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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Hahaha .. you still up, lol. I don’t know night from day anymore. You still up, lol
  2. I turned her on for one minute and she was acting so stupid about something, I just turned the channel. She was talking in that rough obnoxious way like she knows how. Yeah, a real catch for a man. I can’t figure out what kind of person would tolerate her and that big bossy mouth. She’s like a freakin gangster. No feminine qualities at all.
  3. Couldn’t they have let you go so you could have collected unemployment? Horrible situation for you.
  4. Apparently you don’t live in the Northeast. Snow and ice everywhere. Boots are the norm until April.
  5. Haha .. I went a little crazy this year and treated myself with a few pair of new Sketchers and velvet tights from QVC. The only people that have seen them were my Doctors.
  6. All that money to bring her over just to get laid? Yeah, I can believe that. Maybe he’s exhausted all the girls down at the town bar where he lives. Or maybe that curly mop on her head thrills him. And those gigantic lips that don’t shut up.
  7. Do you know somebody that is handy? They would have to take the door off and shave the bottom.
  8. Not all Cable companies carry every show. Or, it depends what package you have too. Some packages don’t show Lifetime.
  9. O.k. Here in New York, it’s on Thursdays 9 pm. You might be confused as it says “Married at First Sight”. At first I thought it was the U.S. one, but it’s the Australia one. It should say “Married at First Sight Australia”. I just looked on my tv for this Thursday and it says “Married at First Sight Australia” Season 6, Episode 3 & 4. I just saw it’s on Demand and you can watch last weeks episodes 1 and 2. Yes, it said that last week. This coming week it says Married at first sight Australia. Last weeks episode 1 and 2 are now on demand. P.s. I have “Optimum” Cable on Long Island, New York. It might be different in other States and different Cable sources. I don’t know.
  10. I still remember the agony of getting up in front of the class in school and making a speech, saying the wedding vows in church, etc. I hate to be the center of attention. Forget about the days when I had to take dictation from bosses that were verbally sexual abusive when drunk after lunching with clients. In those days, you said nothing for fear of your job. I had to suck it up and shut up. Talk about being uncomfortable.
  11. I’m an outdoor person. With this Covid thing tho, I do some housework, cook, clean some, then go on my I pad mostly or watch my shows or a movie. Miraculously, the time goes by fast and it’s time for bed. It hasn’t been too bad in the house, especially since I live in New York where it’s cold outside. This is the first time I’ve been housebound, and it’s not that bad. In two months, it will be April, and i at least can go outside. Just because my husband is here also doesn’t mean we stick like glue. He watches his stuff in the bedroom, and I’m in the living room watching my stuff. We only watch a few shows together. Oh, and being in the house, we take about a few naps a day, lol. Then up all night. It’s also not bad being retired.
  12. Screw them. Be your own boss. You owe them no explanation. I haven’t been in my two daughters houses since last summer, and they live locally. I never gave in to peer pressure. My Mother used to tell us kids “ if people want to jump off a bridge, do you have to also”? I know I always quote my Mother, but she was always right. My husbands friend just got Covid. He’s always in the street bullshitting with the neighbors.
  13. Ha .. just what Brooklyn needs, another Italian restaurant.
  14. WHY does Hallmark Movies & Mysteries have to have that annoying loud background music? I’m going to write them.
  15. Well, at least he’s like a baby and still living with his parents like some guys. He bought a house and fixed it up to his liking. If she stays, she’ll have control of the house and fix it up to her taste .. maybe. NOT a baby I meant.
  16. I’m with you. He’s not a big mouth, has manners and is proud of his house. What’s wrong with that? What is Haley looking for exactly? He wasn’t shy on Unfiltered and spoke very nicely. We’ll see how he does on the honeymoon. If I was her, I’d give him a chance. What is so great about her? Truthfully.
  17. How can he continue the show when he reveals he’s going to be a Father? Will she be o.k. with that?
  18. We flew from New York to Vegas. Like I said, we did go to Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon. I was pissed because I wanted to drive to California thru Death Valley. But, my big, tough, three year Army guy was afraid we would maybe get stuck in the valley, so that was out. I was so close, yet so far, lol. Oh, and I wanted to go to a couple of ghost towns, but he wasn’t interested. We flew halfway across the country so he could play slots, which he could have done where we live. He’s a stay at home sports watcher .. I’m an adventurer. Dammit.
  19. Agree. There are things to see. The four times we went tho, it was about 104 degrees outside. I had to stay in the pool. I’ve never smelled pot tho .. maybe because it was years ago before it became legal? Now that I’m thinking, even Cancun and Jamaica are out of the country and maybe not allowed. ☹️
  20. Out of all of the women, I love Julia the best. She’s beautiful, playful, and would make a good wife. She also has guts finally for what’s coming to her.
  21. Can you imagine if he tells her she has to go back? He looked disgusted in the gift shop when she started harping on the wedding plans. I don’t get why he said he loves her in his thinking head. Doesn’t look good for her. She will become a pain in the ass nagging wife.
  22. Looks like she wants sex on demand everyday, where else can you get it but with a husband. Even if he’s an asshole dirty cheating moron, dirty dog liar POS. She’ll use him too, if only for that. After what he did to her, she’s probably a nymph. I’d be mad because he didn’t bring me my coffee.
  23. Very poor choice for a honeymoon. What’s the difference people and travel wise? Same thing. If you’re not a gambler or drinker, there’s nothing to do. While hubby gambled with his brother who lives there, I went in the pool and shopping. Then we went to the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam and saw Momma Mia. Not for me at all, but at least I saw the Canyon.
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