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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. This show sucks. Right now I can’t stand ALL of them. Mindy is a dope, Zack is a psycho, Freckles is a brat, Meka is annoying, Taylor is a liar and Jessica is controlling. Oh, and Derek is a kiss ass. I’m sick of seeing rose petals on the floors too.
  2. Zack gaslights Mindy .. she walks away .. then invites him over to look at pictures. Wtf?
  3. She already said he didn’t make the bed ONE time, and he left the toilet seat up a couple of times. She’s counting.
  4. Well, the Mother failed her screen test. I don’t EVER want to see her puss on my t.v. again. She was vile. The little prissy brother and the wimpy husband too.
  5. Besides being uninteresting, she has her whole crew sitting in the audience today. One by one, she’s introducing them and telling us what they actually do. Suzanne is working on overtime keeping them clapping furiously. I can’t stand her. She has to agree with everything Wendy says and isn’t allowed to have a mind of her own. I’m trying to find something else to watch. Any suggestions? P.S. She didn’t talk about the Bachelor, so maybe this show was taped?
  6. In my life,I’ve never met a guy that can talk so much about feelings like these bachelors. What BS. They all must study a script the night before they have to perform. Peter and his brother need a pacifier and blankie and go back to Mother. Plus, Mother’s husband has to grow a pair.
  7. All this is why I only watch the first episode, then the last. The in between is always the same. Boring and too much dialogue .. for nothing.
  8. Does anyone know if they are still together?
  9. OMG, me too. She caused me so much anguish, but what the hell did I know? When I think of it now, I should have moved far away. Her and her two daughters were always stirring the pot.
  10. That mother thinks she’s the only person who loves her kids. She has to learn to let go. She’s ruining them.
  11. Can you imagine what Babs husband goes thru on a daily basis? I feel sorry for him.
  12. So did I, but I did the right thing and was nice to her. Looking back, I’m sorry I was. She didn’t deserve it. I have two daughters in law and treat them like my own and love them.
  13. I thought he would propose to Maddie tonight, but Babs interfered with her big mouth. Peter is a wuss. Maddie did not have a chance, nor will she. To humiliate a young girl like that on national t.v. Is unforgivable. Of course, the husband had to agree with Babs or else. Horrible.
  14. Thank you. That’s exactly what it looked like. 😀
  15. Twenty lashes for me. Not familiar with the customs and currency of certain countries. I meant no disrespect to the culture. 😪
  16. Maybe she’s upset because she lost more friends? She was livid that day telling the story. Now, nobody remembers anything all of a sudden? Tues. Does anyone know what she is talking about lately. Her topics are uninteresting. No guests, talks about she did and ate. Very uninteresting. What else is on?
  17. Yep. Rose pulling the bucks out of his wallet made me sick. WTF do they think? We go to school, have student loans, mortgages and work hard for our money and teach our kids the same. It don’t grow on trees. I don’t like her already .. greedy little bitch.
  18. Maybe smoked sturgeon or whitefish. It’s been so long, I can’t remember. We got it fresh at the fish store, which they don’t have anymore. Potato pancakes and sour cream was a biggie too. My husband would gag, (Italian), lol.
  19. Plus, she doesn’t want to see rolling hills and mountains. She wants to be in the big city. Lots of luck with that.
  20. I’m Polish, and my mother made similar things. We ate herring with raw onions on rye or pumpernickle bread. We always had sour cream in the house too. Black bread was a staple.
  21. He was in Russia. What did he expect, Chicken cutlet Parmesan with pasta on the side?
  22. She can exercise all she wants. She has zero personality or smarts. I’ve NEVER heard a decent conversation coming out of her mouth.
  23. Those boobs out all the time is not a nice look for her age. Not classy, or even sexy.
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