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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Yep, hard to understand. Last time I watched, I wasn’t thrilled with them, but it heated up and I got used to them then couldn’t stop watching. Takes awhile to get hooked. Nothing else on anyhow. Except Netflix.
  2. Yes .. something is up again with her. When I saw her trashing Kevin’s house, I sort of lost interest in her again. She’s acting very obnoxious to everybody where it isn’t merited. She’s very into herself to the point of delusion. I don’t like the way she talks to people, like she’s the boss of everyone and is nasty to them. I didn’t watch today for these reasons. How much more can people take of her? She thinks she’s the cats meow, but she isn’t anymore. I don’t think the movie helped her one bit. It made her look mean.
  3. This is bullshit. Has to be scripted .. fighting at the weddings and threatening. Much different than Americans. Plus, we can’t even understand what they are saying half the time. Crazy.
  4. What’s with these protective brothers? They look like wise asses.
  5. WOW ..Big difference in Australian people and weddings. They are very vocal and free spirited.
  6. The brother is a nut job already. Who does that at a wedding ceremony? Nick didn’t have to tell him anything. Is the pretty second bride older than the cricket player?
  7. You’all ... Married at First Sight AUSTRALIA on tonite 9 pm. Lifetime. Couples Cam at 8 pm.
  8. No lady parts showing, only a matronly blue lace dress and her usual old beige heels. Oh, and matronly hairdo.
  9. Tape it then. Watch the next day. If Jake was such a nerd, they wouldn’t have put him on Unfiltered right away. He talked very nice .. wasn’t shy. Very calm and respectful. Paige on the other hand had a red dress on with a V down to her stomach, and dress up her whole thigh. Looked like a slut. Religious my ass. I don’t think Unfiltered is on demand.
  10. Are we talking about Bobby who married the girl that wanted everything and he gave it to her. A new bigger house, two children? The guy that just adores her? That Bobby?
  11. What’s with Ryan? She’s doing all the talking. I don’t think he’s interested in her.
  12. Pilots make me swoon, Doctors in a good suit make me swoon. A man in a nice suit n tie, a nice watch and nice cologne .. yikes. I’m theirs. At my age, and being married a very long time, I wish I could do it all over again. The best time in your life. I wouldn’t do it this way tho. I believe love in first sight and meeting someone first. These people are taking a gamble tho, so things are way different. If they go on this show, they should not complain. You went on, now suck it up and try and make the best of it. Nobody twisted your arm. P.s. what did Haily mean when she said she was single for six years? Did she mean a boyfriend or what?
  13. Loved, loved, loved your post too. Everything was spot on. Bravo !
  14. I agree with you on everything, especially Jake & Haley. He’s talking .. he’s trying. I don’t see her doing anything. If I were her, I would put my arms around him and give him a great big hug and kiss and get the ball rolling. I happen to love a tall guy with a good body. She’s too stiff and maybe thinks she’s better than him. Not so. Men are easy .. they need attention.
  15. I think Jake is fine too. Rather have him than a blowhard asshole like Chris. What’s Chris panicking about anyhow. Just got word he’s having a baby with another woman? Loser. This show is making loads of money. Why can’t they have a decent hairdresser or a better curling iron? A curling iron that makes smaller curls so they don’t have strings hanging down.
  16. I’ve seen worse. Guys like Chris who have no respect for women, drinkers, potheads, drug users. So Jake eats meat .. he’s going thru a phase. Maybe Hayley can bring him out of his shell. He’s just an introvert. She can fix that if she is smart. Did you see him on Unfiltered?
  17. I think Pepper knows she fucked up royally. Good bye Pepper.
  18. As I watched today, I really noticed Norman has to correct her on everything she says. If it wasn’t for him, she’d be up shits creek. She gets names wrong, was completely oblivious to what’s going on and totally not with the information she’s supposed to have. Seems like she’s not doing her homework reading the mags. Norman deserves better. I hope she appreciates him. I doubt it tho. He covers her left and right, poor guy.
  19. Yeah .. worry about your wife who might be an alcoholic.
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