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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Was that scene in Miami this season or last? I have to look for it.
  2. I can’t take water pills at all. Less food and no salt does the trick. Lots of water.
  3. Oh, so that’s why she dumped John and didn’t tell anyone why. Sonja declared Chapter 11 and talks about it freely. So do a lot of people. She’s pissed because John went behind her back and Tinsley had one up on Dorinda. Now, everything makes sense. Dorinda must have been livid. I’m surprised her head didn’t blow up. Now, she invites John to her party. She’s a “Don “ of all Dons. Sneaky little critter. Meanwhile, she had to know all of Tinsleys business, and everyone’s for that matter. How could anyone be friends with a woman like that? Anyone know The Who’s who in England who knows Richards family? Maybe one of his daughters? We have to know what people thought of her across the Pond, or Wall Street. Many skeletons coming out of her closet.
  4. OMG, I don’t know what happed up there. Maybe I pressed something by mistake? I don’t know how to get rid of it. I better just go to bed.
  5. I I wondered if he left her a lot of money, besides buying her BSM. 8
  6. Now that things are coming out about Dorinda, I wonder what else there is about her we don’t know about. If Richard has relatives, I wonder what they would have to say about her. Where is he from, England?
  7. I wouldn’t trust a drunk. They are not in their right mind. Didn’t she stab herself with a knife and draw blood when arguing with someone at a table?
  8. After that turkey baster remark and that cute little buster Benjamin, that sealed Dorinda’s fate with Andy. Did anyone see Anderson Coopers little boy? Gorgeous too! I am so happy for them both.
  9. To change the subject, I think Ramona and Sonja should stay. The two of them are the show, as they are ditsy and funny. LuAnn should stay and Leah. The rest should be a bit younger. No Leah’s sister and no Heather. I wish Kelly Dodd would be hired as she lives half in N.Y. now. She’s a firecracker and would really add to the show, but I think OC already has her. I read Tamra wants to come, but who wants her?
  10. If I was Tinsley, I only would have gone to the reunion with the stipulation that I would Not talk or look at Dorinda at all. I wouldn’t even give her the satisfaction of looking at her as she is garbage. Anytime someone said something to Dorinda, she kept deflecting. She didn’t deserve any answers from anyone for that matter. Now she told John he can sit at her table. Go sit at your table by yourself in your haunted mansion and think how you made a sweet girl miserable for no reason. Go to church and pray for yourself that nobody likes you. She is the worst housewife I’ve ever seen.
  11. Ha .. and the she dumped him as he didn’t have money .. OR .. he dumped her for butting into his business. He doesn’t have to tell her diddly squat as she’s NOT his wife.
  12. Wow .. thanks. No wonder she dumped him. She loved him my ass.
  13. O.k. .. true. So, she only goes for guys with money. I thought John had a booming business? Where’s all his money? Hmmmm. Then he borrows money from a guy he hardly knows? Sounds fishey to me. He met him a few times and borrows money?
  14. My cardiologist prescribed them for me as my feet swell in the summer. I don’t like them so I don’t take them. They Cause anxiety in my chest, and I hate that feeling. They are only 25 mg. No wonder she’s a wreck. More anxiety. She needs something to clamp her jaws shut. Like a muzzle for a rabid dog.
  15. WTF is that? I’ve never heard that expression. Sounds like something a “ tough guy “ would say in a gangster movie. What fine lady who once ran around with the rich and famous would say that? Scary.
  16. I watched 5 minutes of BH, then switched. They are so pretentious, you can’t identify with them. The makeup, clothes, hair are too much. The N.Y. housewives are real, are not afraid to fall on the ground, have bed head, walk around in pajamas, no makeup, everything. They are not ashamed to show weakness. Since Chicago, Erika’s face is frozen, like a porcelain doll.
  17. I didn’t hear or see anything either. How did they become friends all of a sudden to give John money? Did they have some sort of deal going on? It sounds weird to me, as those two men don’t seem to be on the same wave length. Since when, and how did we not know? Anything shady going on? Plus, why did Dorinda get so crazy? They aren’t married that she should tell him what to do. There’s something we don’t know.
  18. Heather has to be friends with Dorinda so she can go in her pool? What? She can’t afford to build her own pool? What bullshit. I know .. it was a bit much, but who else could wear a dress like that? You have to have the perfect body and height for it, and Leah does. I didn’t see the back until she stood up and turned around. Yikes! The gloves, the bracelets .. stunning.
  19. Does anyone know when they announce who will be joining the cast? I’m sure a new season is a long way off because of the virus.
  20. Join the club. I don’t remember one thing about that at all.
  21. Holy Smokes! I’m wondering if at anytime dear Richard saw the wrath that is Dorinda. She’s always using Richard as an excuse for bad behavior. Her anger had to come out at some point in their marriage. John better sleep with one eye open. Her sayings baffle me, like it’s something you would hear on the street. I could imagine how she felt when she was fired. I can’t imagine her taking it lightly. Yikes! Andy must have placated her with the thought she might come back. If she ever does, I’ll be out. My husband reading the paper just said Denise Richards quit BH. Guess it’s old news for you guys on SM.
  22. So do I. I think every one of them has to call this Bitch Dorinda out about all the times she has been nasty. She got away with murder the whole show. Why were they afraid of her? She lured them in with her gifts, clothes and BSM and then felt she had the right to boss them around and humiate them. Then, she goes to church and lights candles. She’s probably been this way her whole life, not only because Richard died. She is a jealous nasty Bitch. She’s a gangster. Boy, I feel better now that I got that out. Hope Tinsley lets her have it some more and makes her cry.
  23. What was it? I couldn’t hear with all the yelling.
  24. Yes, and I was pissed. No one gives anyone a chance to talk. That was a great question. Too bad someone had to butt in.
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