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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. She looks guilty as hell, especially when Tinsley was talking.
  2. I just hate when they talk all at once. Andy asks a question and they all chime in. I’ll have to watch a few more times to hear everyone.
  3. I love, love Leah’s look. The dress, the hair, the jewelry. Gorgeous .. Old Hollywood. She’s a natural.
  4. @film noire and anyone else . The “Bird Cage” is now on Hulu. So excited.
  5. They are TRASH, pretending to be important. After their ridiculous display, I’m liking Andrei and his classy family more and more.
  6. OMG, what does this woman want? She is scaring the hell out of him. He’s a good guy. Maybe he doesn’t like her either.
  7. If Karen is so skeptical about everything concerning men, why did she come on this show? Miles is doing everything right. What is her problem? She’s wound up so tight. Have some wine and let loose. He’s a good guy from what I’ve seen.
  8. Boy, she really switched her tune from last week. Guess production read her the riot act.
  9. One more thing, lol. Christina is complaining she has to do all the work, and it’s not 50/50. So what? I’m married forever and my husband never once planned a trip. I plan where we are going, am the navigator as he is bad with directions, I do most of the housework, cook, bills, and don’t mind. But, he built a room for our daughter in the attic, takes care of the car as I hate putting gas in, and does the things I hate to do. I take care of certain things and he takes care of certain things, and everything works. He has done things for me if I ask and is dependable. What does this girl want? She doesn’t know zip about marriage and should shut the hell up. Everything is not about you Christina. Henry didn’t get married to become your slave. She is a spoiled brat. There are no rules on what each partner should do.
  10. It bothers me that Christina always has her head up, hardly looking down, like she is royalty or something. Her nose is always up in the air in a conceited way. I think Henry should have been matched with Bretts wife, the nurse. She seems like she would be more sympathetic to his shyness and not belittle him.
  11. The final thing I would love to hear at the reunion is that Tinsley is pregnant. That’s what I wish. I don’t give two shits about Dorinda.
  12. Every season Dorinda has a new target. Unfortunately, this year it was poor Tinsley. The only one she wouldn’t mess with was Bethenny, who told her to her face “ you are a drunk”. She said nothing. She probably went to Bethenny’s house for sympathy or counceling. The rest of them were probably sick of her and afraid. Everyone was on pins and needles.
  13. Thanks. It’s been quite a year for everyone. Stuck in the house, can’t see relatives, etc. At least I had the seasons to watch. The reunion will be something. I just can’t imagine. Xo
  14. I’m on Season 10 on Hulu. Dorinda was a bitch from the beginning now that I’m watching for the second time. A know it all, opinionated, loud, drunk, her business was her business, but she wanted to know everyone else’s business. A brown nose with all her gifts so she could own you, then throw it in their faces. Not a nice person at all. I can’t wait. I hope it’s three parts.
  15. Actually, I was going to ask a stupid question, but didn’t want backlash. When exactly did Dorinda get fired? If before the reunion, would she be obligated to still go? I’m confused because of the last scene they seemed to throw in when Dorinda went nuts. No cocktail tonight. Just got out of hospital as I had cellulitis from an injury on my leg that got infected. Was on IV, then more antibiotic when I came home. The good news is I probably lost 10 lbs, lol.
  16. Did they actually get married or what? I saw them standing there and it looked like she was having second thoughts. Then, it went to commercial. I didnt see any vows spoken.
  17. “If” he gets the green card, what’s he gonna do in Georgia with that whole bunch of kids and sickGrandma in the house? He’ll leave town never to be seen again.
  18. I love that movie, especially the man servant (Hank Azaria) dancing around cleaning. “Agwidor” or something, haha. Yeah, that was Lu’s hat.
  19. I think the family also had a house in Bridgehampton which they sold for 8 million to a builder. I loved the upstate house on the Hudson River. Too bad, as she’s a skier.
  20. So sorry for you loss @ButterQueen. It’s been quite a year.
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