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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. She’s too proper and a stick in the mud. Have a couple of drinks, loosen up as she is a tightass and try one more time. And stay off the phone. That’s rude. She’s talking to these girlfriends too much and should be concentrating more on the marriage.
  2. I don’t get Haley. What’s wrong with Jacob? Physically fit, tall, intelligent, has manners, loves his home, not a drunk or bullshitter. She’s choosing girlfriends over him? Give it the six week at least. I’ll bet one of those girlfriends would take him in a minute.
  3. Girlfriends are all well and good, but in actuality, a husband is your best friend when it comes down to it. Some girlfriends are catty.
  4. YES. You are 100% Right. There’s nothing wrong with him. So he’s quiet .. so what? He’s respectful, can have an intelligent conversation, is smart, etc. I think she’s a little conceited. Plus, it’s very rude to be talking to her 100 girlfriends on her honeymoon. She acts like she’s better than Jake. If she is such a catch, why is she on this show in the first place. Need help finding a partner?
  5. Yes, and maybe he would have been better with Clara. She’s very friendly and really wants love. She’s getting nothing from what’s his name. Ryan.
  6. What cracks me up is he tells Paige he loves the other woman and wants to be with her. Then why did he come on the show? How did the experts not see he was a bullshit artist? Aren’t they supposed to be smart with all their degrees? Where’s the sex therapist?
  7. I don’t drink, but now I could use a couple of Bloody Marys with lots of salt all around and lots of lemons and limes. That’s how I got my son. I was so plastered, I didn’t even know what was going on ......whoopieeeeee !
  8. Yes, and I blame the experts. They are good for nothing. Where are they anyhow? HIDING, because they fucked up? Who needs them? Put all of us on and you will see perfect matches. Maybe they think opposites attract. Over the years, some couples made it, but it just happened to be a fluke, not because of the experts. They are useless. I’m sure the Pastor and Shorty would say”try harder”. And they picked Chris? Were they blind? He’s a self centered blowhard baby you could see from a mile away. A bullshit artist who has a mean streak. Yeah, he’ll make a great Father. I feel sorry for the kid already. Rant over!
  9. Chris reminds me of the way teenagers act and talk, and why did he need an escort out of the place. I just forgot the guys name. The one with the beard. High school shenannigans. We all know Virginia is an alcoholic, but we wouldn’t say it to her face,”lol. Oh, here comes Haley drinking that bottled water yet again. I think she uses that bottle like a “ blankey.” Here comes another confrontation with Jake.
  10. NO APOLOGY ACCEPTED. And leave God out of this. God helps those who help themselves. Get them off the show. This is not entertaining.
  11. Paige is a dope. She should have left that maniac in the desert by himself. He’s a time bomb. He’s walking up the hill and she’s following him no less. She is one desperate woman.
  12. Haley, be honest and don’t give false hopes. Obviously, you don’t care for him. Call it a day. That’s why I don’t believe in this shit. I believe in full blast love to get married. Haley looks like she’s in pain when she’s with Jake. She’s too uncomfortable. I have a feeling that she thinks she’s better than him for some reason.
  13. It’s daytime and they both are slurring their words. She is a problem and he will lose his job. Who drinks day and night? Even if it’s your honeymoon.
  14. Red Flag. No joint account. Why is Chris and Paige still even here? This girl is hard up for a man. Sorry.
  15. If Hailey is and wants to be independent, why in hell did she get married? She came right out and told him she wants to do what and when she wants to. How nice for her. Is this a one way marriage or what? Not a nice thing to say.
  16. Hmmm Haley didn’t want to talk about their sexual encounter. Neither did Clara. Maybe that means no encounter. Erik needs a nap or some alkaseltzer. Ryan is taking his time with everything. Chris’s favorite word is disrespectful. He’s the disrespectful one. So sick of him. What were the experts thinking when they picked him. Clara needs something .. anything from Ryan.
  17. Erick looks half dead. She must be doing a number on him every night. Unless he’s drunk from the night before. Chris is ruining this show. He’s so depressing. Who enjoys his face always down looking at the carpet and mumbling his words. I have no words for Paige. If I were her, I would be out of there. She’s another downer.
  18. Oh geeze .. Paige says she’s still committed to the marriage and probably will try to stick it out. Bet Chris’s Father told him to stay with her so she can straighten him out. Here goes nothing and we have to see that face of his again.
  19. Right? Jamie is on half screen and in a different place. I have to say, Jamie looks FABULOUS ! Great makeup, beautifully styled hair, everything. Stunning, and talked well. Maybe she was filming at her new house in Florida. I didn’t get Paige talking about having kids. I don’t think she mentioned him either. They all looked really nice tonight.
  20. Yeah, like the cute little blonde with the truck that offered to help. Ziad annoys me lately. He’s got no say in anything. He has to hang out with that daughter and son in law who makes remarks. He has to man up, get some friends and get a life besides Rebecca. If she lets that happen. I doubt it tho.
  21. Maybe she’s trying to be an actress and be discovered. One minute she’s full of makeup, eyeliner all around those baby blues. Pouting mouth .. the next minute,she’s got he bun going on with the washer woman look. Maybe she’s Eve in that picture with Joann Woodward where she’s a psycho.
  22. He doesn’t care. He’s making money from the show which he needs desperately.
  23. There is too much talk from these girls about drinking. Yara and Natalie are home fiddling around all day while Jovie and Mike are working long hours. When I worked in the City, I took the Railroad home. EVERY man had a drink or beer in their hand on the train winding down from the day. Some had more than one. That’s how they unwind, and doesn’t mean they are alcoholics. These moronic girls have to understand this and stfu. They are immature tyrants. Plus, no man wants a nagging wife when they come through the door each night. Natalie .. no butter, no meat, counting how many beers he’s drinking. Get the f out of here you crazy ass woman. Yara is another pain in the ass. She’s bored, so she has to pick on everything Jovie does. She needs a baby right now like a hole in the head. Why didn’t they use something until they figured things out. A miscarriage doesn’t guarantee you won’t get pregnant soon. Apparently, she didn’t care. Him neither.
  24. Man, that Rebecca is going to chew those lips right off her face. Jealousy Baby.
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