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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Is there a thread for this show? I can’t find it. 9/16/20
  2. Because there’s nothing else going on. BORING.
  3. “Disrespected” because he wants sex with his wife after a month. Call the Cops! He wants sex. He’s too good for her. What’s she 30? The girl needs to be alone for the rest of her life. He should pack up and leave.
  4. Too many stupid games and fillers. Botchi, rock climbing, strangers singing, too much.
  5. Karen is ridiculous. The guy is nothing but a gentleman. He writes “sex with my wife”. What’s wrong with that? She’s offended? She’s one big pain in the ass, and should be single. He deserves better. I can’t stand her.
  6. Amani looks FABULOUS. Dress, hair, jewelry .... classy. The hostess needs a stylist, hairdresser and learn not to say “roll the clip” too much.
  7. I didn’t have the time to read the posts today, so there’s that. I’ve been watching all the previous seasons. I have to say that I really love Tinsley. She’s sweet, kind, and wouldn’t hurt a fly. I hope all good things come to her. I’ve noticed she is a little babyish in her thinking and how she projects herself. I don’t know if it was Dale who babied her or what. I don’t know if Scott finds that endearing or what. After awhile, it might get on his nerves. She cries a lot over simple things. Will she be able to grow up a baby by herself, or need lots of help? We really haven’t seen her in many situations where we see what she can handle. That falling on the floor was telling. What grownup does that? It might be cute now. When she’s with Dale she’s always crying about something menial, and looks foolish. Maybe that’s why Scott takes control of every situation. Time will tell. I wish them luck.
  8. She thinks she will be discovered for modeling or acting. She better learn how to speekee Englishee or get a self help bookeee”.How to speekee Englishee in three thousand dayseee. And I have to learnee how to get rid of thiseee right awayeee. How do I get rid of this? Reallyee? Second time I hit somethingeee wrongee. Seriously.
  9. What was it any of her business anyway to say something like that, especially to Tinsley. Interrupting her when she was speaking. Andy May be this n that, but when it comes to surrogacy, I think he is very soft. I’ll bet that is Tinsleys intention someday. I hope sooner than later. BTW, is that her intention? Did she ever try to get pregnant .. have a miscarriage, or what ? I don’t know her story.
  10. I’m sure this is old news, but did everyone see Leah was offered little money for next season and turned it down? TMZ said she was getting $3000 per episode this year. I’m sure it’s been on SM and all those other things. They start filming the new season again in a few weeks. Wonder who the new people are. Anyone know? Two more reunion shows left. I’m sure everyone knows more than me.
  11. With all this abuse going on for so long, why didn’t production put a stop to it? Did they think it made good t,v.? My stomach used to turn when this was going on, especially when they went to the winery and she attacked Tins like a rabid dog. Then every time she saw Tins, it was another attack until Tinsley left for Chicago.
  12. Dorinda is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She lures you into her lair with a chicken and gives you a room in Blue Stone Manor. I wouldn’t trust her with a ten foot pole. One minute she’s nice, then her head spins around and she’s a different person. Scary.
  13. You are so right. No matter how long you go out with a boyfriend or fiancé, you don’t know hi until you live with him. That goes both ways too. I hope Tinsley had enough of drinking and the night life. It’s time.
  14. There was no reason for Dorinda to chime in yet again. She just can’t sit there and shut up and let the girl speak. Anytime anyone said something, she had to interject.
  15. You are still young in my book. There comes a time when we all have to face the fact that over a certain age you are considered old. You take it with a grain of salt, and do your best. You can look like a rag, or spruce yourself up and look fabulous. Attitude counts. Dorinda’s attitude makes her a bitter old bitch, even tho she is just only 55. You are as old as you look, act and do.
  16. Oh, come on. How else can you say “bitter old bitches”? There’s no other way to say it. They are old and bitchy. Nothing wrong with that. Plus, I think @Neurochik said this, not @BrownBear.
  17. Changing subject. Hope we don’t have to see Dale again. She is toxic to Tinsley, and annoying, and a camera hog, and too much Botox her face doesn’t move. I rather see Leah’s mom .. she’s real and not afraid to show it.
  18. Well, I guess you just answered mine too. It’s been awhile that Beth and Carole parted ways. I only know what I read here .. not on SM or the other things. Beth has a boyfriend and a business. I don’t get why she has to get involved with this tabacle. Just to bring them down? I don’t get that at all. Carole seems done with her and I doubt she would start up with Beth again. I think Carole has had it with all of them. I can’t understand why she came on the show in the first place as she doesn’t fit well with the others. They both are in different worlds. Thanks for the info.
  19. Bethenny said at on one time to Dorinda “ you think you are an authority on everything”. She was absolutely right. She lies, and still thinks she is right. She probably lied about many things in her life. Now Bethenny had to listen to her crap this summer, like she has the time. She has Bryn, Paul and her business to attend to and had to listen to Dorinda’s lies about the show.
  20. Can you imagine going to an affair in N.Y.C. and seeing your dress on someone else? Hahaha. She has thr nerve to wear someone’s designer dress? Both Crooks.
  21. Who is she to talk. Those white skin tight leggings or whatever they are do not flatter her wide hips. Maybe they are Hannas. She walks like a duck with her feet sticking outward.
  22. Geeze, at my age after three kids, just getting past the rolls would be a challenge, never mind the vagina. I’d have to lie upside down to see anything. Damn. Thanks for letting me know. Saved time looking for it.
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