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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Does Boof have a wife and family? If he does, if I was that wife I’d do something about all that attention Wendy needs all the time. WTF? Plus, does anyone really care about Mama June anymore? Or ever did?
  2. I’m glad you saw that too regarding the Ukrainian girl. Forgot her name. She reminds me of a little girl, always giggling and making faces. She looks a little nuts when she attacked him when they were jogging in the park. He mentioned her ex and she went bezerk for no reason. Plus, she wants a baby now? I think she is immature or nuts, or both. He will have his hands full with her with her mood swings. Maybe the ex divorced her. If so, I can see why. She’s probably pregnant from the first night.
  3. crappy show. Too much screaming. Not enjoyable at all anymore. The reunion will be more of the same.
  4. Wendy looked ridiculous today wearing that contraption. She looked like a big wad of bubble gum. I’m liking the stuff they are selling. I immediately bought the cashmier shawl in baby pink. I always use sweaters, so this will be a nice change. Hope it’s soft. She still needs a stylist, and what’s with the long hair again? Where’s Boof? Did he leave town?
  5. Lots of American people do not know about the South or anywhere else in America. The Deep South is all history, and I am dying to visit there. Everyone should watch “Aerial America” on t.v. where they take you on a journey through all the states, one at a time. They show everything of importance. I’m from New York and would love to see all the mansions and things of yesteryear in the South, and especially the southern food. Yum.
  6. Well then, Julianna could be the big sister. They do seem to like her. The ex will have to accept that. BTW, those two kids are very smart and have nice manners. Not bratty at all.
  7. I have a feeling he’s not quite all there in the head. Who would suggest going to Turkey and leaving her kids behind? Not a normal thing to say to a woman. Maybe a little kid would say that.
  8. How nice! I’m very happy for you. Now I remember, high school and hockey, yes. Your weekly reports was like reading a good book. I looked forward to the episodes. Lol. Good Luck 💕
  9. Tuesday .. Did Wendy forget to get dressed this morning? She was wearing her pink nite gown with her sneakers. Why is Suzanne always sucking on mints or candy whenever she answers a question? This is a t.v. show. Have some restraint till the show is over. Everything about this show is weird, or I’m just crabby this morn.
  10. I did everything myself. Church wedding, 125 people at the reception, honeymoon, etc. My husband just showed up. (Spoiled brat). I’m still doing everything after about 100 yrs. Seems like. Haha. I must be nuts.
  11. No wonder Michael and the ex are divorced. She seems like a pain in the ass. I could just see her telling Michael how to do it in the bedroom. Lol. KIDDING ... NOT.
  12. @SASHA206 .. Are we talking about “hockey crush” or someone else? Your conversation rang a bell in my head, or maybe I’m going bonkers?
  13. Thanks for the info. There are worse things in this world, but for some reason, I feel really sorry for these three boys. To burden them with this guy who makes it known that he would take their Mother away to his country is too much for me to comprehend. Plus the fact that he can’t tell his parents of their existness is just too much. Forget the bridal gown and dump him. When it’s your time, you will find another man. Existence I mean.
  14. That was a great post, and so true. Thank you.
  15. I’m wondering if they even talk to or see their Father. I’ll have to investigate. The three boys have the same features, so I guess they all come from the same Father. Hmmm.
  16. Not for anything, but I think Sarah is too friendly and in their faces too much for an ex wife. She can be cordial, but that’s it. If she continues, I see trouble brewing. She should stay in her lane. I don’t think Sarah and Julianna will be buddies. I think you are right.
  17. The boys Father is in Prison ????? Where was this revealed? I’m reading backwards today.
  18. The thought of Syngin staying alone in the shed with maybe an electric heater, no bathroom and kitchen makes my blood boil. Is Tania insane leaving him like that? And he loves her? Why?
  19. That phone thing back n forth between Anna and him is driving me crazy. Why didn’t he learn some English when he was home?
  20. Emily has her head up her ass. Telling Sasha how many hours he has to play with the baby. The woman is in Lala land, haha. She’ll be lucky if he bounces the kid on his knee while watching sports for a few minutes. Sasha left his whole family in Russia and didn’t look too thrilled about it.
  21. Yeah, but do they know most of us got money from sacrifice and hard work? Or inheritance? Most people here had immigrant parents like mine who came here pennyless and both worked to just get a house and car, cash. Hard times. Julianna is marrying into money, lucky thing. The cost of that sofa was ridiculous. She has no concept of money and what things cost.
  22. Oh, I agree. He is sooo much trouble. I feel so sorry for the boys. BTW, where is their real father? All three boys resemble the father I assume. If I were her, I would wait until they grow up a little more. I think the boys are adorable, with manners, under the circumstances. They do not deserve this stress at their age.
  23. Something is just creepy about this guy. I just can’t put my finger on it. Plus,where did Julianna get off buying a car no less on his credit card? Why do these people like her get the idea this country is made of money? Americans work for their money. It doesn’t grow on trees. Same with Anny. Everything with her is money, money. My husband worked two jobs to get where we are,and I worked also, with 3 kids.
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