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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. So, my girlfriend just flew back from Key West where everyone was partying and having a blast. She went thru Kennedy Airport without a care in the world and just laughs this whole scare off. NOTHING stops some people. COPD is no joke. It’s not worth a crummy dinner.
  2. The few times we went in the car for some air, the lines for fast food were long. I don’t think fast food is a good idea either. Pizza too. I have a second cataract surgery scheduled for a week from today at the hospital. Maybe I’ll get a call to cancel .. I don’t know. Maybe I should cancel? I have to decide as it’s not like it’s an emergency. Everything is confusing. We’re retired, so I don’t have to worry about going to work at least. I feel bad for people that are alone and have no one to depend on. Supermarket delivery and pharmacies are helpful as they deliver. People we know had a wedding in Miami, but it was cancelled as there were lots of travelers. My daughter told me Andy Cohen is getting texts to put the N.Y. Housewives on now so we have something to watch. Disney released a movie early too for the kids at home. What a mess. How long can this go on?
  3. What a difference a season makes. Darcy looks like shit. Boobs up to her throat, bloated face, straggly hair, weight gain. She better not go to N.Y. But, we have to see the breakup. Lol. T.v. Gold.
  4. It had to be hand made as it was wooden. Whoever made it put their name on it. Maybe from a foreign country or in jail where he was supposidly.
  5. Oh, that fish mouth. She’s looking haggard this season. Can’t beat Father Time.
  6. At her age, I can’t imagine what The Who-ha looks like, IF he could find it underneath all the fat rolls. BARF !
  7. Well, thanks. I guess we all are on the right track. I’m using everything in my freezer finally. Thank God for t.v. and the I pad or else I’d go bonkers. Geeze .. how long will this go on? Ridiculous. I need fresh air.
  8. How is everyone? Are you all mostly staying in the house because of the virus? My husband has been going to the stores to get what’s necessary, but I guess that’s like me going too. If he gets something, so will i. My girlfriend just flew back from Key West ( not afraid) and our friends are on a cruise in the Caribbean. Guess they aren’t worried. All schools closed here and colleges (Long Island), plus the City and Broadway. Frightening. I’m mostly watching Netflix and Hulu and reading. I don’t know what to do. What’s everyone of you all doing? Staying in or what?
  9. Besides Netflix and Hulu I’ve been watching, a new Jane Austin book streaming if anyone interested, from Amazon Prime. Called “Sandition”.
  10. Truthfully, I think she misses married life and her house in Jersey. She had her supermarkets and shopping there and went about her business without getting dolled up. It’s different in the City. There’s the elevator and the paps with the cameras when you go out, even to a store. Plus, who does she have there? The City is so different than the suburbs. You have to be on your guard all the time .. not like in Jersey where she lived. She doesn’t have little Kev either, and has to take a plane to visit her parents and little Kev. I really don’t think she’s thrilled with her new life and it shows no matter what she says. The only way she might hook up is thru introduction, I assume. She needs a man.
  11. I haven’t really watched this week much. She’s so all over the place and doesn’t make sense. And, I can’t stand Suzanne babbling nonsense and nodding her head in agreement with everything Wendy says. I cant understand how Wendy is even still on this show. Lousy reporting, fresh to everyone, depends on Norman, etc. Surprisd they haven’t cancelled her by now. Everything has gone down hill. All she talks about is who brought her what for dinner and other stupid things she did at home. This is a show? I don’t even know these guests she has on. Bad news all around.
  12. Home for a few months? Don’t tell me they will have repeats.
  13. First of all, why have “Ask Wendy” in the first place? She is not qualified to give anyone advice about anything. She’s very opinionated and let her husband shit all over her for years. She doesn’t entertain, as it’s too much work for her, and is very spoiled as she has people bringing her food or taking it home from the table on the show. Big Kev must have done everything for her. How she can give anyone relationship advice is beyond me. She’s the last person I would ask.
  14. Mindy probably trusts the experts that paired them together. She thinks they know what they are doing and have reason to believe that she and Zack belong together. Little does she know that production does the picking, not the experts. She has a lot of restraint to deal with the way Zack treats her. I would have let him have it long ago and dumped the girlfriend face to face. She is too calm. She’s too good for her own good. There is someone out there for her and it isn’t Zack. She’s a sweetheart and boo to this show for pairing her with that creep. Her storyline was good for the show, but not good for her.
  15. Jessica doesn’t know what’s important in a marriage yet. Wait. She’s picking on stupid things. She’s running her marriage like her job. Her home life should be cozy and fun. She has a great guy there and better cool the digs. They could get to him after awhile.
  16. Same here, and that should be the very least thing on her mind in a marriage. He seems to go over and beyond for her in every way, and she’s complaining? She’s a bit much and has to learn to overlook. I don’t hear him complaining about things she does like being a nag and a pickayoune.
  17. So, Mindy may be bulimic, and Zack is a Fuck Face. Him and Freckels should get together. Mr. & Mrs. Freckels and Fuck Face. It has a nice ring to it.
  18. Purging would make sense, but why would that hinder Zack from living with her? Would that gross him out?
  19. She wants to travel. La de da. What about a house, kids, savings account?
  20. Mindy’s final performance should be going behind Zack with an electric razor and shaving off his hair right down to the front in one swift move. That will get him. Stupid I know, but th@t pompadour just gets to me. He thinks he’s so gorgeous.
  21. I would NOT be surprised if he doesn’t stay with her in the end. She gives too many orders, and it’s only the beginning. He overly does everything right, and still she has to give those subtle digs.
  22. I couldn’t read everything, but, didn’t Brandon leave last week? All of a sudden, he magically appeared again last night? Was getting that stupid apology card his final performance? Then after telling her off, he left for good. Maybe. Taylor and that hair. I just cant.
  23. Mindy never sees the writing on the wall. You just want to shake her.
  24. Mindy is a mop. She lets people wash the floor with her. Someone needs to beat the shit out of Zack. I know .. I’m exaggerating, but something in that order. Why does Michael never look at people in the eyes when he talks to them? He’s always looking down. One month and Jessica wants an “I love you”. Pushing, pushing.
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