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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. My quote thingy not working. Oh, I thought I ruined your surprise, haha. No problem. 😍
  2. Thank you. My Mother would have appreciated the compliment. The roses were squashed down from being in the closet.
  3. Above is the squares blanket my Mother made. It’s upside down as I don’t even know how I did it. I’ve only been trying for two days.
  4. Brett is nauseating. She’s a nurse and works hard. She deserves some R&R. He’ll only get worse as time goes by. His attitude sucks too.
  5. They are not for each other. That was cruel on her part. She should have made the best, ride it out, then get the divorce. She made him a wreck. I blame the experts.
  6. I could NEVER live with a guy that was so cheap. I believe in saving, but not to that extent. I’m surprised he bought steak.
  7. Between the million commercials and the stupid games, this episode was blah. I’m happy Henry opened up a little, but I doubt they will do it. I don’t like Pastor Cal asking all those personal questions about sex. Let them go with the flow.
  8. To me, Sonja and Ramona are a team, like Lucy & Ethel, Laverne & Shirley, Romy & Michelle. They keep the show light with their craziness.
  9. Yes she did say that. I’m on season 9 now, so it must have been maybe on 7, 8 or 9. After she said that, she made a motion like she had a gun in her hand and was shooting someone. Unbelievable. Bethenny was crying, again. Always wound up tight, but good t.v. It’s funny, but I always thought these shows were scripted, but now I see, they are not. So much is true.
  10. At this point, I think he’s scared to death to have sex. First of all, there’s no fun between them. Everything is forced. They are talking politely like strangers. They both need to loosen up, laugh, and have some fun. Brett is obsessed with money. Forget about vacations. He’ll be counting pennies. That seems like No. 1 on her list. I don’t think they go together at all.
  11. I just realized what those squares remind me of ...Potholders. I’d love to see the Countess wear that. They should of made a bag to match.
  12. I can’t wait for the reunion. Wondering if Dorinda knew she would be let go before or after the reunion.
  13. In one of her talking heads seasons ago, she says she listens and observes and stores bad behavior of them in her head. Then when the mood strikes her, she’ll attack. Who in their right mind would be friends with a person like that? I won’t miss her, but I will miss BSM and all the weird stuff in her house. I miss Sonja’s townhouse too. I also liked LuAnns house on the Hudson River. Sorry, this was @Hoodoozenadooze’s post up there.
  14. It is great, I love Hulu. I’ve been watching for weeks now. Although a lot of people don’t like a Bethenny, she brought a lot to the show. She did cry a lot tho, lol. Maybe Bravo is giving Dorinda a chance to sober up, then bring her back. I really don’t blame everything on alcohol. I think that’s just her in general. One thing I noticed, LuAnn really made a fool out of herself with Tom. She was all over him every minute.
  15. For all we know, she may have been disliked by Richard’s friends also. I’m also sure her mother and sister know she’s got that temper, but nobody says anything to set her off. Now, after all this shakeup, she’s back with John as he’s the only one who who takes her madness.
  16. Yes. I watched seasons 1 to 10 on Hulu. She was nice and quiet and enjoyable in the beginning. Then she did a 180. I think it was jealously of the others. She wasn’t satisfied with John, and no other man on the horizon.
  17. I wish I knew how to put a picture on here. My Mother crocheted a pink and blue bedspread of granny squares with a rose in the middle of each square. It’s in my closet now. I only hope one of my granddaughters want it. Nobody appreciates an heirloom. I’m going to try with the picture. Oh, and btw, Dorinda’s daughter is pretentious and is loud and annoying. She thinks she’s so gorgeous and chic. She’s not.
  18. Does Erik really expect Larissa to pay him back? One’s more stupid than the other. I can’t stand Larissa. Two hours watching and no weddings, nothing. Who wants to see grapes stomped on? Im actually liking Andrei more. Libby family a pain in the ass. when is this shit show over?
  19. Yes, the Count looked nice. LuAnn had looks and style and his two kids. I wonder what happened there? I’m wondering if she will put that situation with the Count in her book.
  20. Right? The men would be arrested. She gets off as being flirty.
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