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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Man, Brandon is really pissed. It’s either her big speech or he’s just not into her at all. He went and sat with Kutcher ( I call him) which was embarrassing for everyone. Sorry, I mean Michael.
  2. Maybe Mindy should go bunk in with Michael for the duration.
  3. Zacks stupid hat has gone to his head. He thinks he’s a movie star or a super model.
  4. If someone told me they weren’t attracted to me like Zach did, I would just enjoy the beach and food and sleep on the couch. I wouldn’t push or give him the time of day and be a beggar.
  5. I like Meka’s choice of dresses on unfiltered. Very pretty and feminine. Jamie’s choice .. not so much.
  6. Too much giggling from the girls. Guess they are uncomfortable. Especially Jessica and Taylor.
  7. Can someone PLEASE tell me why is he marrying her? There is nothing in it for him. Is there? She’s lazy,entitled, and looks like a robot. She hates his lifestyle,his friends, his drinking, food, his Mother, everything. Send her back. He’s too nice for her.
  8. You just might have something there. I’ve said also that Julianna does not look Brazilian. I’m also wondering if she is as sweet as she looks. Maybe underneath, she’s a smart cookie and will outsmart them both. You never know.
  9. Jasmine has no personality, is selfish and conceited. Now, she doesn’t even want to work. Is this a joke? Why does he even want her? She will be a big problem.
  10. Damn .. I feel so sorry for these boys. They don’t deserve a guy in their house that they can’t even connect to. Maybe she’s been bringing home guys for awhile now. Can’t she hold off awhile? The older one I hope will go away to college. I wonder if they have any grandparents or aunts and uncles? Nice boys and mannerly. She’s throwing the guilt on them and they don’t need that. Adolescence is tough enough.
  11. I said to my hubs “ why is Sarah on this show sooo much, blabbing and interfering?” He said “ For MONEY”, that’s why. Her and the two kids are making money. Duh!
  12. I am sorry for Kobe and his family, believe me. Everyday people die, even children. Would Wendy take off for a child, God forbid? What’s the difference who it is. It’s a tragedy for every person, movie stars, sports figures, regular people. We all bleed the same. If there was extra time in her show, why not just talk to more people in the audience? Why the big fuss? That was stupid.
  13. Haha .. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted to jump in the marital bed with them. LMAO.
  14. Holy Smokes! I thought the same thing. That was weird. She didn’t belong there in the first place. Let go already.
  15. Michael from Connecticut. Why is his ex wife butting in? What’s her problem? She is out of line. Mind your business and go find yourself a man and leave them alone.
  16. OMG .. I can’t stand Natalie. Who does she thinks she is? He asks her a question, and she just stares at him for about three minutes just looking at him with those baby blues. Does she think he will fall on his knees because she is so beautiful and irristable? She doesn’t speak .. she just stares at him. Then walks away. She either thinks she’s Gods gift or she’s mental. I pick mental. He doesn’t need her. There will be plenty of women who will want him where he lives.
  17. Notice that she has a few circle of people to keep her afloat about just about everything. She must call them up every minute about every little thing. After working hours, you would think that’s an invasion of privacy. Looks like they all are on call 24 hrs a day.
  18. She made it her business to say how she starves her cats if they get finicky with their kibble. WTF? What would she do if someone fed her a dinner of slop? Would she eat it after three days, or demand something she likes? I know kibble cleans the teeth, so buy a brush and brush their teeth. I wonder if she used that method with Little Kev. Starving them seems a little harsh, to me anyhow.
  19. The show is on Wed & Thurs here (N.Y.) all night, but it doesn’t specifically say “Couples Couch”. They all just say Married at First Sight. Who knows? It might just pop up. It did last week, but I don’t remember how or what time. I remember Anthony and wife and Jepthe & wife talking.
  20. I watch 90 day also, but it’s too far fetched, and too complicated when another country is involved. Plus why would an American seek a woman from another country? I think that overweight guy with the red joggers paid $20,000 to her family to marry her. The one wh cooks in the wok beside the bed. They are on pillow talk.
  21. I loved those first seasons with Basement Ryan, Jacklyn and the girl who kept feeding the husband take out sushi, etc. Everything seemed real then. Then they looked for apartments. Oh, and that crazy one with all the smelly candles .. Sam I think, lol. Good episodes. P.s. looking for Couples Couch too and can’t find it.
  22. Welcome to the freakin club. It’s been a hell of a few months for me too. Besides other things, I tripped and wound up in hospital with 35 stitches in my knees. Can barely walk, so this stupid thread keeps me occupied. It’s been the worst episode ever, but lots of posts. Feel better.
  23. Come to think of it, I think the experts are only there for show and the whole show is scripted. The few that are still married happened to be a fluke. Almost all go on for money or exposure or the thrill of being on t.v. That’s my opinion. It’s a show that’s making money, they are the puppet masters, and we are the puppets. And I didn’t drink wine tonite as I don’t drink at all, lol. Seven pages of posts so far for an episode we didn’t even like. The producers are clapping.
  24. These people are taking some chance getting married like this sight unseen. In the first place, they are all good looking, so they can’t find someone on their own? Then, you have to not be afraid of being in front of a camera crew, then speak. Yikes! I could never do it even for money. Besides, in real life, I would know in one second after seeing a guy, if I would want to sleep with him no less. I can’t even imagine sleeping next to a stranger. What if he was a psycho? They are taking some chance here and I don’t know why. When you go on a dating site, at least you can see and talk to a person first before going forward. Here, you’re stuck with whoever for what .. six months, or whatever. Doesn’t make sense. The few that stayed married was just a turn of the coin.
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