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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Oh those lips! They both are bloated and overdone. Disgusting.
  2. I read the experts are only there to try to straighten them out. It’s the producers who do the picking, and of course they pick people that will cause drama. If everyone was like Jessica and Austin, it would be boring.
  3. Well, she’s an actress you know. She can’t act for shit. Maybe that mop on her head is strangling her vocal cords.
  4. Hahaha .. we used to go shopping there years ago when I was a kid. Goodwins, Gertz. It was under the el and we took the bus there. My mother bought me my first Victrola there that played 78 ‘s. You probably don’t know what I’m talking about, lol.
  5. 👍. It’s quick, no commercials, a pleasure. Binging since yesterday, lol.
  6. Hahaha .. Now, after all these years I’m wondering why the hell we didn’t go to Hawaii or some exotic place or Italy. Once the kids come, that’s it. Three college tuitions, blah, blah. We mainly went to Disney, Vegas and places close by. Or, how about that River Cruise in Europe? Too late. The ole bones won’t let us. Yes, we did talk about Cove Haven. It’s still there, lol.
  7. @karenbrady .. Been watching “Love is Blind” since yesterday. It’s good, refreshing and NO EXPERTS, lol.
  8. Oh thanks. I’ll go right to it. Today is Friday and it’s a repeat. Not bad, a four day week. She looks like an asparagus in that putrid get up. Thanks a bunch.
  9. Speaking of Katy’s illness, was it ever mentioned she could not have children? I’m assuming Derek was told after the wedding? Is that a big feature to consider especially if he didn’t even know or love her yet?
  10. When I was in my late teens, I went with a gorgeous guy for a few months. We hardly kissed. He took me to many of his family functions and to his house. A pretty guy, dressed to the hilt. Turns out he was gay. What the hell did I know. In those days, it was a secret. You just might be right about him. He’s hiding something and it’s killing him. He’s very tortured and mixed up. It’s not Taylor’s fault. They both came on for different reasons. Hers .. for exposure, not that it will help.
  11. Luv u too. This whole show sucks this season. Pepper knows it .. that’s why she is suddenly changing her tune all of a sudden giving them a choice to stay or to go. We all see differently when it comes to these bozos.
  12. She has become a dictator with her staff. They all are afraid of pissing her off and losing their jobs. In other words, they have to eat shit on a daily basis, seven days a week no less.
  13. On u tube, what heading is she under? Are the comments there?
  14. That’s why Michael gave up from the beginning. He can’t stand Meka’s voice scolding him, so he just gave up and said “ whatever”. He doesn’t give a shit about her or the show. He says or doesn’t say what he wants because he knows he will be gone at the end. He doesn’t care if he lies or tells the truth. IMO anyhow. We all need help. It’s like a car wreck. You shouldn’t look, but you do.
  15. I agree and hope they stick, but they remind me of brother and sister somehow. I don’t like to see them kiss. Will their romance turn into a smouldering love that two people should have? The kind of love that you can’t wait to be together? Marriage in the beginning should be like that I think. Their love might be Luke warm. I wouldn’t be surprised if he walked. She is very smitten with him. Maybe they’ll give it a shot .. I don’t know. P.s. I hate to watch people making out on t.v. That exercise with Zack and Mindy had me turn away. Mindy looked so needy. He looked repulsed. Marriage is so hard. That’s why I don’t believe in this setup. Mostly all of them are fucked up already. How can they last?
  16. You hit the nail on the head about everything ! This show is not pleasurable anymore. Out of all who applied, this is the best they could do? I read somewhere that the producers pick them, not the experts. The experts are there to lure them back when they want to leave. That’s it.
  17. Haha .. I’m in N.Y. And agree with you. She’s full of herself too. I can’t imagine why.
  18. Yes, and Pepper is useless. She should just fade away. How many times has she been married? She beats a dead horse. If someone doesn’t have it for someone, face it .. it’s time to say goodbye. Whoever is matching can’t match for shit. They match when people have interests in common. Lots of people have a lasting marriage with little in common. It’s called compromise.
  19. I think he didn’t like Meka from the beginning and just biding time. Seems like he just doesn’t care what he says.
  20. Thanks for the tip. Always looking for something new.
  21. So are a lot of men. They need down time. Meka would drive my husband nuts. In fact, everyone needs peace and quiet here n there, not screeching 100 miles per hour.
  22. Slut. Only kidding. I couldn’t look at Zack and Mindy. Embarrassing.
  23. Yup, all boring things. We did the same on our Honeymoon at Cove Haven, Pa. many many moons ago. Make pizza party, horseback riding, and other silly things. I asked the hubs if he wanted to go back and get in the champagne tub. He just looked at me. No expression. Hahahaha. Crabby.
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