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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. You mean to tell me we have to see these two rumble for the rest of the show?
  2. Yeah .. beat the shit out of him. He deserves it. Give him some stitches too, to keep his mouth shut. Then pull that hair out of his head.
  3. Different strokes for different folks. Yes, I'd bet that one of her girlfriends would want him, but I can certainly understand if Haley doesn't. I wouldn't want him either. I’m gonna cave and agree finally. I went with a couple of guys before getting married. Nice, attractive guys, but it just wasn’t there. When I met my husband .. instant attraction. Something just clicked. She doesn’t feel it, and that’s it. When you know, you know. This show is just a crapshoot. Jake could beat the crap out of all of them guys tho. I’m sure he’ll find someone after this show.
  4. I’m just wondering how in hell did three “experts” not see he was a bulshitter blowhard nut job. Was he that good an actor to pull the wool over their PHD eyes? Did they not see that Virginia behaved like a gigley teenager laughing every minute? These professionals are supposed to pick up on all these things during the vetting process. Then they match a very smart Engineer with a car salesman who now says she’s bossy? What exactly are they going by? Opposites attract? Then they put an introvert with an extrovert. You see where that is heading. FIRE them. This season has a long way to go. Do we have to watch big mouth Chris and depressing Paige wallowing in their misfortunes the rest of the season? Send them both home off the show.
  5. Thank you very much for explaining this. I never saw the end as I got a late call that my beloved cousin just died and was very confused when reading that Jake was so upset. Now I can understand why.
  6. I know that. I’m asking you to tell me what happened with Jake when he wasn’t invited with the others downstairs. If you don’t mind. You seem to know exactly what transpired that night.
  7. Haley always has a very forced smile. She’s not for anyone except her girlfriends. Why did she feel the need to go on a tv show for a match no less?
  8. I still don’t get this whole Jake not getting invited thing. When, where and why did this happen? Please explain. If you don’t mind.
  9. I don’t think Haley knows what she wants. She’s too busy adoring herself. Girlfriends are fine, but not on the honeymoon when you’re trying to get to know your spouse. Which she didn’t do by the way. They probably had some drunk sex and she forgot about it. Jake is trying at least .. she looks like she will fall over with disgust. Bet one of her girlfriends would take Jake in a minute. I watched everything again today. Paige ruined everyone’s whole honeymoon with her problems. Everyone was so concerned about her. That’s selfish of her. You married him, now stfu. He’s your problem. I won’t even waste my time talking about her or that blowhard. I hope they leave. Eric needs to go to the gym and beef up. A good wind would knock him down. Virginia will be the death of him if he stays with her. She’s not Mother material at all. She’s a party girl. He’s starting to party with her and will lose his license. Hmmm the Engineer is bossy. Yes,she’s in charge of building. You have to be bossy. Why did they pair her up with a salesman? I don’t know about Ryan and Clara. He’s got a lot of good qualities. So does she. I don’t think he cared for Clara getting involved in Chris’s business and rightly so. Something tells me nobody will stick this time. I just don’t want to see Chris and Paige on my screen anymore. I’m watching, but think this is all scripted for drama. Worse than ever.
  10. Big Kev probably loved her at the time and married her. As she got more popular, she developed a big crass mouth. She got bossy and let him handle her business, and probably lost interest in him, and him in her. Thus comes the girlfriend and baby. She should stop being a big boss with everyone as it’s not appealing to a new man. She should try to mend her ways and be a little softer. Maybe then, she will find and keep a man to be with her. Otherwise, she will be alone, and I don’t think she likes being alone. Some women do and handle it well. Not Wendy.
  11. Patti put the link on her post. The page before this one.
  12. I think you are right. I went with a nice guy for a bit that always smelled of garlic. His mother must have cooked a lot with it and was in his pores. My husband on the other hand had many banlon shirts with a collar and always smelled so clean. His mother did his clothes. He had one in every color. That clean smell and his nice cologne put me over the edge. He was immaculate ..still is.
  13. I’m sure it’s not her first time she was disappointed. She might be the dud. It takes two, and nobody should tell what transpired in the first place. She doesn’t show me much. There four or five days and already talking and having drinks with the girlfriends only. Not right. She signed up for this, now see it through. I think she’s overrated. Cold heart.
  14. Now they are talking about Jakes prowness? Maybe she laid there like a board and turned him off. She’s not all that, and shame on her for going down without him. Plus, he’s on a high protein diet and the supplements are veggies he’s missing. This guy just can’t get a break. Why not talk about Ryan? Nothing going on there, but everyone loves him. Clara is hurting and we can see it from a mile away. What’s with him?
  15. I watch every minute and did not see anything to this nature. Someone please say what Haley did to piss Jake off. Ok, thanks. I must have been typing as usual and missed that. I’m going to watch again and see. No more typing during show.
  16. Well, that’s screwed up. Oh well .. you didn’t miss much of Jersey Housewives. I watched the first episode twice today and remembered why I don’t watch anymore. They were screaming and yelling their lungs out one after another. Curse words, talking about Bj’s as usual and just fighting amongst themselves. I never see an episode of them having a meaningful conversation. Cursing and fighting is their norm. So much plastic surgery is apparent and not in a good way. It’s just because they have the money. One of the blondes nose was half the size. Yuk. Wendy’s clothes are horrible as usual. She needs a full makeover .. hair, clothes, etc. I’m going on u tube to see what @Patty is talking about the movie. ( thanks).
  17. what ??? What’s going on? Did I miss something? Please explain. What slip?
  18. Smart move that Jake. Doesn’t get involved in anyone’s business. Let them all kill each other. “I want my steak medium rare, hahaha. Cool.
  19. Maybe too many drinks? Btw, do you know what happened to Australia last night? Nobody on the thread but two, and totally different people getting married. ?????????
  20. I think Virginia has a problem and can’t stop drinking. Maybe it calms her nerves? Something is not right with her. The other dummy is now joining her. What a disaster.
  21. Seems she wants to do what she wants, go where she wants and doesn’t want to let a husband dictate to her. She should remain single. Get some cats.
  22. She didn’t care for him, so why have sex? It only confused him. I think that was pretty mean of her. If the sex was mind blowing, would she like him then? I’ll bet any one of her girlfriends would take him. I’d love to see that. Haley is the type that should be able to pick someone herself, not be surprised on a t.v. Show. If she’s so particular, why did she take this gamble?
  23. I guess we’re on the right track. Who are these new people? Why don’t they have a heading like the American version? Where’s @ Lenny? He knows everything, lol. Oh, now more new people. WTH? Are we on the right thread? Where’s everyone?
  24. O.k., so today is the 18th. Does the new episode start now at 9 pm,eastern time? It just continues from last week? So confusing, to me anyhow.
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