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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I don’t see how the experts put Meka and Michael together. Meka is young in her mind and doesn’t have a clue about what it takes to make a marriage. Michael is worldly and saw this from the beginning. He was disgusted from day one, split to another room, and the honeymoon went down the drain. They don’t belong together. They both did not enjoy the honeymoon. What a waste. They both should have participated with the others and enjoy Panama, especially the boat trip, water, restaurants, booze and beach. Instead, they both were sulking.
  2. What’s with that couple anyway? I hear they are together, but he goes out with other women? She’s o.k. with that?
  3. I don’t understand what you mean. Some men wear their rings because their wives want them to. Some wear them because they are religious and it means something to them. I worked in a big office with Engineers and Lawyers. I saw a lot of the men wearing wedding rings and have girlfriends on the side. A wedding ring means different things to different people. It’s meant to be a symbol of commitment. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t. I wear my wedding ring everyday as it’s all diamonds, and who doesn’t love diamonds? Lol. My husband of many years doesn’t wear his because he doesn’t like jewelry, and I don’t mind. If he’s going to fool around, a ring won’t stop him or anyone else for that matter. Plus, a wedding ring does not stop another woman from making a play for a married man.
  4. From the beginning, I think Michael was disappointed with Meka. He probably would have loved to be matched with someone like Taylor, beautiful, sexy and fun loving. So unhappy, he went and slept in another room. He expected a hot dish to take to bed and have a fabulous honeymoon. Instead, he got a drill Sargent with a list of do’s and dont’s. Plus, he wasn’t attracted to her sexually.
  5. I agree about Zack & Mindy. I mean, just look at them together. Looks wise, they do not belong together at all. He belongs on a magazine, and she belongs in the library. What the hell were they thinking, those experts? He’s in love with his hair and his mirror, and she wants to put on her ice skates.
  6. If I were a guy, I wouldn’t want Meka either. She’s a sourpuss, talks too much about what she wants, how, where, etc. She doesn’t seem to know how to have a good time and stop complaining. Michael would not put up with this for the rest of his life.
  7. I think Taylor came on the show to be discovered for either t.v., movies or modeling. Or a very wealthy guy.
  8. Wedding rings, schmedding rings for guys mean nothing. My husband’s been in the drawer since day 2 as he doesn’t like jewelry and I don’t care. They do not deter a woman, and lots of married men who wear them fool around or have mistresses. I myself love my ring and wear it everyday.
  9. Maybe everything is new to him? Like a kid in a candy store. Not that it’s a bad thing.
  10. No sexual chemistry there. They just might wind up as good friends.
  11. Must be as I missed the boat trip. I fell asleep.
  12. Boy, Meka sure has a lot of instructions and restrictions for the marriage. Is she married or in the Army? You adjust as you go along. Did Mindy ever hear the saying “ he’s just not into you”? Why all the questions all the time? Annoying.
  13. Me too. The girls on the couch are more at ease than Jamie all the time. She is just not a good fit. Just because she was on at one time as a bride? Not a good reason.
  14. I really like Taylor, but can she say one sentence without the giggling? Is it nerves or what?
  15. Jamie still does not look comfortable interviewing after all this time. She has that scared uncomfortable look on her face. Those she interviews looked more relaxed and at ease.
  16. WTF kind of garb was she wearing today? Half shorts under half dress. Those cuffs must get in the food plate while she is eating, as they didn’t button up. Is that the new style? Thank goodness someone gave her a pretty shawl to cover her legs. Weird.
  17. Thanks so much. It’s great to see clearly with vibrant colors again.
  18. That’s funny. If she keeps on wearing tight dresses with slits up to her whoha, she will attract the wrong kind of man. Someone has to inform her, if she wants to continue dressing sexy, she has to forgo the sneakers. They kill the whole sexy look. Also, she better be in the dark once she takes off the wig, eyelashes and makeup, pantyhose, sneakers. The real Wendy will appear.
  19. She’s sticking her nose in their business and getting paid by the show. Her kids also. I don’t think ANY kids should be subjected to this show.
  20. Norman is her savior. If it wasn’t for him, she could not do the show. She is not informed and is not focusing. Norman is a good guy and is keeping her afloat. Now that she has her show locked up with contract, she’s acting like “She’s up there, and everyone else is down there” ! Maybe to some people, but she doesn’t realize that she’s NOT all that to MANY people. Try to tell her that. She thinks she’s the cats meow and nothing could break her. We’ll see.
  21. O.k. I specifically watched/ listened ( had cataract eye surgery Monday) to her show to hear what she had to say about Jennifer & Shakira at the Super Bowl. I agree with you that there is something very different about her demeanor, but I can’t find the word. She’s more confident, defiant, rude, opiniated, and picking on people in the audience not in a good way. I can’t put my finger on it, but she definitely is talking different. Staring at the audience, spacing her sentences and picking on the audience members rudely. Actually, she looks annoyed and is showing it. Today, the cook said they were giving the food prepared to the audience. I think she didn’t like that as she likes to take it home. I thought the party she had was some friends, not her workers. I don’t think she likes to put herself out with entertaining. To your question .. yes, she’s talking differently .. I’d say weird.
  22. Methinks the whole show is scripted for drama, or else it would be just another boring show and nobody would watch. Score one for the producers, seven pages of dribble.
  23. Angela doesn’t even have a purse to put her stuff in? She sticks cash, cigarettes, and who knows what else down her chest. Gross.
  24. Hi everyone .. hope all of you are healing from last year. Going for the first of two cataract surgeries Monday. Maybe I’ll be able to read the info’s on the t.v. Info again. Anyone happy Vikie and Tamra not coming back on OC ? Can’t wait for N.Y. to start again. I don’t know exactly when. Xo. Silver or Gem10 whoever.
  25. I think they are all playing a part because they want to be on t.v. for one reason or another. Zack posing for the camera shirtless. Come on! He’s a conceited ass. Guys like that make me sick. It’s all about looks and probably no brain.
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