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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Omg .. these people crack me up. Do they think marriage is a picnic everyday? They know didly squat what’s ahead if they stay together. There are days you want to hit the road or kill your spouse. Then there are days when you love them to death. Marriage is for better or worse. They have no idea yet. Then there’s in laws, babies, money problems, etc, etc. But love prevails, if you marry for love. They all are nitpicking about stupid things. Wait a few more years, then the test will start .. if they make it that far.
  2. More people disconnect than connect when first they meet. Jamie Otis didn’t like Doug when she first saw him. She cried. Then I read she said she was tired of looking and then settled. She’s still not crazy about him, but wanted a family life as she never had a good family life growing up. Pejople get married for different reasons. Haley won’t stop looking until she finds the whole package to her liking.
  3. The million dollar question. I would like the whole story on that too. What exactly happened that night? Everyone is taking what Jake said about a boyfriend wrong. He meant, why did she turn cold on him and go downstairs by herself without him. He thought maybe she was having second thoughts about a past boyfriend .. IF she had one. Any guy would think the same thing. He didn’t say she had a boyfriend. He was trying to figure out why she did a 180 on him. A simple question. He is getting a wrong rap and should get an answer on that night either on Unfiltered or Pastor Cal, who is useless ny the way. He has favorites. Pisses me off.
  4. Feeling the way she does about commitment, why did she even go on a show like this. Bad move. She seems to want her space an awful lot. Be with her girlfriends too.
  5. Same here. When not home, my husband calls me at least three times a day for no reason. It’s just what we do. Always have. Haley barely tolerates Jake it’s plain to see. Why did she have sex with him? Maybe drunk out of her mind, curiosity or what? She’s so particular, I just can’t imagine why. She has that fake uncomfortable forced smile when with him. Like she can’t get away fast enough.
  6. If Haley had a bad night of sex, she should have kept her mouth shut. Not nice. We don’t know for sure tho .. do we?
  7. Yep .. you are right, but have you ever seen a fat pilot? I haven’t. They all look spiffy in their uniforms. (Swoon). I do see short fat stewardesses tho. They don’t look like they used to. Or should I say “ flight attendants).”
  8. She didn’t belong here in the first place. Maybe she’ll go on the “Marrying for Millions” show next.
  9. Being they are not in love, I’m assuming there was no kissing. So,I guess it was a quickie, which leads to plain ole sex, which probably lasted about three minutes or less. What the hell do I know anyhow, since I’ve only had one man. Dammit. Maybe it was her that was blah. I’m not bragging either, just mad at myself for missing the fun of it all.
  10. I’m watching Couples Cam. Jepthe’s little girl Laura is Priceless. Not only is she beautiful, but sharp as a tack for her age. She is just adorable and should model. I’m happy they stayed together. Smart move on his part.
  11. Right. Can I say also, what is so great about the other guys? Everyone talks about Jake he’s this n that. The rest are no bargains either. I wonder if Haley had to pick on of the others for a partner. Who would it be? I’m guessing none of them. They all are nothing to rave about. Neither is she. Although she thinks so.
  12. So why did she come on this show? It’s taking a big gamble. Looks like they are done and just playing the part. I don’t think any one of them will stay married.
  13. I saw that and thought it was the end of them. Then, I see them on next weeks teaser. Are they over or what? They both are like boils that don’t go away.
  14. Supposidely Erik is a smart guy. Can’t he see Virginia is a child who is an alcoholic? Is he blinded by love? She is so figgity, she can’t be still without twirling her hair, jumping around, laughing at nothing. Maybe she’s on other stuff too. Four days gone. Yeah, she loves him. My ass.
  15. Show, put Haley out of her misery. Call it a day with them. She can’t stand the guy and it’s written all over her face. If she’s trying to act for a part, she failed. They should put Caroline, Haley’s friend with Jake. They both have big noses. Caroline says Haily is tough. Tough and always in pain when with Jake.
  16. Me too. Why are these two getting so much air time? I’m fast forwarding every minute. Paige always lookin down and talking so slowly irks me to no end. And the creepy music when she’s on, and telling us God is guiding her to stay with that creep. It’s too much.
  17. I mean really. Is this the Chris & Paige Show now? WTF? Between both of them talking soooo slowly I’d driving me nuts. They both are interesting. He’s a blowhard, and she’s a door mat. Get them off. The most uninteresting couple EVER ! This WAS my favorite show, but no more. It’s garbage. I meant uninteresting up there. I’m so mad .. waste of time, and the commercials. Ugh.
  18. Yep. I hope he dumps her in the end. She thinks she’s a real prize and Jake is a dummy.
  19. Chris and Paige will have sex every week until the end of this farce of a show.
  20. Jake did pretty well considering he was between two of Haley’s friends. He didn’t talk about the eighties either. They are playing this 80’s thing up too much already. Why don’t they talk about Haley and her forced smile like someone is going to kill her, and her holier than thou attitude. I don’t hear a thing about her or her quirks or that she likes to drink quite a bit. Paige .. Boring story. Keep sleeping with him. Maybe you all could live together. Paige has no pride. Anyone could wipe the floor with her. Vincent .. She’s more successful than him and it’s bothering him. He feels inadequate. The Pilot reminds me of a mamsy pansy. He’s told not to control her. Yeah, let her get drunk every weekend with all her guy friends. What kind of marriage is that? Too much baby mama, Paige and Chris. The worst season ever. How many more weeks do we have to hear this shit? Ryan and Clara .. What’s the holdup. Try it, you might like it. What’s with him?
  21. I watched the repeats before. Jake as so nice to Haley. She looked like she liked him. They slept together, then Kerput. Paige is ruining everyone’s honeymoon, by telling everyone her problems. Shut up already and stop sleeping with him you ninny. Now, we have to deal with baby momma too. Next is a threesome, and dopey Paige will agree. God probably told her it’s o.k.
  22. I think the three of them, Chris, Paige & baby Momma are all in it for the money. Or something. I wish they were off the show. I can’t even fast forward tonite.
  23. I can believe. My mother- in- law was so bad to people, they threw a block party when she moved. Now, in my old age, I’m so sorry I was so nice to her as she was a Monster.
  24. When my sister and I sold my Fathers house to the next door neighbor, the appraiser only passed the house in his car and gave us a price. Didn’t even look inside. 0nly the outside. They go by the neighborhood, property and looks of the outside. I was amazed. We asked for the price the appraiser gave us. If that helps.
  25. I think we are all at our wits end with all this bullshit of a show. Natalie does not love him, Rebecca just wants young D, Stephanie is all junked up, Brandon is a mamas boy, the guy in New Orleans is a cheater, who else. Anyhow, they all want the Green Card, then probably split. Every damn week, they give a little snippet of something new in between 500 commercials. Yet, I watch like a fool.
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