on the bottom of their shoes. I would have called emergency carpet cleaning right then and there. She has beautiful carpets. Then the dogs sleep in their beds with them on beautiful sheets.
  17. I have to go into Queens on business tomorrow. Maybe I’ll stop by John’s place and ask “what are you doing here without Dorinda”?
  18. I’m wondering how they raised kids. I’m sure they had at least five people to do everything.
  19. Oh Geeze. There are so many things I’d like to say, but it’s not my business. Only that you are still young and wonderful things still can happen for you around the corner when you least expect it. ❤️
  20. Ice cream .. I could take it or leave it. Mostly leave it, but this week I made an ice cream float. In a fancy glass, I put two scoops of vanilla bean ice cream and then filled it up with orange crush soda. Wow! I’ve had five this week already. I have to stop. They were too good, dammit.
  21. I wouldn’t want her working in the Queens cleaners tho .. polluting my old neighborhood. Lol.
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