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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Yup .. I couldn’t even get it out .. it was so ridiculous. 25 minutes ranting about her weekend and her pal Nene. Who cares? She has this persona that her life is so special, and it’s not. There are hundreds of important people and movie stars walking around in the city. They are quiet and dress like the average person. These three were dressed outrageously and probably were very loud at Bergdorf’s and causing a ruckus. It’s a high end store, as you said, and people don’t want attention. It’s not Walmart. For the rest of the show, she wanted everyone to agree with her. You have to agree with Wendy, or else you get the hatchet. I mean really, who does she think she is? A spoiled brat bloviator.
  2. That’s when we know this show is BORING !
  3. True. Unlike the housewives show. They get all glammed up to meet for coffee.
  4. That look about the spatula was deadly. He’s smart. All he had to do was turn on the gas, spray, and throw in the egg. Genius. What was wrong with that? She’s nuts. Then she’s looking in the cabinets and had something to say. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Too critical with everything. She has to chill.
  5. Well, good for you I say. My hubs had open heart surgery and I have five stents after both had a heart attack. Soooooo, things have slowed down due to medications dammit. He was my second love .. I was his first love, but he had many girlfriends before me. We are married a very very long time. I don’t wear pajamas, but wear nite gowns.
  6. Yeah, that’s his name. Molly wanted nothing to do with him, but Blondie did, lol. How about Basement Ryan and her, the one with the vodka? She wanted him in the end, but he wanted Mama. They should have a Reunion of all of them. That would be great t.v.
  7. There’s somebody out there for her, hopefully. She’s a good person. How can we find out if she’s dating or whatever? They should have a show of those who didn’t match to see how they turned out. I’m surprised Shanice and what’s his name we’re on the couples couch, but im happy he’s still around for her and the baby. The season when that blonde “Molly” who hated the guy with the muscles.. he wound up marrying the blonde sex therapist that was on who had three kids.
  8. Hahaha .. that hair gets bigger and bigger every week, unless I’m seeing things. It must be a bitch in 90 degree weather. Lol.
  9. Katy and Jessica have to cool it with the love word. It’s too soon. They both are pressuring the guys and might be sorry. Let the guys tell you first. What’s the rush two weeks in?
  10. Because his looks and body mean nothing. When he opens his mouth for a conversation, he doesn’t make sense. Anybody with half a brain wouldn’t go for him or that pompadour on his head.
  11. A woman doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to. If a man loves you, he will love you no matter what. The thing is, Mindy and Zack are married two weeks unconventually and aren’t in love, although she would want to be. If Zack says he’s coming over to play cards, you take those ugly, baggy jogging pants and tank top off, put on a cute blouse and pants, curl your hair and put some lipstick on. He then will see the same Mindy as on her wedding day. She’s not keeping a man yet because she doesn’t have him yet. That’s the difference. They don’t have any history of marriage or love. He’s not her real partner in the sense. They are just acquaintances right now, and she’s not dusting or making dinner because they are not in love and he does not want to be there. So, let’s agree to disagree, lol.
  12. Cosmetics and clothes are a billion dollar business. What’s wrong with looking your best for yourself? It makes you feel good. Plus, nobody has to “ slather” on makeup. Even a little touch makes you look good, and why not look good? If that’s the case, why did Mindy get all glammed up for her first impression at her wedding? She looked stunning, and Zack thought so too. His first words were “ you look beautiful”.
  13. Who the hell shovels with practically not even chewing, all that food on the table? I’m surprised she didn’t have a reflux attack yet. At 10:30 in the morning no less, with hot sauce. She’s talking shit, and if it wasn’t for poor Norman, there would be nothing. To boot, she’s picking on him now. Last week, it was Suzanne. She’s a lonely miserable woman since this divorce. Also, yes to the long pauses, and then that look. Weird.
  14. I thought I was watching “ AliBabba and the 40 Thieves”. WTF kind of outfit was that? And the turban and hair. She thought she looked chic, but failed. The cute young Russian looked great, and Wendy next to her looked ridiculous. Wendy cannot pull off an outfit like that at her age. Im not liking how she’s going into the audience and embarrassing the people. She asked a guy if the woman he was with was his wife or Mother. She was his wife. Who does that? Between her and her handpicked audience, and the crazy outfits, it’s become a freak show. The guests are far and few between. Good guests, not these guests we don’t even know.
  15. Someone mentioned Joe was dishonest concerning his building or renevating of houses, and was caught. The usual crookary a lot of them do. Wendy jumped on it and talked about it that day. She should have shut up as Melissa was just there. Anyhow, it was true as I saw the story on one of the channels that night. I think Melissa wouldn’t go for that as it wasn’t a big story on other channels, and Wendy didn’t have to say anything.
  16. Thanks! Mindy will take Door #2, and Zack will probably throw up. Lol.
  17. Yep. She’s sort of tomboyish. Some guys like that, some don’t. We’ll see if he likes that.
  18. “Couples Couch”. The L word, on tonite for two hrs. They are really pushing.
  19. You are right. I think they know it and are doing a turn around. Brandon admitting she’s on SM is telling. The show is not fun anymore .. in fact, it’s annoying to say the least. Too bad. I’ve always looked forward to Wednesday nights and snarking.
  20. It was an exercise? Here I thought they were making out on their own. Mindy looked like she was in heaven. He, had a weird smirk on his face. Eyes open, hers closed. What was expected with that? That was bad.
  21. Yeah, and I was just thinking, she made a gigantic meal fit fora King, then she sat down with her phone and starts interrogating Brandon. It wasn’t the time and place and it was stupid. I would have taken the food and left too. The wig is just too much. It overpowers her.
  22. Haha, typical. He should have added “and I don’t know what the hell youre talking about anyhow.” It has been my experience that most times, men hate confrontation, don’t get what we need or want and hate discussions about what’s bothering us. Most are not too verbal. That’s why Brandon took his food and went into another room, or else he would have needed an alkaseltzer. Once, when I was mad at my husband, I said I wanted an apology. He said “ I apologize “. I said “for what”?. He said “for whatever you are mad at”. He didn’t even know. That’s Brandon. Lol.
  23. I agree, the pants and tops have to go. For a young woman, she is blah. When she gets dressed up and fixes her hair and makeup, she looks attractive. She does tho, have to get rid of those front teeth. It would make a world of difference, not for Zack, but anybody. She’s a lovely person and should put her best foot forward. She’s on t.v. for goodness sakes. That goes for Katy too. She always looks messy.
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