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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Plus, I am sure your marriage is intact and thriving.
  2. She’s no better. She comes here thinking she will shop designer clothes until she drops. He gives her fancy sexy undies ..then he gets sex. What the hell? She’s got an attitude to boot. Anne is here for the buck he does not have. He wants sex, someone to cook and watch his child. She wants clothes and night life. It ain’t gonna work. Send her and her attitude back.
  3. I agree, it’s only a job. Besides, she’s probably funding money and health insurance for Bryson, which is admirable. Some grandmothers aren’t that interested. She has nice teeth. Too.
  4. Lol, true. I’ve forgotten those days of walking around like a zombie. The first nite they slept until 6 am was heaven.
  5. Sorry to say, but the beekeeper is a dud and annoys the hell out of me. She’s always looking down. She brings this guy over here without any language knowledge, then the phone goes back n forth. What these women would do to get laid. Crass, I know., but true. He doesn’t want his family to know she has three good boys? Dump him. Boys come first. They need some stability.
  6. Mike & Natalie .. It didn’t look so bad in that Ukraine city where she lives now. It looked better and more livelier than the farm she’s going to in the sticks. I doubt she will make it on the farm with a baby no less. Mike is short on money, and the whole town closes up at 10 pm. She will go mad. Does she know the whole USA is not all bright lights and buildings and night spots like N.Y.C.? P.s. it took me forever to find this thread, as they are all over the place.
  7. She probably scans the audience behind the curtains before showtime and tells Suzanne who to pick and seat them where she can do “Ask Wendy”. They have to be super outrageous or weird. Like her. But, they cannot be better looking than her, hahaha.
  8. Wow. I never knew a person has to go thru that scrutiny. What does she think her studio is .. the White House? I’ve never heard of such a thing. Just WHO does she think she is? Ticket application? I thought they pulled visitors off the street in the morning. If anything, I don’t think she wants any great looking babes in her audience. Well, I guess that leaves us out, lol.
  9. You are soooo lucky! I’m sorry for the animal posts too. Don’t know what got into me. 😻. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE !!!!! ❤️💕
  10. Don’t feel bad. I had a beautiful black cat named Diamond. She was black with a diamond shape on her chest. She went missing one day and we scoured the neighborhood and put up signs for weeks. I could swear the bitch neighbor next to me poisoned my cat, as she hated them in her yard. I moved. Home grown cats just do not disappear into thin air. Plus, the bitch next door was from another country and probably did voodoo. She was weird. I think her husband met her on line.
  11. Something is up with Brownstone. There is more to her than we know. I hope we will find out eventually. Something sleezy.
  12. This is true. I am on this thread everyday and I don’t even know the Jim Bellino story. I only started watching this after them. She was the one with lots of makeup and they are now divorced, right? Something to do with Tamra being sued?
  13. Every time we went there, I would bring a big bone from the butcher and give Lucy a massage. Her brother Tank (a black lab) will be lost without her. They were inseparable. Who knows how long he will last now. Listen to me, I’m a big blubbering idiot. Ok .. enough of my sob story. We all have worse problems, but animals are so helpless. I’m finished. Sorry. Say no more. This thread is for fun. Let’s talk about Kelly and what she will do, lol. Maybe she will join N.Y.
  14. Thank you for explaining that to me. I was going nuts trying to get rid of it, lol. I was waiting for Thanksgiving for my Grandson to figure it out.
  15. I know, thank you. Unfortunately, animals are with us too short of a time.
  16. Let’s face it. Skinny Girl Jeans are for skinny girls, period. When you are heavier, any jeans are good. Why spend 80 bucks?
  17. I still need some cats for my cricket problem. When I had my Mikie and Velvet, I never saw a creature in or out of my house. I don’t have them anymore and don’t want to go thru the sicknesses and vets anymore. As we speak, my beautiful Grand Dog Lucy is dying at 13 yrs old. A yellow lab that my son- in- law went to get upstate as a puppy the day after he got home from Iraq. He got two, sister and brother Tank. We used to dog sit them on Saturdays. When I get the call, I know I will cry my eyes out for days. O.k. Enough of sadness. On to technical problems.
  18. When I go to answer a post, all the posts jump around and I have to scroll and look for it. The only bugs I know are the crickets invading our houses this year in my development. One of those son of a bitches was in my bathroom and I almost had another heart attack. It’s the invasion of crickets this year. Maybe I’ll borrow some of Walnuts cats to take care of them. When you have cats, you see nothing. All of a sudden, since they changed the forum?
  19. Stupid question, but what are those “AA” things under the AT&T? I have them too and I can’t get rid of them. My whole I- pad has been screwed up since this site has made changes. The posts jump around too. WTF ?
  20. I agree with all you have said. I’m so sick of seeing boobs too, fake ones no less,and Tamra’s face has to go. She is sickening and no class at all. I’d love to start Dallas, but it’s too much already. I have a feeling BH will be a disaster also, so that’s out too. Bravo should get on the drawing board pronto. The only one I’m interested in now is N.Y., and it better not change for the worse.
  21. I’m thinking they move around looking for their next prey. Something very weird about those two my sixth sense tells me. YES.
  22. From sunny California to the concrete jungle is a very big jump. What’s she gonna do all day while he’s corresponding, without her daughter no less. Maybe she thinks she’ll hang out with Ramona and the rest and be a Hamptons socialite. I don’t think she thought this through enough. How could she leave Jolie? I could never. This is a very crucial age for a young girl. Hmmmm, daughter or boyfriend of 3 months .. let me think.
  23. I would have liked to hear more that Luann was trying to say, but big mouth always butted in. I did like Wendy’s hair too. Those straight long wigs have to go. Not appropriate for her age.
  24. She’s so rude to the audience too. She has the impression that the audience are her friends for years, and she could be candid with them like she is with family. I would be mortified if she ever called me out, but I’m not interested in going there ever. I can’t quite figure out if she’s popular or not. I guess they either love her or hate her. Anyone know?
  25. Well, after they met, they went on a nice vacation. Need I say more? Lol.
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