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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. To be fair to Wendy she was a DJ in the radio so she was always interviewing Yes, you are right. I forgot she was on the radio. I never listened or heard her. I went to bed early in those days.
  2. She has to compete with a lot of chippies. No more snacks from Boof. She’s on a mission.
  3. OMG, I mean really. How could she think those boobs are nice?
  4. No orthopedic shoes allowed at the concert. She’s gonna look like Daisy Mae from the Hillbillies, hahaha. I can’t wait to see the outfit with those boobs. Dying. Maybe she’ll wear all leather. Lol
  5. One song when she was in college. I know one song “Child of Mine” or something like that. I’d rather see Elton John, Fleetwood Mac or the Eagles, who my daughter just saw in Madison Square Garden Tuesday nite.
  6. And Suzanne, her husband, and the whole bunch has to go. What if they don’t want to? Ridiculous. Maybe they all have lives and rather stay home with their kids or whoever.
  7. I don’t know 80 per cent of who she is always talking about. T.v. and movie celebrities I know, but these rappers, I haven’t a clue. Most of us that watch t.v. In the morning are women of a certain age who do not know these rappers and people she is talking about. We don’t go to the club .. we go to the supermarket. Wendy has a small understanding of things we like and should learn to talk our language of things that interest us. Even the audience looks bored most of the time. Boyfriend my ass. She’s going to see Guns n Roses with the whole crew from the show. What boyfriends?
  8. Wendy has very loose lips lately. Plus, what’s with the long pauses and disgusted face she makes. Then, she’s yelling and embarrassing guests in the audience which she’s never done before. Suzanne has to keep that audience yelling and screaming, which is very annoying. Why am I watching? Because I’m waiting for something to happen, and there’s nothing else on at that time. P.s. Her outfits are horrible. Her guests are far between also, so she has more games and wheels for fillers. Only people who are starting out are on her show. No more A listers.
  9. I mean that’s what tissues are for, the nose. Q- tips for the ears. And that big coat, gigantic boots and long blonde wig .. yuk. Once, I want to see her with her natural hair, less eyelashes, makeup. Bet she looks better. The first time I saw her look good was the other day with the long black dress and red wid, shoulder length. She looked the best ever. That color was for her, not blonde. I meant red wig. It was like auburn, just to the shoulders and really pretty.
  10. Yes. When the athletes get in trouble or say something crass, the sponsors pull their ads immediately.
  11. O.k. .. that makes sense. Katy better be careful then. She might wind up with neither one of them. The one she’s still pining for and Derek.
  12. I agree. Katie is very full of herself and I don’t get why. Derek deserves better, and someone please tell me WHY is he still sleeping with her when she is still crying about her ex? Derek and Mindy have no shame.
  13. Yep, he worked also, came home and cooked. Then she didn’t like that the clean dishes weren’t put away. Some husbands wouldn’t have done either. Not being appreciated can grate on his nerves after awhile.
  14. Yeah, she’s got nerve. He’s the better of the two. She’s got lousy hair and dollar store earrings. Sorry, but true.
  15. How is Derek even with Katy after she told Pastor Cal she still has the hots for her ex in front of Derek. How is he kissing her in front of their friends after hearing that? Am I missing something? Katy is too sure of herself and Derek is a jerk.
  16. So, they have all their friends over. What business is it of theirs to comment on everything concerning the couples marriages? Who asked them to butt in? Guess it’s production causing more drama as this season is a snooze fest.
  17. She can apologize from now until the cows come home. It’s already out there. An apology will not do. We’re talking about someone’s loved one here.
  18. You are so right. I don’t think any of them are thrilled with their partners, even Jessica, but still they stay. I think they just want to be on t.v. I doubt they need the money. If anything, they all should have mental evaluation if anything. Meka is super hyper, Dereks wife loves her ex, Brandon probably drinks and so on. These are the best they could pick? Maybe one out of a hundred connect.
  19. I’m a woman and am very visual, probably like most guys. I would know in two seconds if I wanted to persue a meeting with a guy. I’ve tried to go out with guys that were a real catch in every way, but for some reason, I couldn’t go forward. Maybe that’s just me .. I don’t know. Plus, these experts seem to match I noticed when the two people have things in common. Total bullshit. My husband and I have little in common and are married over 50 years. It was love at first sight. My parents were matched from the old country, were married forever, but my mother was never happy because she wasn’t attracted from the beginning even tho my father was handsome and a good husband. Go figure.
  20. This whole story sounds like bullshit and doesn’t make sense. They both make facial expressions and tell us nothing. I think it was the religion problem. She fears their children will come from outer space on a flying saucer.
  21. I feel like I just ate an unsatisfying meal. All these hours for what? So Natalie is insinuating that Mike slept with a bride to be friend the night before her wedding with nobody else in the house? Who are we to believe? Natalie says yes and Mike says no. I don’t think Shawn Robinson or whatever her name is, is forceful with her questioning. Lots of unanswered questions.
  22. Yes. Maybe it would help with the K1 and Michael could come to the U.S.
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