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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Between her watching and drooling over him every minute, and him always shirtless whenever he sees an opportunity, they both make me sick. Plus, Mindy HAS to let go already and get rid of those ugly tank tops and creepy jogging pants. She’s on t.v. for goodness sakes.
  2. I’ve never seen my husband wash his face in the sink like Zack did. I expected to see him put on some moisturizer like a woman would do .. maybe some eye cream too. Usually, most men do it in the shower? Looks like he wanted to concentrate as he told Mindy not to talk, but she did anyway. She’s very thirsty.
  3. Talk about creatures, my niece lives in Arizona and had a scorpion in the house. They had the whole house sealed. A few months ago, another scorpion in her closet, bit her and she had to go to emergency immediately. I would have been out the next day. Some people are not affected by any creatures, crabs or otherwise. Not me.
  4. Such good news. Now, if only Eddy and Steve would dump them both.
  5. Sooo happy. Was not going to watch if they came back.
  6. I had them also. Horrible. I couldn’t go in stores, socialize, anything. You get weakness all over and feeling like you are going to faint. It comes on out of nowhere, and medication helps at the onset. He didn’t have a panic attack.
  7. You are absolutely right. After watching two hours of the couch thingy, it was a repeat of the show the night before. Plus, they only had three couples on who had practically nothing to say. Waste of time. I did LOVE tho, when Bobby went to put his arm around his spoiled wife (forgot her name) Danielle?, and she yelled at him for pulling her hair and embarrassed him on national t.v. I always found her to be a spoiled bitch, and him a pussy.
  8. I think if a woman is so gorgeous, a guy might be insecure and too nervous to handle it. That could be the case with Taylor and Brandon. Maybe he’s really nervous as she’s every man’s dream and a lot of work that he’s not comfortable.
  9. Now I can just imagine all the things Big Kev did for Wendy. He must have done everything, pertaining to the house and the show. I remember her saying how she laid in bed on the weekends binging on Sex and the City and all her programs. Plus, he drove her to the city from Jersey every day to the show. Now, she has Norman, Suzanne, Boof and who knows who else. Big Kev must be happy.
  10. Reminder .. MAFS Couples Couch on tonite 8 pm East Coast time. Says 2 hrs. Check your guides everyone.
  11. Haha .. my first kiss in someone’s backyard on my block. The kiss smelled of garlic.
  12. And get rid of those baggy sweats you wear all the time. Get some cute outfits and new veneers that are way too big for your face. Just trying to help.
  13. That is true. I’m probably just going by my own experience and some of our friends.
  14. About the cake. I think Brandon is shy underneath and did that out of nerves, not to be a smart ass.
  15. Men don’t talk and don’t like to communicate with women when it comes to feelings. My big husband sees what’s coming and tries to escape into another room when he sees me coming with a subject he isnt comfortable with. He will talk about sports all day long tho. They absolutely HATE confrontation, especially with a woman. Brandon and Michael haven’t a clue what their wives want. They are wired differently. IMO.
  16. After last night, I’m liking Brandon and Michael. I get their point. Both their wives are too much with the complaining and speeches. Taylor was wrong to film him and Meka is too much with the lectures. Both should calm down, relax and let nature take its course. They both are acting like fish wives two days in. Meka is all over Michael about everything too soon and Taylor wants things her way. Sorry, but I see two nice men there if the girls would just shut up and give them a chance. Both guys don’t know what the hell to do or how.
  17. I thought this season was going to be a bust, but I’m really enjoying it ... mostly the snarks.
  18. He don’t even know what he’s bullshitting. He probably wants to put a gag in her mouth.
  19. I don’t know. Is Derek so in love after a few days? Could that be? He’s doing everything right and it’s concerning. Too much, too fast. Weird. Maybe he never had a girlfriend, or he is acting for a part?
  20. Oh Mindy. Stop embarrassing yourself and stop questioning Zack. He’s just not into you, so forget it and stop questioning him. She’s too much. Not everyone connects.
  21. I understand couples have to talk things out, but in actuality, men tend to not talk, nor want to, and women like to talk things out. Men do not want to be in the hot seat, ever. The experts will not agree, but that’s how it usually is.
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